The Centipede By Rony V Diaz

The Centipede By Rony V Diaz

the setting in centipede by rony v diaz

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1. the setting in centipede by rony v diaz

Based on what I've searched, the setting is in the house.

2. the setting in centipede by rony v. diaz

Based on what I've searched, the setting is in the house.

3. critique of the centipede rony v. diaz​


The story of the Centipede is a short story which was written by Rony V. Diaz that was published in 1952. It was all about Eddie's sister shows harshness over complaining about the things Eddie does. It all started with Eddie seeing his sister Delia beating with his dog Biryuk. He wanted to stop his sister but he could not do for Delia has a weak heart. Eddie does want to free the dog from the cruel hand of his sister,but he was powerless to do so.

Delia was 8 tears old when Eddie was born and their mother died. It could be the reason why she feel hatred towards Eddie. She might be pointing fingers to him being the cause of there mothers death. In addition,to that,what they only have is their father and she feels jealous for the attention his father have given to Eddie. This must be the reason why get rid everything that brothers love. Eddie loves animal and insect while Delia hates them. Even though, Eddie was the younger one he's always open his mind and think of his sisters' health than his happiness. He kept his patience long after his sister destroyed everything he loves. He tried to control himself even though the act is below the belt.

When Eddie found out that Delia stabbed the eye of the dog he felt so much anger that he can't kept his temper anymore. He got the opportunity to revenge when Berto,a helper gave him a centipedes. He trapped the centipede in a handkerchief he moved inside their house silently,while his sister was sewing a white cloth. Without a second thought, he threw the centipede to his sister's lap. Delia fell down and cried out with pain. Eddie regretted it but he has nothing to do with it.

4. Moral lesson "The Centipede" by Rony V. Diaz


The moral lesson i get from this story is how edd understand the way her sister treated him even though its more physical but from deep of his heart the love for her sister never regret.


5. where is the setting of the centipede by rony v. diaz?

The story happened at the hut his sister Delia's playhouse, Eddie and Delia's house and at the last part of the story, it happened in the woodshed where Berto is splitting up the woods.

6. The Characters In The Story The Centipede By Rony V. Diaz

Because people are close to each other, it's so easy to talk and talk about things not just about them but also about other people. And for this reason the stories spread more and more to more people. And it may not be true most of the time. One of these stories is The Centipede wrote by  Rony V. Diaz. The characters here are Eddie, Delia, Berto, Biryuk, the dog, and the father.

7. what are the characteristics of the characters in the story "the centipede" by Rony V. Diaz

The two main characters in Rony Diaz's short story 'The Centipede' are Eddie and Delia, who are brother and sister. Additionally, their dog Biryuk makes an appearance and their father is referred to but does not appear in scene.

I hope that helps! :D

8. What is the moral lesson of the story of the centipede by rony v diaz

The moral lesson of the story is that "In every decision, there is a consequence" and that what is wrong could be settle in an understandable and good way. One more moral is that, "What you planted is what you'll harvest"

9. what is the settings of the story centipede by rony V diaz?

 The Centipede is a short story written  by Rony V. Diaz and is considered as one of the best short stories in the Philippines. The main characters were Delia and Eddie. The story happened at the hut his sister Delia's playhouse, Eddie and Delia's house and at the last part of the story, it happened in the woodshed where Berto is splitting up the woods. The story is about Eddie as a little kid who often gets picked on by his sister.
Here are the Characters in the story The Centipede by Rony V. Diaz: 

Eddie- Main CharacterDelia -Eddie's SisterBiryuk -The Lost Dog that have been found by Eddie while huntingBerto- One of the workmen for the familyFather -Eddie and Delia's Dad

10. Who are the characters of 'the centipede" by rony v. Diaz?


Here are the characters in the story of “The Centipede

Eddie - Main Character Delia - Eddie's Sister Biryuk - The Lost Dog that have been found by Eddie while hunting Berto - One of the workmen for the family Father - Eddie and Delia's Dad

Short Story

A short story is fictional, or a story about imaginary events and people, written in prose. It has a setting, characters, plot, theme, and point of view. It covers only a limited length and can be read in one sitting. Short stories have a relatively broad range of lengths, between 1,000 and 7,500 words. It is limited in scope and has an introduction, body and conclusion. The story of the "The Centipede" is one example of a short story.

Elements of a Short Story

A short story has the following key elements:

PlotSettingCharactersThemePoint of View


Plot - it is the sequence of events in a story.

Setting - it refers to the time and place in which the events of a story take place.

Characters – it refers to the direct or indirect subjects around whom the story revolves.  

Theme - it is the central idea or main message of the story  

Point of View - it refers to the perspective from which the story is told A Story can be told from the perspective of a direct participant in the story (first-person point of view, characterized by the use of the pronoun l) or from the perspective of an observer (third person point of view).

