Work Immersion Experience Essay

Work Immersion Experience Essay

what is work immersion essay

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1. what is work immersion essay


Immersions prepare students for the real world by training them how to work in a company and eventually excel in a specific career.


2. essay about work immersion


immersions prepare students for the real world by training them how to work in a company and eventually excel in a specific career

3. Who will experience the work immersion?​


The students who signed up for the work immersion program will experience the work immersion.


4. work immersion experience at home . letter of a reader​


Nasan po Ang picture sasagutan ko



5. How did the work immersion experience change me as a person, and how will it helpme in the future.​


An immersive experience should evoke emotion and imagination. The best way to do that is to incorporate the senses through details that bring the experience to life. and it will help you in future for become a better person a you have a great imagination



ayan sagot ko!

6. Give me experiences of cooking lumpia for work immersion NARRATIVE REPORT


I'm playing Shopee Claw! Pick and grab to win prizes daily!

7. Reflection about nursing experience for work immersion


Nursing, if we refer it as a professional job, it is a job usually done by licensedb professionals called as nurse. They are the ones responsible for the nursing and or caring of the patients in the hospital and or in the homes if hired as private nurses.

The chance to be a nurse even without a license in a work immersion and take the job of nursing and caring patients is a great opportunity to treasure. It is sometrhing that one will remember in the near future. And if it has impacted you a lot, it might be a motivation to pursue nursing as your profession.

Given the chance in the work immersion to be a nurse made me realize how tiring and serious the job is. Monitoring the patients, roaming around giving medicines, checking vital signs, updating progress and a lot more. However, Apart from all of these, is the realization that, at the end of the day, you were able to help save lives, you were able to put smiles after pains and most importantly, you were abe to fulfill your promised duties.

For me, these reflections openned up my mind to be more open-minded. Before, my thinking was nursing is easy, and less fulfilling. But with my experiences in work immersion, I have now a wider and concrete idea of what's nursing really is.


Find out here the importance of work immersion;

8. essay on how to conduct oneself during school based work immersion​


its easy just work hard and you will become good

9. my 8th days of experience in my work immersion in school​


It is hard but I enjoyed the activity


pa brainliest

10. give a example of work immersion experience at the home.acknowledgement​


•This letter is to offer my gratitude for accommodating me in [Name of company] as the skills that I have acquired from this work immersion training is extremely valuable. The practical, as well as technical skills that I have learned, will prove to be beneficial for my future endeavors.

•I would also like to thank [Name] for helping me become familiar with the work processes of [Name of company]. Your patience and wisdom is invaluable to me and I am eternally grateful for this experience.

•Thanking you again for your constant support and guidance.


[Your name]


#pa brain least po ako

#pa correct nalang po

11. essay about experiences in the community immersion from planning day to culminating day​









Hope it's help..

#Carry on learning..

12. what Is your experience during the pandemic as a work immersion?​


2020 has been a challenging year for all of our students, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re especially proud of those students who were selfless enough to step up to the plate and give their time and energy to helping those in need during this crisis. One of those students is Carl Dowling, a BSc Paramedic Science student. Carl spent time with the London Ambulance Service and, this experience led to him writing his first research papers. He took some time to reflect on his experience and give an honest view of working on the front-line of a national crisis.

“At the start of the pandemic, I desperately felt the urge to help people in some way. This is why I became a paramedic student - one of many reasons why I chose this job was to help people in their time of need. So I decided to look for an opportunity to work directly to support the efforts against the virus. In April, I found the opportunity I was looking for to work with a private ambulance service in London. I was based at a hospital near Cambridge where I worked out of the Intensive Care Unit (A.K.A, the COVID-19 Ward).

My role was working as part of a team alongside specialists, doctors, nurses, HELIMED Crews (Air Ambulance) and anaesthetists. There was me single crewing one ambulance and two other teammates single crewing theirs. Our roles were to maintain the management and urgent transportation of COVID-19 patients who were severe or in a critical condition, as well as making sure they were ventilated/incubated and on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Along with this, we also had to maintain infection control standards before and after each patient. I would travel as part of a single crew to any hospital within the London area, meet a team on a COVID-19 ward, prepare the patient for transportation and bring them back to my base of operations where better care could be provided in a ward specifically for COVID-19 patients.

I tried my best not to have any pre-existing ideas about what it would be like working from a COVID-19 ward, especially assisting in the care of the patients, but the very first thing I saw when entering the ward was a patient in a body bag who had sadly passed away. This immediately gave me a sense of urgency about what it was that I had gotten myself into. It also caused one of my teammates to feel high levels of anxiety, however, this helped me deal with my own anxiety, as my main focus became helping that individual and reassuring them.

The first shift was difficult. There was no formal training involved, other than a tour of the base, parts of the equipment and a brief explanation. We just had to know how to use the appropriate PPE and when to dispose of it correctly. We also spent an hour after every patient deep cleaning the ambulance to prevent the spread of infection. My first transfer was to assist in the evacuation of one of the hospitals, due to a lack of oxygen.

