What Prevailing Mood Is Conveyed In Arachne

What Prevailing Mood Is Conveyed In Arachne

what prevailing mood is conveyed in Arachne?

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1. what prevailing mood is conveyed in Arachne?

Boastful is the prevailing mood conveyed in Arachne.

2. what prevailing mood is conveyed in arachne ? find phrases in the selection that convey that mood clearly

Anger, too proud, boastfulness

3. What prevailing mood is conveyed in "Arachne"? find words/phrases in the selection that convey that mood clearly.

Arachne is about pride and limitation.

      Arachne is a fable about pride and human limitations at its core. Arachne is a young woman with extraordinary weaving talent who thrives on the adoration of her customers. Eventually, Arachne's youth and inexperience, along with her awareness of her exceptional talents, lead her to boast that her weaving is even greater than Athena's.

     Arachne was thought by many to have been tutored by Athena, the goddess of (among many other things) spinners and embroiderers, but she refused to give the goddess any credit for having taught her how to weave so exquisitely.

Arachne hanged herself out of fear and embarrassment. As a sign of her love for Arachne, Athena said, "Live on then, and hang, condemned one, but, lest you be careless in the future, this same condition is declared, in punishment, against your descendants, to the last generation!" She then sprinkled her with the juice of Hecate's herb, and at the touch of this dark poison, Arachne's hair fell out instantly.

    Athena was vengeful and wouldn't let Arachne to rest in peace after her death. To ensure that the dead girl would be destined to weave and spin forever, she transformed her into a spider.

Learn more about Phrases: https://brainly.ph/question/6188692?referrer=searchResults


4. What is the prevailing mood in the play? Describe it.

The question pertains to an unidentified play. However, there are certain plays with their own particular moods. Some of the moods that are being shown in some plays, which can be positive or negative, are the following:

1.    Peaceful

2.    Mellow

3.    Sympathetic

4.    Angry

5.    Apathetic

6.    Gloomy

7.    Lively

8.    Grumpy

9.    Melancholic

10.  Depressing

11.  Loving

12.  Energetic

13.  Slow


5. what is the mood and tone in arachne?

Arachne is a very skillful spinner. Her works is considered a high work of art and she has always earn accolades and praises because of it. She even gain a high reputation because of his adept skill in spinning or weaving. This is the start of her failure. She fails to acknowledge the God of wisdom and crafts who bestowed her gift of skill and thought that she is as mighty and as great as any God. In a contest where she challenges Athena, she failed because Athena's works are way better than hers. She has always had the fear of losing his capability and talent to spin or weave because that is all that matters to her.

6. what prevailing mood is conveyed in "arachne"? find words/phrases in the selection that convey that moods clearly

Good triumphs over evil.

7. Describe the tone and mood of the story Arachne.

The tone of the story of Arachne is serious because it aims to earnestly remind the readers and everybody the value of humility and gratefulness for all the blessings received. On the other hand, the prevailing mood of the story of Arachne is unhappy because Arachne ended as a spider destined to spin for the rest of her life because of being boastful of her talents and skills. She should have been on the Earth acting like a normal person if she had only recognized the value of humility. 

8. What prevailing mood is conveyed in arachne find words/phrases in the selection that convey the mood clearly


It is a haughty feeling. “I would challenge her in a contest but she would not come.” We must not think that others are inferior to us or we are superior just like what the story pointed. The climax of the story Arachne is when the girl was being killed by Athena, concerning her bad behavioral way to her.


This story was only part of a myth which is not telling the true facts but only conceiving the thought of the author where he makes the story through his imagination or found somewhere else story.

Even this story is just part of a myth but it means a lot of giving importance to having the right behavior most of the time. What can we learn from this story the way we deal with people?

These are the following lessons that we learn from this story:

1. Dealing with people in the right way.

2. Thinking superior to others is like to step on the slippery narrow road, that if you never care for, it might bring you down.

3. Everyone has its own talent, which means expect that they can perform also as what you can do.

4. Give chances to others, so that the attention might not yours only just as what Athena did to Arachne but she rejected the chances of Athena.

5. Appreciation from whatever gift we receive whether small or big is the best way to give back to the person who gave it.

For more information about the tone and prevailing mood of the story Arachne, please open this given link. https://brainly.ph/question/195905

What are some behavior shows in this story?

The story contains the list of behavior both Athena and Arachne are as follows: Wrathful. Boldness. Courage. Smart. Clever. Competitively.

