It Is A Product Of Earth s Natural Processes

It Is A Product Of Earth s Natural Processes

WHAT I AM: O S I L S F U E L F 1. Natural fuel that came from the remains of living things. N E R I M A L 2. Natural, solid materials found on Earth that are the building blocks of rock. N O I T A V R E S N O C 3. It is the wise use of natural resources so that it will not be used uptoo soon or use in a way that will damage the environment. G N I L C Y C E R 4. It is the process of reusing a given product that may be beyond its intended use or producing a new product from recyclable material. N I O T U O P L L 5. It is the introduction of harmful substances to the natural environment

Daftar Isi

1. WHAT I AM: O S I L S F U E L F 1. Natural fuel that came from the remains of living things. N E R I M A L 2. Natural, solid materials found on Earth that are the building blocks of rock. N O I T A V R E S N O C 3. It is the wise use of natural resources so that it will not be used uptoo soon or use in a way that will damage the environment. G N I L C Y C E R 4. It is the process of reusing a given product that may be beyond its intended use or producing a new product from recyclable material. N I O T U O P L L 5. It is the introduction of harmful substances to the natural environment

O S I L S F U E L F 1. Natural fuel that came from the remains of living things.

N E R I M A L 2. Natural, solid materials found on Earth that are the building blocks

of rock.

N O I T A V R E S N O C 3. It is the wise use of natural resources so that it will not be used uptoo soon or use in a way that will damage the environment.

G N I L C Y C E R 4. It is the process of reusing a given product that may be beyond its

intended use or producing a new product from recyclable material.

N I O T U O P L L 5. It is the introduction of harmful substances to the natural



  A fossil fuel is a hydrocarbon-containing material formed naturally in the earth's crust from the remains of dead plants and animals that is extracted and burned as a fuel.

    A naturally occurring, solid, inorganic element or compound having a uniform composition and a regularly repeating internal structure. Minerals typically have a characteristic hardness and color, or range of colors, by which they can be recognized. Rocks are made up of minerals

Conservation is the act of protecting Earth's natural resources for current and future generations

Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. Recycling can benefit your community and the environment

Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic ash. They can also be created by human activity, such as trash or runoff produced by factories. Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land.



2. WHAT I AM: O S I L S F U E L F 1. Natural fuel that came from the remains of living things. N E R I M A L 2. Natural, solid materials found on Earth that are the building blocks of rock. N O I T A V R E S N O C 3. It is the wise use of natural resources so that it will not be used uptoo soon or use in a way that will damage the environment. G N I L C Y C E R 4. It is the process of reusing a given product that may be beyond its intended use or producing a new product from recyclable material. N I O T U O P L L 5. It is the introduction of harmful substances to the natural environment

What I Am

FOSSIL FUEL 1. Natural fuel that came from the remains of living things.

MINERAL 2. Natural, solid materials found on Earth that are the building blocks of rock.

CONSERVATION 3. It is the wise use of natural resources so that it will not be used uptoo soon or use in a way that will damage the environment.

GLYCERIN 4. It is the process of reusing a given product that may be beyond its intended use or producing a new product from recyclable material.

POLLUTION 5. It is the introduction of harmful substances to the natural environment.


3. characteristic of mineralsarrange the jumbled letters to find the appropriate criteria to determine whether a material is classified as a mineral or not.1. N L T L A U R Y N G O I R U C C __________________- it is a product of earth's natural processes2. C A I I R O G N __________-it must be product of earth's physical processes.3. S O U E N E G O M O H D I L O S __________-have definite shape and volume.4. E N I L L A T S Y R C E S R T R U C U T _________________-atoms are arranged in order of increasing pattern.5. L M C E H A I N O I T O C M O P S I _______________-represented by chemical formula.​









4. II. Modified True or False Write T If the statement is correct. Otherwise change the underlined word (s) to make the statement correct, Write your answer on the blank before the number1. Hazard is a potentially damaging physical event, phenomenon, or humanactivity that may cause the loss of life or injury 2. Geologic hazard is an extreme natural event in the crust of the earth that pose a threat to life and property3 Geologic hazard includes tropical storms, tomadoes and hurricanes. 4. Man- made hazard includes epidemic in plants, nuclear accidents andindustrial explosions and fires 5. Disaster happens when there is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society6. Hazards are the potentials for damage to man and his environment that may result from the occurrence of natural events7 Earthquake-induced landslides is an example of hydrologic hazard8. Disaster risk reduction is a systematic approach to identifying assessing and reducing the risks of disaster9. Risk assessment is a term used to describe the over-all process or method where you identify hazard and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm 10 Exposure refers to the situation of people, infrastructure, housing, productioncapacities or property11. Vulnerability refers to factors such as physical social, economic and environmental, that increase the susceptibility to the impact of a hazard​