Types of Characters

The characters are the people, animals, or imaginary creatures around which the plot of a story revolves. Different types of characters are used to put together the events in a story. Recognizing and understanding these characters add to your reading experience. There are ways that characters can be portrayed. They can be portrayed as:


Flat character - this is a character who reveals only one or two personality traits in a story. The traits revealed do not change throughout the story.

Round Character - this is a well-developed character who demonstrates varied and sometimes contradictory traits. Round characters usually change in some ways but do not change entirely in a story.  

Round and flat characters can also be classified as:


Protagonist - this character is the central figure with whom we usually sympathize or identify. He or she is the hero in the story.

Antagonist - this character is the figure who opposes the protagonist and creates the confiict. He or she can be identified as the villain in the story.

Confidante - this is a character to whom the central character confides, thus revealing the main character’s personality, thoughts, and intentions.

Foil - this is a character that is used to enhance another character through contrast.

Types of Short Stories

There are various types of short stories that deal particularly with the different story elements:

Short story of settingShort story of characterShort story of plotShort story of themeShort story of point of view

Short story of setting - it focuses on the setting. It gives a vivid representation of a particular location and time.

Short story of character - it highlights and revolves around the roles of the characters in the story.

Short story of plot - it emphasizes the sequence of the plot, from exposition to resolution.

Short story of theme - it centers on a particular theme and focuses on the teaching of values and morals.

Short story of point of view - it delivers the story through a specific point of view. It can be in the first person or third-person point of view.

To know more about the story of "The Centipede":

Setting of the story:

Plot of the story:

Moral lesson:

11. what was the problem in the centipede story , by rony v. diaz

delia was the meanest creature he knew because she  always hurt the pets that eddie  want but he cant hurt back delia becsuse she's heart is too weak

12. what is the setting of the story centipede wrote by rony v. diaz

As I remember it is in a farm

Setting- House or At Home

13. Characters of the story "The Centipede" by Rony V. Diaz

1. Eddie

2. Delia

3. Berto

4. Biryuk the dog

6. The father

14. what the solution of the centipede story by. rony v. diaz

When he comes home, the workman shows him a centipede that he foundwhile chopping wood. Eddie kills it so that it won't hurt him tocarry it, goes inside, and throws it in his sister's lap. Shescreams, accuses him of trying to kill her, and falls down,clutching her chest in pain, moaning. He feels bad, saying that thecentipede is dead (it can't hurt her), but she doesn't move. That is how the story ends. The reader is left to wonder whathappened to the sister, and what happens next. It seems to be astory about how not allowing our emotions to be vented in some waycan be dangerous, but also about injustice, and how we deal withit.

When he comes home, the workman shows him a centipede that he foundwhile chopping wood. Eddie kills it so that it won't hurt him tocarry it, goes inside, and throws it in his sister's lap. Shescreams, accuses him of trying to kill her, and falls down,clutching her chest in pain, moaning. He feels bad, saying that thecentipede is dead (it can't hurt her), but she doesn't move. That is how the story ends. The reader is left to wonder whathappened to the sister, and what happens next. It seems to be astory about how not allowing our emotions to be vented in some waycan be dangerous, but also about injustice, and how we deal withit.

15. what is the tone and mood in the story centipede by rony v. diaz​


"Relationship between siblings"


Diaz. The story is about a boy who hates her sister because she used to beat his dog in childhood. It was very hurting and painful for him to see his dog bitten and it created hatred in her heart for her sister. He plots many things to take revenge on her. siblings



The theme of the story is "Relationship between siblings."The story is about a boy who hates her sister because she used to beat his dog in childhood. It was very hurting and painful for him to see his dog bitten and it created hatred in her heart for her sister. He plots many things to take revenge on her.

Tone : SadMood : Tense

Might this help Correct me if im wrong :)

16. What is the theme of the story of the centipede by rony v diaz

The story of the centipede is about the how Eddie’s sister shows harshness over complaining about the things Eddie does. The time when he came home and saw his butterfly collection thrown hitting Biryuk, the reason why his sister does this is because they think his sister wanted some attention.

17. what is the climax in the story of centipede by rony v. diaz

The climax is the highest point in the action of a story. In The Centipede, the climax occurs when the main character gets a centipede.

18. What is the comflict at the the centipede by rony v. Diaz

External Conflict between Delia and Eddie, on which Delia hates Eddie because she believes Eddie, her brother is the reason why their mother died.

Internal Conflict between Eddie: If he is going to revenge to Delia, or just don't mind her because she have a disability? 

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19. What is the problem/cnflict of the story of the centipede by Rony V. Diaz


External Conflict: Man vs Man -  Eddie and Delia had not been in good terms and in conflict with one another since they were young. They seemed to see each other as rivals. Delia always try to get rid of those things that would make her brother Eddie happy. But despite that, Eddie still kept his patience with Delia knowing about her health condition and he is afraid that something wrong might happen to her if he fought back. Delia was 8 when Eddie was born and at the same time, their mother died. This could be one of the factors why Delia hates Eddie, she maybe thinking that Eddie is the reason why their mother died. Moreover, Delia may also feel jealous about Eddie getting more attention from their father. Their father would even go hunting with Eddie as their bonding. This is the conflict of the story.

