Ejectment Case

Ejectment Case

Lava may appear to be the primary materials ejected from a volcano but this is not always the case. Which of the following materials is NOT the material ejected by the volcano? a. Magma b. Lahar c. Lava d. Broken rocks

Daftar Isi

1. Lava may appear to be the primary materials ejected from a volcano but this is not always the case. Which of the following materials is NOT the material ejected by the volcano? a. Magma b. Lahar c. Lava d. Broken rocks




Because,  Lahar is a lava that mixed with Water so its not from volcano , it was from lava.

2. b.the materials ejectedthe volcano type of the ejected ​


There are many materials that can be ejected on a volcano for example pyroplastic it can be used as a fertilizer for plants.

3. how can a sperm be ejected? A sperm cell can be ejected through​


Through sexual intercourse

4. The fireball that was ejected approached the speed of

LIGHT... that's the answer

5. the materials ejected of cinder volcano​


They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent, it is a heavy, dark ferromagnesian and intermediate lavas that are often found along the flanks of shield volcanoes.

6. they eject excess carbon dioxide​




By simple breathing out. We breath in fresh air called oxygen and our body releases carbon dioxide.

7. composite volcano the materials ejected?​

Composite volcanoes have very sticky and thick lava, which can make them very explosive when they erupt: gas bubbles that are trapped in the magma chamber find it hard to escape through the viscous rock. They can also spurt lots of hot ash and rocks into the air, making them extremely dangerous.

8. Hormones that causes the ejection of milk?​


The release of the hormone oxytocin leads to the milk ejection or let-down reflex.


Oxytocin stimulates the muscles surrounding the breast to squeeze out the milk.

9. They eject excess carbon dioxide.


factories, plantations

10. what is the meaning of eject​


to force (someone) to leave

 to push (something) out

11. shield volcano materials ejected​


Shield volcanoes have small amounts of pyroclastic material, most of which accumulates near the eruptive vents, resulting from fire fuming events. Thus, shield volcanoes typically form from nonexplosive eruptions of low viscosity basaltic magma


12. composed of ejected fragments


Pyroclastic Rocks

hope it helps goodluck!(:

13. The fireball that was ejected approached the speed of


speed of light based on oed po

14. The fireball that was ejected approached the speed of?

The fireball that was ejected approached the speed of light: 299 792 458 m / s

15. materials ejected from the volcano​



Collectively, loose material thrown from a volcano is referred to as tephra.

Hope it Helps:-)

16. The materials ejected​


ejected what?


can u finish ur question?

17. composed of ejected Fragments​


by an explosive blast, and solid fragments are ejected in a great cloud of ash-laden gas that rises tens of thousands of metres into the air.

18. The fireball that was ejected approached the speed of?


it was traveling the speed 64,000 kmh


19. during volcanic eruption, it ejects lava into the surface of the earth eventually the ejected lava solidifies​


Lava eruptions can be “fire fountains” of liquid rock or thick, slow-moving rivers of molten material. Lava cools to form volcanic rock as well as volcanic glass. Magma can also extrude into Earth's atmosphere as part of a violent volcanic explosion. This magma solidifies in the air to form volcanic rock called tephra.

20. what is the meaning of eject​


force or throw something out


21. The fireball that was ejected approached the speed of?

The fireball that was ejected approached the speed of light: 299 792 458 m / s

22. What is the meaning of eject


1. (a):to throw out especially by physical force, authority, or influence ejected the player from the game. (b) : to evict from property. (2) : to throw out or off from within ejects the empty cartridges.


to throw out especially by physical force, authority, or influence

23. Composed of ejected fragment


Volcanic eruptions produce three types of materials: gas, lava, and fragmented debris called tephra.


keep safe always ❤❤❤

24. composed of ejected fragments​


Pyroclastic flow, in a volcanic eruption, a fluidized mixture of hot rock fragments, hot gases, and entrapped air that moves at high speed in thick, gray-to-black, turbulent clouds that hug the ground. The temperature of the volcanic gases can reach about 600 to 700 °C (1,100 to 1,300 °F). The velocity of a flow often exceeds 100 km (60 miles) per hour and may attain speeds as great as 160 km (100 miles) per hour. Flows may even travel some distance uphill when they have sufficient velocity, which they achieve either through the simple effects of gravity or from the force of a lateral blast out of the side of an exploding volcano. Reaching such temperatures and velocities, pyroclastic flows can be extremely dangerous. Perhaps the most famous flow of this type occurred in 1902 on the French Caribbean island of Martinique, when a huge nuée ardente (“glowing cloud”) swept down the slopes of Mount Pelée and incinerated the small port city of Saint-Pierre, killing all but two of its 29,000 residents.

25. Composed of ejected fragments​


Volcanic eruptions produce three types of materials: gas, lava, and fragmented debris called tephra.


26. The fireball that was ejected approached the speed of?

The fireball that was ejected approached the speed of light: 299 792 458 m / s

27. materials ejected disadvantages advantages​


What are the advantage and disadvantage of volcanic eruptions?

Advantages – Precious minerals; geothermal energy; fertile soil; tourism (jobs); beauty products; souvenirs. Disadvantages – Destruction during eruptions; magma/ash destroys everything; earthquakes; pollution; sea life; quarries


28. 2. During volcanic eruption, it ejects lava into the surface of the Earth. Eventually the ejectedlava solidifies.​


When magma is ejected by a volcano or other vent, the material is called lava. Magma that has cooled into a solid is called igneous rock. Magma is extremely hot—between 700° and 1,300° Celsius (1,292° and 2,372° Fahrenheit).

29. what is the material ejected​


If materials ejected from a volcano then this are materials: gas, lava, and fragmented debris called tephra.

30. Composed of ejected fragments​


ano po bah isasagot dyan


pa brainelst

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