5. life existEarthGrade and SectionScore:Test 1. Matching TypeDirections: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.STRICTLY NO ERASURECOLUMN ACOLUMNB1. The gaseous layer above the Earth's A. AtmosphereSurrareB Bins shere2. The zone of the Earth where all forms of C. CleavageD. Crystal3.It includes core, mantle, and crust of theE. GeosphereF. Homogeneous Solid4. The water part of the EarthG. Hydrosphere5.Primarily composed of 78% nitrogen andH. Igneous21% oxygenI. Inorganic6.The solid EarthJ. Luster7.A product of Earth's natural processesK. Metamorphic8. Product of Earth's physical processes.L. Mohs Hardness Scale9. Minerals should have definite volume and M. Naturally occurringrigid shapeN. Petrology10. How light is reflected off a surface0. Rocks11. Mineral's resistance to being broken and P. SectilityfractureQ. Streak12. Describes the mineral reaction to stressR. Tenacity13. True color of mineralS. Palaeontology14.A ranking of mineral from softest hardest15. Ability of mineral to be cut by knife16. Repeating pattern in minerals in solid17. Scientific study of rocks.18.Formed from hardening andcrystallization of manma​


12. Describes the mineral reaction to stress

R. Tenacity

13. True color of mineral

S. Palaeontology

14.A ranking of mineral from softest hardest

15. Ability of mineral to be cut by knife


6. LOOKING BACK JUMBLED LETTERS. Directions: Rearrange the jumbled letters to identify the term being asked using the descriptions given. O S I L S F U E L F 1. Natural fuel that came from the remains of living things. N E R I M A L 2. Natural, solid materials found on Earth that are the building blocks of rock. N O I T A V R E S N O C 3. It is the wise use of natural resources so that it will not be used up too soon or use in a way that will damage the environment. G N I L C Y C E R 4. It is the process of reusing a given product that may be beyond its intended use or producing a new product from recyclable material. N I O T U O P L L 5. It is the introduction of harmful substances to the natural environment.


1.Fossil FUel





7. Which does not describe the lithosphere? a.) Lithosphere is made of molten rocks. b.) Plates of lithosphere are gradually moving. c.) Lithosphere is divided into slabs called plates. d.) The lithosphere is made of the crust and the upper mantle. 2.) Which of the given pairs is incorrectly matched? a.) Pacific plate: Philippine Sea plate b.) Eurasian plate: Nazca plate c.) Antarctic plate: Cocos plate d.) Somali plate: Caribbean plate 3.) Which type of crust is the thickest? a.) Continental b.) Oceanic c.) Both continental and oceanic d.) Cannot be determined 4.) Which does not describe tectonic plates? a.) Tectonic plates are slabs of lithosphere. b.) The boundaries of tectonic plates are active. c.) The central part of tectonic plates is the most active. d.) Tectonic plates are slabs of lithosphere that are gradually moving. 5.) What shows that the plates are moving? a.) Sudden shaking of the ground b.) Formation of thick and basaltic crust c.) Occurrences of natural hazards d.) Distribution of active volcanoes, mountain belts, and earthquake epicenters 6.) Which natural hazard is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, because of movements within the earth’s crust or volcanic action? a.) Tsunami b.) Flooding c.) Earthquake d.) Thunderstorm 7.) What is the best way to locate the epicenter of the earthquake? a.) Triangulation method b.) Venn diagram c.) Tracing d.) Measurement of intensity 8.) Which of these is not true about the Philippine islands? a.) Some are products of the subduction process. b.) Some originated geologically in an oceanic-oceanic convergence. c.) Some are formed because of the convergence of the Philippine Sea plate and the Pacific plate. d.) Most are part of the Philippine mobile belt, except for Palawan, Mindoro, and Zamboanga. 9.) The Philippines is surrounded by trenches—the Philippine Trench, Manila Trench, Negros Trench, Sulu Trench, and the Cotabato Trench. What does this indicate in terms of the movement of the plates? a.) The Philippines is surrounded by colliding continental crusts. b.) The constant dipping of the lithosphere induces earthquakes. c.) The convergence of the plates created subduction resulting to trench formation. d.) The divergence of crusts created under thrusting which resulted to the formation of trenches. 10.) 10.If you visit a place in the Pacific known to be in converging plates, which of these should you not expect to see? a.) Rift valleys b.) Active volcanoes c.) Mountain ranges d.) Volcanic island 11.) Which wave carries energy from the focus to the surface of the earth? a.) Electromagnetic waves b.) Ocean waves c.) Seismic waves d.) Sound waves 12.) How are P waves distinguished from S waves? a.) P waves can pass through solid. b.) P waves arrives first followed by S waves. c.) P waves are slower and with higher frequency. d.) P waves shake from side to side and go up and down 13.) How is the epicenter of an earthquake located? a.) By identifying the arrival time of P waves. b.) By detecting the stronger ground shaking is stronger and more devastating destruction. c.) By using the triangulation method. d.) By using a seismograph that records seismic waves with high frequencies. 14.) Which of the statements best describes the time difference between S and P waves? a.) It indicates the distance of an earthquake in the seismograph. b.) The smaller the difference, the farther the distance of the earthquake. c.) It is the delay in the time of arrival of the S waves. d.) It indicates the epicenter of the earthquake. 15.) When is the formula d =Time difference in seconds/8 seconds x100 km used to locate the distance of the earthquake from the seismograph station? a.) If seismic activities are thousands of kilometers away from the seismograph station. b.) If seismic activities are is hundreds of kilometers away from the seismograph station. c.) If seismic activities happen for a short time. d.) If seismic activities last a long period of time.​


