Soundness Of Author s Reasoning

Soundness Of Author s Reasoning

true or false an author s reasoning is sound if the explanations of the author include evidence from different sources​

Daftar Isi

1. true or false an author s reasoning is sound if the explanations of the author include evidence from different sources​


thank a lot of dogs and a loll them marias ohh pall


sana makatulong po


Useless po yung una ang tama pong sagot ay true.


Sana nakatulong.

2. Activity evaluate the essay and fill the chart below it •topic•The author is favor or against•Reason/s•proposed solution•sound or unsound reasoning•effective or ineffective​



Open-pit mining causes negative environmental consequences

The author is favor or against

The author is against


Mining leads to flooding,deforestation,habitat depletion,pollution, amd other harmful effects on nature, humans, plants, animals.

Sound or unsound reasoning

Sound reasoning

Effective or ineffective

The essay show effective presentation as it informs the reader about the negative effects og mining


3. what is your appreciation of the relevance and worth and worth of the author 's ideas as reflected in his or her sound reasoning and effective presentation.​


The relevance and worth of the author's ideas are valid,truthful,and precise representations of family relations especially between parents and their children.The author was able to showcase sound reasoning and effective presentation throughout the article that ensured a better understanding of the issue raised.

4. Additional Activities Read the article below. Note the main ideas and supporting details. Developing Children's Self Esteem Adeluisa S. Calma People who feel good about themselves embrace the fact that they may make positive contributions to their company, community, school, or any other "cause" greater than themselves, according to psychologists. Children come to respect their own contributions to the family's teamwork by becoming a member of the family organization and understanding that their feelings and views are respected. A child's self-worth is shaped by the overall environment of the home and how the family members treat the child. Fostering a positive home environment and well-functioning family can be achieved by building a family environment of shared support and motivation for each family member Rather than nagging or comparing their children, parents should educate, listen, and collaborate with them. This will foster a deep sense of belongingness and collaboration. Parents must recognize that their adolescent children are fighting their own wars. Their self- confidence is shaky. They crave attention from their peers in order to receive the love and affection they deserve. And if they are often confusing, they are still respected members of the family. They must participate, relate, and comprehend their parents' beliefs. Mutual agreements should be made between family members, so everyone knows what is expected of them. Instead of being authoritarian, parents must be leaders. They should provide leadership so that their children will learn to be more self-sufficient; listen to the children's thoughts and feelings with empathy and sympathy. Taking time for problem solving teaches values while it expresses love and concern. And lastly, it is important to value family traditions. Family rituals build belongingness, self-image and competence when everyone contributes to it. These are special occasions such as marriages, baptisms, and graduations. A family that lives time-honored tradition builds real strength and closeness. The deeper its roots go; the happier members feel about themselves and their self-esteem rises. As a result, foster a sense of self- esteem in your household. Task 1: Present the author's claim and evidences using a graphic organizer. Evidence Claim Task 2: Refer to your answer on Task 1. Judge the soundness of author's reasoning. Is the​


This graphic organizer will help students visualize their argumentative essays. This graphic organizer is set-up to reflect a standard

5. 20 points Patulong po ASAP need ko na po bukas answer the following questions about President Obama's address1. What is the issue presented in the speech?2. Are the terms used clearly defined and applied throughout the message?3. Is the thesis (the point to be made) clearly and directly stated? What is the thesis statement?4. Are facts provided as evidence? if so identify them5. Is the reasoning sound and logical? (Does one point follow from another?)6. What persuasive devices or propaganda techniques does the author use (examples: appeal to emotions, name-calling, appeal to authority)?7. Does the author succeed in persuading you to accept his argument?8. Is there an issue sinailar to the one presented here in the Philippines? Explain your answer?9. How is this article related with the Wall Street Crash and Great Depression of the 1930's in America?​


1.) Obama addressed the subjects of racial tensions, white privilege, and race and inequality in the United States, discussing black "anger", white "resentment", and other issues as he sought to explain and contextualize Wright's controversial comments.

2.) As the former president Barack Obama said, "Let's be clear, There are no winners here" as he signed the stop-gap bill. He explained fully the enumerated implementations and its advantages and future benefits. ... But still, some people don't put their trust on Barack Obama's words.

3.) A thesis statement clearly identifies the topic being discussed, includes the points discussed in the paper, and is written for a specific ...Always stated in your introduction.

4.)He said that the fact is, democracy has never been easy and our Founding Fathers argued about everything. We waged a Civil War. We overcame depression. We’ve lurched from eras of great progressive change to periods of retrenchment.

5.) The statement of obama is sound and logical.

6.) the readers' emotions; name calling is an invalid argument that deviates from a certain topic and attacks the person; and, appeal to authority uses authoritative support to win an argument.

7.) For me yup. because I understand Obama’s speech he wants all people to be equal for everyone no matter what kind of color everyone has. And regardless of the status of different people, for Obama everyone has equal rights

8.) Yes, there is an issue similar in the Philippines the issue is that,The Poverty and Inequality in the Philippines remains a challenge until now.The discrimination is always have even in the Philippines.

