A Descriptive Word For A Topic Useful To Society s Progress

A Descriptive Word For A Topic Useful To Society s Progress

A descriptive word for a topic useful to society's progress

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1. A descriptive word for a topic useful to society's progress


- Mutuality is defined as the sharing of an opinion, trait, relationship, and more, between two or more parties.


- While debate and criticism are both important components in an organized society, not reaching a mutual resolution will only make the aforementioned acts pointless.

- If we wish to make progress in society, we should not put our efforts in proving that our side is right, but rather, we should put our efforts in finding a mutual zone, wherein both sides will be satisfied with the resolution.

- Because whatever we do, no opinion is perfect.

- Each opinion has its own advantages and disadvantages, no matter what we do.

- This is most prominent in the field of politics, wherein parties bicker and fight with each other to prove that they are right.

- Most people are blind at the notion of finding mutuality amongst their opponents, since most would rather prove themselves correct, rather than admit that they're wrong.

-In conclusion, if we become mutual when it comes to problems, we will be able to solve problems, no matter what they may be, in an efficient manner.

- Although, some situations apply wherein there is no mutual ground between two or more parties.

- Usually, this happens when the opinions vary to a radical extent, which means that the opinions are highly different to the point that there is no avenue for mutual resolution.

- While mutualism is a very efficient method, it still has its flaws, like everything else in this world.



2. a descriptive word for a topic useful to a society's progress


A descriptive word for a topic useful to society's progress is:


According to the given question, we are asked to show or give a descriptive word which shows usefulness to the progress of a society.

As a result of this, we can see that the descriptive word which would be most suitable is relevant because it shows that the topic is useful and important to the society and without it, the society won't function properly.

Therefore, the correct answer is Relevant

3. a descriptive wordfor a topic useful to society progress


As a result of this, we can see that the descriptive word which would be most suitable is relevant because it shows that the topic is useful and important to the society and without it, the society won't function properly.

Therefore, the correct answer is Relevant

4. example of present progressive using the word am believing​


I am believing in him because he is my best friend.

5. Worksheet in Practical Research 1 (Week 3 and 4)IDENTIFICATION. Identify the word or group of words referred to in the following expressionsbelow.1. A descriptive word for a topic useful to society's progress2. The effect of atopic you like so much or find close to your heart3. Topics appealing solely to a person's thoughts and feelings4. Topics needing an intensive reading in the library5. A remedy against a very broad topic6. The effect of working on a vague or not-so- clear topic7. The reason behind a topic hard to investigate8. Very easy research topics9. Topics not needing factual data10. An adjective for a topic attuned to current happenings​










9. ????



6. what are the indicators of progress and development in the society?​


The main social indicators of development include education, health, employment and unemployment rates and gender equality, and this post introduces students to the specific indicators which institutions such as the World Bank and United Nations use to measure how 'developed' a country is, and the main indices which .

7. Using your own words, define progress


progress in other words are pending and devolping

8. how does the use of function in an electronic spreadsheet help in making progress in our society?


The use of functions in electronic spreadsheets help quickly express and apply an easier way to complete tasks. Functions can help organize and alphabetically categorize numbers and information in a spreadsheet, making it easy to input data. Functions in spreadsheets can help accountants in filing economical filings like taxes. It can also help librarians, as it can alphabetically books from A-Z.

9. Which of the following words is the synonym of the word inside the parenthesis? "We need to (transform) the society for us to progress as a nation." help pls :)


The synonym of the word transform is



Im sure this is the correct answer :)

10. Discuss the progress of the idea of Phenomenology as a study of society?


As a research methodology, phenomenology is uniquely positioned to help health ... This article aims to explain phenomenology by reviewing the key philosophical ... Contributors to A Qualitative Space may: advance new ideas about ... study of a subject...

11. why ProgressIn society important​


Measuring social progress offers citizens and leaders a more complete picture of how their country is developing. And that will help societies make better choices, create stronger communities, and enable people to lead more fulfilling lives.

12. what are some of the contributions of international Buddhist progress of society​


it is the greatest contribution of buddism

that was establishment of a simple religion



13. would you rather live in a progressive society or non progressive society? ​


In a progressive society, I guess

14. how progressive web apps help the society​


Progressive Web Apps seem to be the future of web design, allowing web app developers to create user experiences that have the reach of the web and the functionality of native apps.

15. How can I use my freedom and free will to create a more peaceful, safe and progressive society? PAHELPP​

Answer:  How do we use right to freedom in our daily life?

The right to freedom to the citizens of getting assembled anywhere in India without carrying weapons or arms along with them.

Explanation:   These are:


2.Disrespect of court,

3.Decency or morality,

4.Security of the state,

5.Friendly relations with other states,

6.Agitation of offence and,

7.Sovereignty and.

8.Integrity of India.

