Personal Development Module 1 Answer Key

Personal Development Module 1 Answer Key

answer key of Personal Development quarter 1 module 2​

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1. answer key of Personal Development quarter 1 module 2​

i'll answer you later i have something to do

2. Personal Development Module 06 Answer key What I Know 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. D Assessment 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. CHope it helps ​


Thanks for the points


Thank you for the points

3. Personal Development Module 07Answer key:What I Know Assessment 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. False 8. False 9. False 10. True 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. B 10.AHope it helps ​


thanks bro Ur the best


pa brainliest kailangan ko Kasi eh


Thank you po


Need ko po eh

4. Quarter 2- Module 1: Identifying Key Structural Elements of Exposition - Statement of Position: 1. Write the correct answer. 1. It is an introductory statement of position that presents an opinion and make a claim an issue. To persuade the reader to agree with the author and stand supported by arguments and evidences. 2. It starts with a topic sentence and summarizes the issue. It Informs the reader of your point of view. 3. It is the selection of words used to express how certain you are about something. Examples are definitely, certainly, always and the like. 4. This needs to start with a clear and forceful statement of position. This is supported by some background information about the issue. 5. It is something that you can explain. It is near and dear to your heart. It should be center around a personal belief that is supported by evidence. 6. It is used to organize your thoughts to give your audience an easy way to understand what you are saying. 7. This is where the argument is emphasized. 8. It is the reason for or intent in writing, may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform, or to satirize a condition. 9. It needs to be logically developed and supported, and justified with reasons, examples, expert evidence and statistical information, and always begin each paragraph with a key statement or general statement. 10. This includes general statement of position, elaboration that references documents and source data, and past experiences.PATULONG NAMAN PO!!​


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1. Hook

2. Introduction

3. Adverbs of certainty

4.  Values

5. Position

6. Outline

7. Supporting Arguments

8. Purpose

9. Reasoning

10. Position paper

5. (2. It is a document or letter publicly declaring the position or program, a set ofideas, opinions, or views and can also lay out a plan of action and is oftenpolitical in nature.a. Research Paperc. Abstract​)ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL PURPOSESWhat I know:1.B 4.A2.D 5.B3.C 6.AWhat’s New:obesity, poverty, climate change, drugs, bullyingWhat’s More:1.The issue is about how technology has changed people’s lives, behavior and moral outlook.The writer’s stand: He is not against technological developments in fact it improves man’s way of living, but he also reminds us that same technology will advance evil and harm. Therefore, use technology wisely for the common good.2. At the comfort of technological products man has found his comfort zone to dwell and slowly forgetting the value of real human interactions that eventually changes man’s mind, culture and outlook in life.3. Personal experienceReal-life scenario happening around4. The author reiterates his stand about the issue and leave a strong statement for a call to action.What I have Learned: I thought that figures of speech are tools that writers use to create images, or paint pictures, in the mind.I learned that I need to study hard in my module and I was surprised that I need to answer it directly and properly, thanks all of the teachers to give this lesson.What I can do: ( no answers )Lesson 2What’s More: (no answers)What I have Learned:POSITION PAPERCHOSEN ISSUE» Has the covid19 pandemic changed the world for its best or for its worst?TITLE» The Devastating Effects of COVID 19 Pandemic «ANSWERPosition: The Covid19 pandemic changed the world for its worstThe world these past 7 months, is experiencing one of the darkest times of its dense history because of the abrupt existence of a very detrimental COVID19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) that originated in Wuhan, China, due to human negligence and lack of sanitation.This virus is very much contagious, that is why it became a global epidemic (occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people) in just 3 months! The Philippine government didn’t impose travel bans and stringent safety protocols fast enough to prevent the virus from entering the country, the slacking and inattentiveness of the government caused some massive consequences to the entire nation.Since the Philippines is only a developing country or a so-called third-world country, the government could not very much contain the effects of the deadly pandemic, imposing lockdowns and keeping people to go out of their houses and huddling together were not enough to prevent more than 8,500 people to perish within 8 months and a worldwide death or 2.1 million people.Note: Please do expound this position paper, I already provided the most important parts, you just have to add more to strengthen your position regarding the issue.Assesment:1.TRUE2.TRUE 3.TRUE4.TRUE5.FALSE6.TRUE7.FALSE8.TRUE9.TRUE10.TRUEII.1.a position paper presents one side of an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is valid and defensible. Ideas that you are considering need to be carefully examined in choosing a topic, developing your argument, and organizing your paper.2. Consider the situation. ...Clarify your thinking. ...Construct a claim. ...Collect evidence. ...Consider key objections. ...Craft your argument. ...Confirm your main point.


Planting abaca can also minimize erosion and sedimentation problems in coastal areas which are important breeding places for sea fishes. The water holding capacity of the soil will be improved and floods and landslides will also be prevented. Abaca waste materials are used as organic fertilizer.Planting abaca can also minimize erosion and sedimentation problems in coastal areas which are important breeding places for sea fishes. The water holding capacity of the soil will be improved and floods and landslides will also be prevented. Abaca waste materials are used as organic fertilizer.Planting abaca can also minimize erosion and sedimentation problems in coastal areas which are important breeding places for sea fishes. The water holding capacity of the soil will be improved and floods and landslides will also be prevented. Abaca waste materials are used as organic fertilizer.Planting abaca can also minimize erosion and sedimentation problems in coastal areas which are important breeding places for sea fishes. The water holding capacity of the soil will be improved and floods and landslides will also be prevented. Abaca waste materials are used as organic fertilizer.Planting abaca can also minimize erosion and sedimentation problems in coastal areas which are important breeding places for sea fishes. The water holding capacity of the soil will be improved and floods and landslides will also be prevented. Abaca waste materials are used as organic fertilizer.Planting abaca can also minimize erosion and sedimentation problems in coastal areas which are important breeding places for sea fishes. The water holding capacity of the soil will be improved and floods and landslides will also be prevented. Abaca waste materials are used as organic fertilizer.


6. Direction: Write T on the blank if the statement is true or correct, F if it is false or incorrect._____ 1. It is important to acknowledge our strengths and continue to develop them._____ 2. Sharing everything about yourself, including personal information on the internet is necessary._____ 3. When we feel hurt, it is not important to share to others even to trusted friends/family._____ 4. Bully the person who bullied you._____ 5. Share knowledge/skills to others needing assistance in performing the task._____ 6. When browsing the internet, focus on safe and relevant sites for growth and development._____ 7. Since the teacher don’t have the chance to see you while accomplishing the module, you can always depend on the answer key to accomplish the task quickly._____ 8. Studying in the new normal is more fun since no one pushes me to strive more in understanding the lessons._____ 9. Accepting others unique character is also accepting yourself as a unique individual._____ 10. Accepting flaws is knowing your individuality and a way to being confident about yourself.​























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