Science Useful And Harmful Materials Grade 5

Science Useful And Harmful Materials Grade 5

science grade 5 malikhainAssignmentdown the things thatListshould be doneDATE:in order to avoidaccident in using materials withharm Ful property?​

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1. science grade 5 malikhainAssignmentdown the things thatListshould be doneDATE:in order to avoidaccident in using materials withharm Ful property?​


1.Yummy hotdog my tommy


answer kopo toh mamaya waitl ng ha? search kolng

2. science grade 5 module 1 Whats inidentify the following whether the material is useful or harmful write you for useful or h for harmful1.drained batteries2.old newspaper3.fruit peelings4.shattered glass5.expired medecine​













3. Grade 5 ScienceOn the blank beside each material, write, useful or harmful. gibe your reason 1.household machine-_________ Reason-___________ 2.Plastic-________ Reason-__________ 3.Insecticides-___________ Reason-______________ 4.Sharp tools-____________ Reason-________________ 5.Medicines-______________ Reason-___________paki sagot ng ma ayos​


1) Useful

2) Useful

3) Harmful

4) Harmful

5) Useful


1) Household machines are useful and not known to be harmful.

2) Plastic is not harmful for humans but it is to nature.

3) Insecticides may cause some lung issues as it contains toxins that are harmful for the lungs

4) Sharp tools may cause severe wounds and blood loss

5) Medicines are not harmful and we need it but overdosing it may cause great harm.

4. Direction: Read and answer the question carefully.These focus on explaining how changes in matter affect the environment.Write the letter of the best answer. Science 1.the following activities cause a change in matter.Which of these has a bad effect on the environment? A.slicing B.seeing clothes C.peeling vegetables D.breaking empty bottles of liquor 2.The following are effects in the environment by the changes in matter.Which of these has a good effect on the environment? A.air pollution B.composting C.deforestation D.water pollution 3.Many families use wood as fuel in cooking food.what is the bad effect on the environment of this activity? A.deforestation B.air pollution pollution D.water pollution 4. The following activities can be done to candy wrappers.Which of these can help protect and save the environment? A.throw garbage into the river B.scatter candy wrappers in the backyard C.cut out candy wrappers to make pillows d.burn candy wrappers because these are biodegradable wastes 5.Water pollution us one of the bad effect un the environment by the changes in matter.Which of the following can minimize bad effects in the bodies of water? A.oil spills from a cargo ship B.bringing trash bins when having a picnic in the beach C.throwing detergents and other chemical in the river D.using bath soap and shampoo in swimming at the beach 6.Your mother is a dressmaker At home ,you have plenty of strips of cloth.To avoid bad effect on the environment ,what is the best way to do with these strips of cloths? A.Make the strips of cloth as charcoal B.keep these strips of cloth in the bodega C.Make these strips of cloth as rags D. throw these strips of cloth to the landfill 7.Typhoon Ursula caused landslide and flood.Which of the following should we do to avoid these things to happen again? A.Make forest into tesidential areas B.throw garbage anywhere you want C.plant more trees in our surrounding D.Cut more trees to build more things at home 8.Tin cans with rust are being recycled bt putting spray paint,Why does this activity cause harm to the environment? A.Spray paints are expensive B.Spray paints can prevent the spread of rust C.Spray paints are sometimes unavailable in the market D.Spray paints have a poisonous chemical that makes the air polluted 9.When land is dumped with garbage,the land becomes polluted.The polluted land will serve as the breeding places for pests that carry germs,hence dangerous to human health.As a child,you can do the following activities to avoid the problem, except one. A.Make a compost for all decaying materials B.Recycle and reuse non- biodegradable waste materials C.Throw all waste materials in one area in your backyard D.Segregate waste materials into biodegradable and non- biodegradable 10. Gas when exposed to heat can produce smokes, These smokes can release chemicals that contribute to global warning ,As a Grade five learner, Which of the following should you do to lessen the prodution of smokes in our environment A.Burn dry leaves B.Use charcoal in cooking C.Use a lamp with gas in studying at night D.Walk only to places with near distance instead of riding in a vehicle ​


D. yung answer


dahil po sa distance instead of riding in a vehicle.