The other two single crewed ambulances and I were deployed and we did what we could in terms of evacuating the hospital safely, but it wasn’t just a lack of time that was stressful, it was also the lack of equipment in terms of navigation systems, as they were unfortunately outdated and often would send us in the wrong direction. I had to use my phone’s navigation system on the majority of journeys. Control(ICU at our base of operations) were also not giving the most effective information so we weren’t always 100% sure where we had to be and how to get there. I changed this and created set questions that needed answering when giving us the details of a transfer, which worked better.

13. How did our current situation affect your Work Immersion experience?

One of its components, the work immersion program, provides students “real workplace” experience, giving students a set of technical-vocational and livelihood skills that can help them make more informed career choices and improve their employment prospect

14. what did you experience during work immersion in pandemic time?​


It typically develop greater cognitive flexibility, demonstrating increased attention control, better memory, and superior problem solving skills as well as an enhanced understanding of their primary language.




15. concept Paper my experience during work Immersion​

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎

16. the most memorable events/experiences during work immersion training??pasagot po​


It's a life-changing experience. Mine was absolutely the best. My work immersion experience was one of a kind I developed technical and life ...


hope it helps pa brainliest po


sino sa mga manunulat sa Gawain

1 Ang may akda ng florante at Laura

17. describe/overview of work immersion experience​



Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. ... Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.

18. 4. Work Immersion involves hands-on experience or worksimulation that can be conducted inC. Work Immersion PlaceA. Work Immersion SiteB. Work Immersion Institution D. Work Immersion Venue5. What DepEd issuance will you read for the Work Immersionimplementation of all senior high schools during crisissituation?A. Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00085B. Dep Ed Order No.39, series 2018C. Dep Ed Order No. 8, s. 2015D. Dep Ed Order No. 30, s. 2017​





4.  Schools may partner with any institution or organization duly registered/recognized by any accrediting government agency.

5.The Office of Curriculum and Instruction (CI), through the Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD), issues a DepEd Memorandum Cl-2020-00085 entitled, "Guidelines for Work Immersion Implementation during Crisis Situation" for all senior high schools.

19. if you would be given the chance to experience an actual work in a work immersion


eto po ang tamang sagot


paki brainliest po pls

20. Pahelp guys sa Work Immersion sub.Make an essay on how to conduct oneself inside tge company/business establishment during the Immersion period.​


You have to be good, humble and respectful to the staff of the establishment


because what you made in the establishment will reflect you when you have a job. I experience OJT last year and one of the staff said that I am a good worker because i came so early and he said that i will bring that attitude when i can find job

21. Summary of work immersion experience during pandemic crisis?​



its very hard but because of my inspiration i will do it

22. What are the struggles that students experience while they are in a work immersion?

work immersion is a struggle for students to cope up with a new and unfamiliar environment. it will be hard for the students to learn things they thought would be easy for them. realizations will be present throughout their experience. it will also cause stress in terms of working for their desired profession and school works at the same time.

23. Instead, answer the essay for Week 1 in Work Immersion​

point of having Body Paragraphs in your paper is to explain and develop the points that you made in your introductory paragraph and your thesis ...

24. Accomplishment report in work immersion essay.​


cge po sasusunod ko na lang sagutan

25. What are your experience in creating work immersion portfolio ​


the work immersion is part of the DHA Curriculum that consists of 80 hours of hands-on experience which the students will have to undergo to expose them to the actual workplace setting and enrich the competencies provided by the school.

One of its components, the work immersion program, provides students “real workplace” experience, giving students a set of technical-vocational and livelihood skills that can help them make more informed career choices and improve their employment prospects.

26. Give me experiences of agriculture for work immersion NARRATIVE REPORT

Agriculture is one of our country’s primary economic source of income. Many Filipinos still and most farmers say, enjoying living in rural areas and supporting their families through agriculture. To mention, some of our main agricultural crops are rice, corn, bananas, pineapple, sugarcane, coconut, tobacco, mangoes, coffee and abaca.

To name a few of my unforgettable agricultural experiences during work immersion are the following: having a hard time selecting the variety of crop to be planted or cultured since our country has different climates. You have to select the appropriate crops for the present climate.
Having a good and continuous water supply or water irrigation is a must. There are crops that need less water while other crops grow healthily with plenty of water. Proper cultivation and right amount of fertilizer is vital. I remembered putting extra fertilizer to one of our pechay beds, with the thought the it will grow faster and greener, but sad to say all of our seedlings are withered when I checked them the following day.
You also need to consider proper ventilation. Some crops need a lot of sunshine while other crops prefer a shady location. Proper agriculture attire and tools are also a must to avoid accidents or unnecessary incident.
Some people call it crazy but I do talk to my plants. I visit and ask them how they are as if I am talking to a friend. I am also asking them to grow fast and healthy. Sometimes we can not avoid bad weather condition, so I also include them to my prayers. And when harvest time arrives, I am whispering my gratefulness to them.

27. if you would be given the chance to experience an actual work in a work immersion brainly


pa brainlist po

28. Write an essay on how to conduct oneself inside the work immersion venue ​

more information contained within this communication may also a great time with your browser window at

29. experience immersion work ict computer​


what is your question be specific

30. would you like to experience work immersion in the field?explain​


Yes, because I do believe that experience is the best teacher.


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