1. B

2. D

3. C

4. A

5. C

6. B.

7. B.

8. D.

9. C

10. B.

11. B.

12. A.


14. B

15. D




8. life existEarthDirections: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided betore the nunSTRICTLY NO ERASURECOLUMNACOLUMN B1. The gaseous layer above the Earth's A. AtmosphereSurfaceB Biospshere2. The zone of the Earth where all forms of C. CleavageD. Crystal_3.It includes core, mantle, and crust of the E. GeosphereF. Homogeneous Solid4. The water part of the EarthG. Hydrosphere5.Primarily composed of 78% nitrogen andH. Igneous21% oxygen1. Inorganic6.The solid EarthJ. Luster7.A product of Earth's natural processesK. Metamorphic8. Product of Earth's physical processes.L. Mohs Hardness Scale9. Minerals should have definite volume and M. Naturally Occurringrigid shapeN. Petrology10. How light is reflected off a surfaceO. Rocks11. Mineral's resistance to being broken and P. SectilityfractureQ. Streak12. DESCITES Úne minerai reaction to stressR Tenacity13.True color of mineralS. Palaeontology14.A ranking of mineral from softest hardest15. Ability of mineral to be cut by knife16. Repeating pattern in minerals in solid17. Scientific study of rocks.18.Formed from hardening andcrystallization of magma19. Classified as igneous, sedimentary, andmetamorphic rock.20 Forms from pre-existing rocks​


Hindi po maayos ang mga question sorry di ko yan masasagutan

9. Directions: Read and analyze the following questions. Write the CAPITAL LETTER of the correct answer. 1. What is the correct order of the layers of Earth’s atmosphere from bottom to top? A. Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere B. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere C. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere D. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere 2. What layer of the atmosphere where weather occurs? A. Exosphere B. Mesosphere C. Stratosphere D. Troposphere 3. What instrument is used to measure air pressure? A. Barometer B. Radiosonde C. Seismograph D. Thermometer 4. Which is not a function of the atmosphere? A. Produces ground – level ozone B. Supplies most of the oxygen needed by living things C. Shields the planet from radiation and falling meteors D. Makes the planet’s surface temperature stable and prevents extreme temperatures. 5. What do greenhouse gases do in our atmosphere? A. They make the Earth cooler B. They keep all the air within the Earth C. They block harmful radiation from reaching the Earth D. They let sunlight pass through the atmosphere, but they prevent the heat that the sunlight brings from leaving the atmosphere. O S I L S F U E L F 1. Natural fuel that came from the remains of living things. N E R I M A L 2. Natural, solid materials found on Earth that are the building blocks of rock. N O I T A V R E S N O C 3. It is the wise use of natural resources so that it will not be used up too soon or use in a way that will damage the environment. G N I L C Y C E R 4. It is the process of reusing a given product that may be beyond its intended use or producing a new product from recyclable material. N I O T U O P L L 5. It is the introduction of harmful substances to the natural environment.