5. 1.)Which of the following options is acquired by eating contaminated food?a. Air borne illnessb. Food borne illnessc. Skin diseased. Lung illness2.)Which of the following options refers to the science of good health that signifies cleanliness and freedom from the risk of infectious diseases?a. Hazardsb. Sanitationc. Hygiened. Cleanliness3.)When does the perfect time for the personnel wash their hands to ensure food safety?a. After handling raw foodb. Immediately after using thec. At the start of food handling activitiesd. All of the above4.)Which of the following options is the concern of personnel hygiene?a. Wearing of clean handsb. Freedom from my diseasesc. Observing sanitary habits and clean washable garmentsd. All of these5.)Which of the following options below defines as the assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared?a. Food Hygieneb. Good groomingc. Food safetyd. Good manufacturing product6.)Which of the following describes the origin and a development of particular disease?a. Food safetyb. Disastersc. Food borne illnessd. Epidemiological7.)Which of the following options does not belong to the group?a. Abrasionsb. Scarlet feverc. Lesionsd. Sever rashes8.)Which of the following does not belong to the group?a. Dysenteryb. Typhoid feverc. Pneumoniad. Hepatitis9.)The following options are diseases of respiratory Tract except.a. Infected earsb. Common coldc. Sore throat d. Trench mouth10.)The following options are activities that need to be refrained by the people who are engaged in food handling except.a. Smokingb. Spittingc. Chewing or eatingd. Checking the result11.)Fish has bulging eyes, red gills and a firm body. What can you say about the fish?a. The fish is freshb. The fish is stalec. The fish is partially freshd. The fish is undergoing rigor mortis12.)The fishes you graded have slightly sunken eyes with grayish pupil; the flesh and backbone are slightly soft and with a slightly sour odor. To what grade will you assign them?a. Grade 1b. Grade 2c. Grade 3d. Off-grade13.)Why must raw materials like fishes be eviscerated before salting, curing or smoking them?a. To thoroughly clean the fishb. To prevent spoilage of the fishc. To improve the odor of the fishd. To remove the enternal organs which contain spoilage organisms​
















sana naka tulong

mark me as brainlest please

follow please


6. Assessment Test SCIENCE 5 Name Grade and Section Score Date IA Directions. Write U if the materials are useful and H if they are harmful. 1. Food boxes used as toy cabinets at home 2. Candy and juice wrappers made into an eco-bag 3. Plastic water bottles thrown in the canals A PhD gistrar Geng Loty 4. Busted light bulbs left unattended at home 5 Empty disinfectant bottles not properly disposed 6. Used empty bottles made into a flower vase 7. Fruit and vegetable peelings converted into fertilizers. 8. Storing expired medicine in the cabinet. 9. Old newspapers used to pack things in the store 10. Scattered broken glass found inside the classroom. 11. leftover food from restaurants turned into fertilizers. 12 used syringes and needles placed beside children's toys 13. a broken container turned into a decorative plant holder 14. used car tires turned into park benches 15. old colorful magazines made into paper baskets B Directions Complete the paragraph using the words in the box reused useful painful harmful hazardous purpose​



1. U

2. U

3. H

4. H

5. H

6. U

7. U

8. H

9. U

10. H

11. U

12. H

13. U

14. U

15. U

7. help science grade 5 please i need it rush rush cause i ganna give it to my teacher tommorow please! Let’s Try (Evaluation) Directions: Read and answer each question carefully. Choose the letter of the answer. Write your answer on your answer sheet. 1. Which of the following materials can cause damage to our skin when accidentally touched. A. bathroom cleaner B. used oil C. alcohol D. dishwashing liquid 2. What material is best for bridge construction? A. wood B. steel C. rubber D. ceramic 3. Which statement shows the correct way of using any product. I. Use the product immediately after you bought it. II. Read the instructions/label of the product. III. Precaution and warning signs in the label of the product should not be ignored IV. Remove the labels of the products A. I and II B. II and III C. I, II, III D. II, III and IV 4. Pesticides are toxic materials. They are harmful to our health. What alternative pesticide can be used which has lesser harmful effects to one`s health and environment? I. make your own organic pesticide II. use pepper spray III. use garlic to eliminate the pests IV. use salt solution A. I and II B. I, II, and III C. II, III and IV D. I, II, III and IV 5. Bricks, cement, hollow blocks, and metal are used in building a house. What common characteristics do these materials have? I. these materials are hard and strong II. these materials are use for house beautification III. these materials are recyclable IV. these materials are fireproof A. I only B. I, II, and III C. II, III and IV D. I, II, III and IV 6 6. What is the physical property of salt? A. elasticity B. flammability C. solubility D. hardness 7. What property of rubber bands is shown when it can secure things tightly because they can be stretched and can go back to their original shape? A. brittleness B. hardness C. elasticity D. softness 8. Which property of glass makes it a good material for a window? A. hard and heavy C. clear and transparent B. flexible and elastic D. brittle and soluble 9. Which situation shows that a material becomes useful in our homes/community? I. Members of the family reuse the empty bottles as plant pots. II. Chefs use eggs and milk and dissolves it in cake mixture. III. Construction workers use old and rusted iron in building bridges. IV. Housekeepers use baking soda in cleaning the refrigerator. A. I only B. I, II C. I, II, III D. I, II and IV 10. Which of the following materials CANNOT be used as insulators? I. wood III. aluminum II. plastic IV. silver A. I and II B. I and III C. III and IV D. II, III and I