9.) Wall Street Crash and Great Depression of the 1930's in America.This situation is still facing until current administration. President Obama’s Wall Street reform law created an independent agency to set and enforce clear, consistent rules for the financial marketplace.

6. Television and childrenTelevision has become an integral part of a child's life. For the last thirty years, it has been transforming people'slives. It has an effect on almost every aspect of modern life. Although television may be used to educate children, programswith little or no educational value are commonly on broadcast.Experts are disturbed about the viewpoint that children are learning from television, typically, parents, classrooms,and churches have served as role models and educators for children.Since television has such a strong impact on children's attitudes and behavior, its presence in culture is growing inimportance - it is much more than a mere leisure practice. According to child psychologist Robert M. Liebert "the tool haschanged childhood more than any other psychological breakthrough in the history of the world."Another effect on media is extreme violence exposure. Children can become more violent as a result of watchingtelevision crime, according to many reports. Furthermore, when children are exposed to so much abuse on ty, they growused to it as the only alternative to tough circumstances. Children who are exposed to a lot of violence on TV may developapathy toward real aggression.A study conducted by Ronald S. Drabman has shown that compared to a control group, children who watched anaggressive television broadcast were slower to ask for adult help when a fight broke out among younger children.Children are probably influenced by clever ads directed at them. Dr. Dale Roeck claims that exposing children totoo much high-powered ads of sugar-rich products on tv puts their oral wellbeing at risk which, of course, has a detrimentalimpact on good diet."Almost half of the items that television sells to kids are products that people who care for kids believe shouldn't bepurchased in the first place," according to another expert Kids who are very young do not know the difference betweenadvertisements and programmes.1.What is the claim of the author?2.Write three effects of television to the children3.Does the reasoning of the author sound or valid? Why or Why not?​


1.The claim of the author is do not spoil your children watching tv cause you may not know if it's educational or dirty behavior.

2.Bad behavior, Cursing (because of hearing some bad words in dramas), Violence ( Because of watching to much action movies)


(Sorry sa wrong grammar)

7. What I Can Dowatson the elevatom? Bugs the te bew and exibe que thatFoleylalan haberme an integral part of a child's e, por the last my years,hue been wanafamme people's Hyer than an effect on amery aspect of moderne Althouth Islewana may be your medicale children, programs with Bale Armschuronal value are commonly o broadcastperis ar susturbed about the viewpoint that children are learning intelevisions typically, parents, classrooms, and othes have served as role models andedunanza for children,Sice television has such a strong impact on children's antudes and behavior,ite presence in einer is growing in importance it be much more than a mere leisurepractice According to child paychologist Robert M. Lebent "the tool has changedchildhinad more than any other pays hological breakthrough in the history of the world."Another effect on media is extreme violence exposure, Children can become moreviolent as a result of watching television crime, according to many reports, Purthermore,when hildren are exposed to ao much abuse on tv, they grow used to it as the onlyalternative to tough circumstances, Children who are exposed to a lot of violence on TVmay develop apathy toward real aggressionA study conducted by Ronald S. Drabman has shown that compared to a controlgroup, children who watched an aggressive television broadcast were slower to ask foradult help when a light broke out among younger children,Children are probably influenced by clever ads directed at them. Dr. Dale Roeckclaims that exposing children to too much high powered ads of sugar rich products onI purs their oral wellbeing at risk which, of course, has a detrimental impact on good"Almost half or the items that television sells to kids are products that people who carefor kids believe shouldn't be purchased in the first place," according to another who are very young do not know the difference between advertisements andprogrammes1. What is the claim of the author?2. Write three effects of television to the children.3. Does the reasoning of the author sound or valid? Why or Why not?​

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8. Activity: Read the informational text below. Then, answer the questions that follow. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper. One Mirror, Two Images: Views on Singlehood and Marriage By Andres Julio V. Santiago Jr.Questions1. what is the general idea expressed by the author in the informational text?2. what key pointd did the author plan to cover in the informational text?3. what significant material was used by the author in supporting the factors that determine the sphere of influence parents have on the future of their children?4. what is your appreciation of the relevance and worth of the author 's ideas as reflected in his sound reasoning and effective presentation?​


1. The idea expressed by the author in the informational text is that "Parents have a strong tendency to condition the certainty of their children's future."

2. The author planned to cover the following in the informational text: quality of parents' lives, the relationship pattern within the family, the educational level attained by the parents, and the time factor involved in accomplishing all parental duties and responsibilities.

3. The author used findings in various researches on family studies as supporting ideas to the factors that determine the sphere of influence parents have on the future of their children.

4. The relevance and worth of the author's ideas are valid, truthful, and precise representations of family relations especially between parents and their children. The author was able to showcase sound reasoning and effective presentation throughout the article that ensured a better understanding of the issue raised.


here ty!!

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