For more information about prevailing mood is conveyed in "Arachne" find words/phrases in the selection that convey that mood clearly, please open this given link. https://brainly.ph/question/397626

For this story, Athena was made feeling guilty at that time. Because she made it happen to make the girl in another form of a spider. People are close to each other, it's so easy to talk and talk about things not just about them but also about other people. And for this reason, the stories spread more to some people. But this story was just a myth only.

For more information about is the prevailing mood in the play, please open this given link. https://brainly.ph/question/1378564

9. the setting sometimes creates an atmosphere or mood that prevails in the story. what mood or atmosphere prevails in the syory? how does the setting contribute to this? Orpheus story po​


Mood prevail in the story

- Sad


-in love

10. 1. What caused Arachn's fears and failures 2. How did Arachne try to fight her fear and carry out the condition of the challenge ? 3. How does she feel about her wearing skill? 4. what prevailing mood is conveyed in "Arachne"? find words/phrases in the selection that convey that mood clearly. 5. what tone is used in the selection? Cite paragraph/s that support your contention? 6. Describe how the mood and the tone contribute to the total effect of the story.

Arachne, the weaver

Arachne, the weaver is a part of the Greek and Roman mythology. The story of Arachne was written by a poet named Ovid, who has a Roman descent. In summary, the story tells about a girl named Arachne who was dubbed to be a great weaver. She was proud of her skills and competed with the goddess Athena. The competition ended on Athena's favor which caused fear to Arachne. The story ended by cursing Arachne that she and her descendants would weave for their entire lives.  

Answers to the questions: Arachne's failures and fears were caused by her being too proud of her skills. In addition, she is going to compete with a goddess of craft In order to fight her fears and carry out the conditions of the challenge, she did her best and eventually lost the contest She felt confident and proud with her skills until she saw Athena's work The prevailing mood is being proud The tone used was teaching values since the story tried to teach a lesson The main character was proud until she was humbled  

For additional information regarding the ideas or concepts related to the topic of arachne, refer to the following links:

Some of the descriptions for arachne https://brainly.ph/question/456337

Where did the story of arachne took place? https://brainly.ph/question/398355

What was the conflict in the story of arachne? https://brainly.ph/question/1610459


11. The setting sometimes create an atmosphere or mood that prevails in the story?what mood or atmosphere prevails in the story ? How does the setting contribute to this?


the mood that prevailed in the story are bravery, unity and ... What is the setting of the story truce in the forest ... The atmosphere of a story often refers to the story's tone.


+(sana makatulong)+

12. What is the similarity of arachne and spider? what is the difference of arachne and spider?

aracne and the spider know how to weav.

spider is just a symbol. arachne is a creature from Greek mythology.

13. 11. it refers to the general mood or feeling prevailing in the story plss answer guys ​



14. describe how the mood and the tone contribute to the total effect of the story arachne

The mood and the tone of the story of Arachne indeed contribute to the total effect of the story. Its mood targets to hook the emotional aspects of the readers in order to create somewhat a lasting retention in the readers. As we can see, the story is quite sad having to turn the spinner into a spider because of her arrogance. In the same light the tone is quite serious and that even adds to the aura that the story needs some serious attention and consideration from the readers. 

15. (Arachne) describe how the mood in the tone contribute to the total effect of the story

Arachene in the story is somewhat satirical the way she speaks and confront the Goddess Athene/Athene which is the goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature.

16. What is the tone and mood of the story Arachne?

the tone and mood of Arachne is satirical.

17. What is the tone and prevailing mood of the story Arachne?

The tone of the story of Arachne is serious because it aims to earnestly remind the readers and everybody the value of humility and gratefulness for all the blessings received. On the other hand, the prevailing mood of the story of Arachne is unhappy because Arachne ended as a spider destined to spin for the rest of her life because of being boastful of her talents and skills. She should have been on the Earth acting like a normal person if she had only recognized the value of humility.

18. Describe the TONE and MOOD of the story ARACHNE with at least 2 sentences 1.TONE 2.MOOD​


somtimes I don't wanna be happy

19. what mood had arachne in the story?

Arachne is a very skillful spinner. Her works is considered a high work of art and she has always earn accolades and praises because of it. She even gain a high reputation because of his adept skill in spinning or weaving. This is the start of her failure. She fails to acknowledge the God of wisdom and crafts who bestowed her gift of skill and thought that she is as mighty and as great as any God. In a contest where she challenges Athena, she failed because Athena's works are way better than hers. She has always had the fear of losing his capability and talent to spin or weave because that is all that matters to her.