1. B










8. SCIENCEChristopher C. SorianoGrade MatulunginteacherGraceMartinezLearning AreaDIRECTIONIS: Write letter A if the materials are useful or letter B if the materials are1.harmful1. Empty disinfectant bottles not properly disposed2. Busted light bulbs left unattended at home,3. Plastic wiater bottles thrown in the canals.4. Candy and juice wrappers made into an eco-bag.5. Food boxes used as toy cabinets at home.6. Scattered broken glass found inside the classroom.7. Old newspapers used to pack things in the store.8. Used car tires turned into park benches,9. A broken container turned into decorative plant holder10. Leftover food from restaurants turned into fertilizers.​


Did you mean: Write letter A if the materials are useful or letter B if the materials are 1. harmful 1. Empty disinfectant bottles not properly disposed 2. Busted light bulbs left unattended at home, 3. Plastic water bottles thrown in the canals. 4. Candy and juice wrappers made into an eco-bag. 5. Food boxes used as toy cabinets at home. 6. Scattered broken glass found inside the classroom. 7. Old newspapers used to pack things in the store. 8. Used car tires turned into park benches, 9. A broken container turned into decorative plant holder 10. Leftover food from restaurants turned into fertilizers.


Did you mean: Write letter A if the materials are useful or letter B if the materials are 1. harmful 1. Empty disinfectant bottles not properly disposed 2. Busted light bulbs left unattended at home, 3. Plastic water bottles thrown in the canals. 4. Candy and juice wrappers made into an eco-bag. 5. Food boxes used as toy cabinets at home. 6. Scattered broken glass found inside the classroom. 7. Old newspapers used to pack things in the store. 8. Used car tires turned into park benches, 9. A broken container turned into decorative plant holder 10. Leftover food from restaurants turned into fertilizers.

9. • On Recognizing Useful and Harmful Materials and Inferring the Meaning of Compound Words and words with Affixes Using Context Clues You are already in Grade 5. Your best friend Ona should have been very happy studying with you in the same grade level if only her parents did not die on that fateful night With only her sick grandfather beside her, she stopped coming to school. But she is still determined to learn a lot of things. She directly asked if perhaps you can teach her the lessons you are learning in school You have just finished attending your Science class. Since you can't be with her in this time of pandemic, you have decided to make a handout for her. Your task then is to make handout, highlighting useful and harmful materials. Present how these materials can become useful or harmful. The sentence paragraph in the handout must include 4 compound words and 4 aflixes. At the end of the handout, write the meaning of the compound words and aflixes depending on how they are used in the sentences​




10. ama, who is a new Grade V Aguinaldo pupil of PCES, came from Dadiangas West Central Elementary School, General Santos City. What is Rema's school last attended? A PCES B. Dadiangas West Central ES C. General Santos City D. not mentioned SCIENCE Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the space before each number. 2. 2. 5 1. Which of the following statement is TRUE about matter? a. States of matter are composed of solid and liquid. b. All properties of matter make our environment harmful. c. All phases of matter can be seen only by our naked eyes. d. It has different properties that make them different from one another. 2. Which of the following terms refers to the substances from which a product is made. a composition b. material c. property d. transparency 3. Which product is made of a glass? a. styrofoam b. windowpanes c. furniture d. bed sheets 4. Iron, steel, aluminium are examples of a. fabric b. rubber c. metal d. plastic 5. Which of the following is the purpose of a rubbing alcohol? a. antiseptic b. flavoring c. frying food d. killing insects 6. Which of the following is NOT a good pair? a. vinegar-cooking meat c. dishwashing liquid-washing utensils b. cooking oil -- frying foods d. detergent powder-cleaning laundry 7. Which of the following is an absorbent in characteristics? a. b. d. 8. Which group of materials are harmful? a. sharp tools, insecticides and toxic in fumes b. flower vase, coin bank and house décor c. medicines like vitamins and minerals d. cans, plastics, glasses and fibers 9. Floor wax can be found at home. What is the use of it? a. frying food c. make the floor shiny b. headache and fever d. clean the tiles in the bathroom 10. The materials we have at home are useful but sometimes harmful. Which of the following is the best practice at home? a. Buy product without expiry date. b. Harmful materials be put on the floor. c. Flammable materials be placed anywhere. d. Poisonous chemicals be put in safe containers. NAA​













pa brainliest po hehe

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