Conflict of a Story

Conflict or tension is usually the heart of the short story and is related to the main character. In a short story there is usually one main struggle. Conflict is the opposition of forces which ties one incident to another and makes the plot move.

There are two types of conflict:


External – refers to outside forces that may cause conflict, like another human being,circumstances, environment, etc.

Internal - refers a struggle within oneself. The character maybe debating inside himselfabout what to do.

Guide questions in Conflict:How would you describe the main conflict?Is it an internal conflict within the character?Is it an external conflict caused by the surroundings or environment the main character finds himself/herself in?

Short Story  

The story of the "The Centipede" is one example of a short story. A short story is fictional, or a story about imaginary events and people, written in prose. It has a setting, characters, plot, theme, and point of view. It covers only a limited length and can be read in one sitting. Short stories have a relatively broad range of lengths, between 1,000 and 7,500 words. It is limited in scope and has an introduction, body and conclusion.  

Elements of a Short Story  

A short story has the following key elements:  

PlotThemeSettingConflictCharactersPoint of View

Plot - it is the sequence of events in a story.  

Setting - it refers to the time and place in which the events of a story take place.  

Conflict - it is the opposition of forces which ties one incident to another and makes the plot move.

Characters – it refers to the direct or indirect subjects around whom the story revolves. There are two meanings for the word character: the person in a work of fiction and the characteristics of a person.      

Theme - it is the central idea or main message of the story    

Point of View - it refers to the perspective from which the story is told A Story can be told from the perspective of a direct participant in the story (first-person point of view, characterized by the use of the pronoun l) or from the perspective of an observer (third person point of view).  

To know more about the story of "The Centipede", click the following links below:  

Setting of the story:  

Plot of the story:  

Moral lesson:

20. What is the best ending for the story The Centipede by Rony V. Diaz?

her sister died and eddie regrets what he had done to his sister.


determine the conflict and its type

22. give a best ending of the story the centipede by rony v diaz

Delia died from having a heart attack because of the centipede that is being thrown to her. It triggered her attack because she is not allowed to feel shock 'coz it might lead to her death—which happened. That's the possible ending.

23. what was the problem in the centipede story , by rony v. diaz

Delia was jealous of Eddie because their father was focusing on Eddie more than her.... Just suggesting... My teacher's opinion is that too

24. summury of the Centipede by Rony V. Diaz​


A boy named Eddie hated his sister Delia. This started when Delia beat his dog Biryuk. He wanted to stop her but can’t since Delia has a weak heart.

A flashback shows that Eddie and Delia treat each other as rivals. Delia was 8 years old when Eddie was born and her mother died, which seems to be the reason why she also hated Eddie and blamed him for the death of her mother.

Delia is also jealous of Eddie since the latter gains more attention. While Eddie loves animals and insects, Delia doesn’t, which is why she tortures them just to make Eddie more miserable.

This went out of hand when Delia stabbed Eddie’s dog in the eye. He wanted revenge. A helper named Berto gave Eddie the centipede. He wished to frighten Delia. His senses were clouded with hate.

While Delia embroidered a white cloth, he threw the centipede on his sister’s lap. He returned to his senses and saw his sister down and writhing in pain. He regretted it abut the damage has already been done.


hope it help

25. WHAT IS THE conflicts OR problem on the story " The Centipede" by Rony V. Diaz?​


The problem or conflict in the story was that Delia was such a bully to her own little or younger brother Eddie and they, as siblings, can't get or even establish a good relationship with one another



It is the attitude of his sister.

26. The Characters In The Story The Centipede By Rony V. Diaz

Eddie >main character
Delia > Eddie's sister
Biryuk >the lost dog Eddie found while hunting
Berto > one of the workmen for the family
Father > Eddie's and Delia's dad

27. who are the character in the centipede by Rony V. Diaz?

Delia -main character
Eddie - main character
Biryuk - Eddie's Dog
Monkey - Eddie's pet
Pigeons - Eddie's bird
Father of Delia and Eddie
Berto - Eddie's uncle - the one who gave eddie the centipede
Friends of Delia

28. what is the summary about of the centipede by rony v diaz​

The story was about a misunderstanding between Eddie and his sister Delia. The conflict of between the two started when Delia provoke her brother Eddie by way of attacking and destroying Eddie's pet and other Eddie's Important things in life.

29. What is the best ending for the story The Centipede by Rony V. Diaz?

2 the book the ending of the centipede is delia was die but 4 me i want delia say sorry for everrything and they love each other.If I was given a chance to give a best ending for the story, The Centipede by Rony V. Diaz, I will make Delia not afraid of the Centipede thrown by her by her brother, their Dad will have a deep talk about on how they must view, and love each other, and they say sorry to each other, and love <#3


30. characters in a story the centipede by rony v. diaz

Eddie, Delia, Berto, Father, Biryuk ( dog )

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