20. What is the prevailing mood or tone of the poem africa my africa?

In the poem " Africa, My Africa" , there are three kinds of tone that can be seen. The first tone is heard in the first six and the last two lines of the poem which speaks of the speaker's feelings, which is triumphal . Triumphal in a sense that a celebratory feeling. The speaker is triumphal when he speaks of his country, Africa with pride and greatness.

The second tone is found in the line " Your beautiful black blood that irrigates the fields" which expressed sadness. The author feels sad because of the backbreaking labor of the people of Africa.

The third tone or the tertiary tone was spoken in a grave voice that is gentle yet earnest in the the last few lines.

21. what is the prevailing mood in the play? describe it?​

imsosorry sorry hope you feel better soon


I'm sorry too I hope u had a great day❤



22. describe how the mood and tone contribute to the total effect of the story of arachne?

The mood of the story of Arachne is proud or boastful while its tone is quite serious. In such way, the mood and tone of the story affects the over-all aura of the story because it somehow gives an initial judgement as to the quality or type of the story. The mood of the story being boastful awakens personal ideas and feelings regarding to why and how she boasts on things like her weaving talents and skills. In the same way, the tone tries to show to the readers that the message of the story is necessary to be learned especially to the youth, the value of humility is an indispensable trait to be acquired by the young. 

23. what is the: (1) text tone (2) text mood and (3) author's prevailing technique ~of "while the auto waits"


In literary terms, tone typically refers to the mood implied by an author's word choice and the way that the text can make a reader feel. The tone an author uses in a piece of writing can evoke any number of emotions and perspectives. Tone can also span a wide array of textual styles, from terse to prosaic.

As a literary device, mood refers to the emotional response that the writer wishes to evoke in the reader through a story. This response can range anywhere from feelings of calm, fear, anger, or joy depending on the literary work.

It means never rely on a machine to do the hard work for u can do it your

24. describe how the mood and the tone contribute to the total effect of the story of arachne

The tone of the story of Orpheus is sad, lonely and painful because the story concentrates on Orpheus looking for ways on how to bring his wife to life after being bitten by snakes. His depression and sadness is shown in his powerful music that pushes him to defy the natural destiny of his wife, requesting the Gods of the underground to let him redeem his wife. The pain he felt when his wife died after the wedding is extraordinarily too much to handle.There is also quite a tension in the mood of the story sine Arachne challenges the God of wisdom and crafts making her and ungrateful person. It entirely and greatly contributes to the total effect of the story of Arachne because its tone and mood speaks so much of the intensity and degree of conflict that arises in the story.

25. describe how the mood and the tone contribute all total effect of the story arachne

The mood of the story of Arachne is sad because at the end of the story she was cursed and turned into a spider as punishment for her being arrogant and ungrateful to the source of her talents. It contributed to the total effect of the story because after reading it made the readers feel sad and gloomy too upon learning her sad ending and it is even more effective especially if it touches the emotional aspect of a person. The tone is serious and it contributed to the total effect of the story in a way that the story was received by the readers like a serious and significant issue as it was portrayed through its tone.

26. describe how the mood and the tone contribute to the total effect of the story arachne

The mood and the the tone of the story about Arachne contributed to the total effect of the story because it manages to stir some emotions in the readers. The tone being serious somehow signals that the message of the story needs to be understood and lived by in our daily lives while the mood which is sad greatly shows the sad ending of the story. Arachne was cursed into a spider that webs forever because she failed to beat the Goddess, Athena. 

27. Describe how the mood and the tone contribute to the total effect of the story "Arachne"

The mood and the tone of the story of Arachne serves as spices and seasonings of the story because it heightens the total effect of the story. The message of the story was clearly delivered to the readers because of the effective mood and tone that is being use in writing the story. It has been known that the mood of the story is tragic and the tone is serious. The combination of both elements adds to the literary value of the story. 

28. What prevailing mood is conveyed in arachne find words/phrases in the selection that convey the mood clearly

boastful, when she challenge Athena to compete with her.

29. Describe how the mood and the tone contribute to the total effect of the story arachne

The mood of the story refers to the atmosphere or the emotional setting of the story while the tone is the way in which the author expresses or delivers the story. In the story of Arachne, the mood is sad and the tone is serious. The mood and the tone of the story largely contributes to the over-all effect of the story because it serves a a seasoning of the story. It helps convince the readers on the probability of the story's occurence in real life. It adds impact and most of all emotional effect.

30. the mood in the story arachne

the mood in the arachne story is sad..

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