16. identify the word or phrase reffered to by the following:1. A descriptive word for a topic useful to societys progress2. the effect of a topic you like so much or find ot close to your heart3. topics appealing solely to a persons thoughts or feelings​



17. Make a sentence using the word "spend" (past progressive)​


we spent a good memories before


maria spent her allowance for her bags and shoes

18. A. Identify the four basic kinds of paragraphs based on the given sentences. Expository Narrative Persuasive Descriptive 1. This paragraph uses action words and descriptive words to tell a story. 2. This paragraph gives the readers information and explains it. 3. This paragraph uses the five senses to describe a topic. 4. This paragraph expresses the writer's opinions. This is often read in newspaper editorials. 5. This paragraph uses events that causes stories to move and progress.​


Because there are four paragraph types — narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive—the paragraph can be used to describe or explain an endless variety of things. It's important to know how to use each paragraph type for the right purpose, though.

19. Make a sentence using the word "suggest" (present progressive)​


I suggested my friend to call her friends in the next two hours.


Hope it helps!

I suggested that we need to eat healthy food

20. Is human progress or progress of society possible without abusing the natural environment?​


I think so, I believe. If humans will just be contented and not be greedy, human progress as well as the society's are possible without abusing the natural environment. We always have a choice if we will decide to take care of our nature while pursuing innovation. It's just that there's people who wants to be on top and get what they want even if they could have been destroyed the planet. If we'll just wait for our environment's healing and help it with the process, the Earth could have been a better place, without greediness and dissatisfaction.

21. What are the indicators of progress and development in the society.


The main social indicators of development include education, health, employment and unemployment rates and gender equality, and this post introduces students to the specific indicators which institutions such as the World Bank and United Nations use to measure how 'developed' a country is, and the main indices which .


brainliest po

22. how can we balance progress and hazard for a growing and progressing society​

Answer:Many forces contribute to economic growth. ... A company that buys a new manufacturing plant or invests in new technologies creates jobs, spending, which leads to growth in the economy. Other factors help promote consumer and business spending and prosperity. Banks, for example, lend money to companies and consumers

Explanation:MARK MY WORD~

23. Make a sentence using the word "deliver" (past progressive)​


i always deliver food to people


we were delivering your package



24. Why progress is important in our society​


because of the gravity of the earth


hindi ko po alam sorry

25. is human progress or progress of the society possible without abusing natural environment

Human Progress without abusing natural environment

The answer is YES, it is possible to attain human progress or progress in the society without abusing natural power. If we practice being responsible in every action that we do, we would be more careful in using the natural resources that we have. For example, in cutting trees, if we replace every tree that we cut, then our environment would be able to heal itself as time pass by.  

In addition, progress in society without abusing natural environment would be possible if would keep an eye on every illegal activity that some people do and report them to authorities.  

For additional information

What are the examples of natural environment? https://brainly.ph/question/104958 Definition of natural environment https://brainly.ph/question/2320478


26. improving in GDP alone can be progress in society​


it is only a rough indicator because it does not directly account for leisure, environmental quality, levels of health and education, activities conducted outside the market, changes in inequality of income, increases in variety, increases in technology.

27. what are the indicators of progress and development in the society


The main social indicators of development include education, health, employment and unemployment rates and gender equality, and this post introduces students to the specific indicators which institutions such as the World Bank and United Nations use to measure how ‘developed’ a country is, and the main indices which are used to compare the levels of development of different countries.

Answer:The indicators of progress and development in the society are prosperity, growth and the income this is the key indicators of progress and development

28. is inequality responsible for lack of progress in the society?.​


High levels of inequality of opportunity discourage skills accumulation, choke economic and social mobility, and human development and, consequently, depress economic growth.



29. How does society contribute to people's progress?​


Social progress is defined as the capacity of a society to meet the basic human needs of its citizens

30. advantages and disadvantages of subculture to the progress society


Communities whether it be geographical or interest based, are formed by a group of individuals who share common interests, beliefs, social norms and values. Communities are formed by joint action of individuals that work together or socialise together within society, creating social networks that support and encourage the shared norms of the majority. This can be geographical community based on ones area in which they live, or a community of interest, as seen in religious groups or various subcultures. In its ideal sense, community has a positive affect on society, allowing for a sense of belonging and support for the disadvantaged and vulnerable . however in lower class or deprived communities this sense of belonging can manifest as gang culture or deviant behaviour can affect the existing balance within the community. This essay will aim to identify the advantages and disadvantage’s of community and the affect that that each aspect can have on individuals and their community. It will also discuss key factors in community development. Into. When talking about communities it could either be a geographical community or a community of interest. It suggests that an interest based Community is built upon inviduals that share mainly the same views, interests and values. They are usually apart of a group which is (then?) classed as their community as their mind set is usually the same and they are in aggreance on a particular (thing, thought, belief, topic).

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