1. What is the correct order of the layers of Earth’s atmosphere from bottom to top?

A. Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere.

2.What layer of the atmosphere where weather occurs?

D. Troposphere

It is made up of four main layers: the troposphere (which is where most of our weather occurs), the stratosphere, mesosphere and the thermosphere.

3. What instrument is used to measure air pressure?

A. Barometer

A barometer is a scientific instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure, also called barometric pressure.

4. Which is not a function of the atmosphere?

D. Makes the planet’s surface temperature stable and prevents

Makes the planet’s surface temperature stable and preventsextreme temperature.

5. What do greenhouse gases do in our atmosphere?

D. They let sunlight pass through the atmosphere, but they prevent theheat that the sunlight brings from leaving the atmosphere.


Fussil fuels









10. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letters on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Which does not describe the lithosphere? A. Lithosphere is made of molten rocks. B. Lithosphere is divided into slabs called plates. C. Plates of lithosphere are gradually moving. D. The lithosphere is made of the crust and the upper mantle. 2. Which of the given pairs is incorrectly matched? A. Pacific plate: Philippine Sea plate B. Eurasian plate: Nazca plate C. Antarctic plate: Cocos plate D. Somali plate: Caribbean plate 3. Which type of crust is the thickest? A. Continental C. Both continental and oceanic B. Oceanic D. Cannot be determined 4. Which does not describe tectonic plates? A. Tectonic plates are slabs of lithosphere. B. The boundaries of tectonic plates are active. C. The central part of tectonic plates is the most active. D. Tectonic plates are slabs of lithosphere that are gradually moving. 5. What shows that the plates are moving? A. Sudden shaking of the ground B. Formation of thick and basaltic crust C. Occurrences of natural hazards D. Distribution of active volcanoes, mountain belts, and earthquake epicenters 6. Which natural hazard is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, because of movements within the earth’s crust or volcanic action? A. Tsunami B. Flooding C. Earthquake D. Thunderstorm 7. What is the best way to locate the epicenter of the earthquake? A. Triangulation method C. Tracing B. Venn diagram D. Measurement of intensity 8. Which of these is not true about the Philippine islands? A. Some are products of the subduction process. B. Some originated geologically in an oceanic-oceanic convergence. C. Some are formed because of the convergence of the Philippine Sea plate and the Pacific plate. D. Most are part of the Philippine mobile belt, except for Palawan, Mindoro, and Zamboanga. 9. The Philippines is surrounded by trenches—the Philippine Trench, Manila Trench, Negros Trench, Sulu Trench, and the Cotabato Trench. What does this indicate in terms of the movement of the plates? A. The Philippines is surrounded by colliding continental crusts. B. The constant dipping of the lithosphere induces earthquakes. C. The convergence of the plates created subduction resulting to trench formation. D. The divergence of crusts created under thrusting which resulted to the formation of trenches. 10. If you visit a place in the Pacific known to be in converging plates, which of these should you not expect to see? A. Rift valleys C. Mountain ranges B. Active volcanoes D. Volcanic island 11. Which wave carries energy from the focus to the surface of the earth? A. Electromagnetic waves C. Seismic waves B. Ocean waves D. Sound waves 12. How are P waves distinguished from S waves? A. P waves can pass through solid. B. P waves arrives first followed by S waves. C. P waves are slower and with higher frequency. D. P waves shake from side to side and go up and down 13. How is the epicenter of an earthquake located? A. By identifying the arrival time of P waves. B. By detecting the stronger ground shaking is stronger and more devastating destruction. C. By using the triangulation method. D. By using a seismograph that records seismic waves with high frequencies. 14. Which of the statements best describes the time difference between S and P waves? A. It indicates the distance of an earthquake in the seismograph. B. The smaller the difference, the farther the distance of the earthquake. C. It is the delay in the time of arrival of the S waves. D. It indicates the epicenter of the earthquake. 15. When is the formula used to locate the distance of the earthquake from the seismograph station? A. If seismic activities are thousands of kilometers away from the seismograph station. B. If seismic activities are is hundreds of kilometers away from the seismograph station. C. If seismic activities happen for a short time. D. If seismic activities last a long period of time.




base on my answer


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