Pricking In Agriculture

Pricking In Agriculture

Briefly define the following: 1. Organic Agriculture 2. Conventional Agriculture 3. Halal Agriculture 4. Precision Agriculture 5. Integrated Farming 6. Hydroponic Agriculture 7. Biotechnology in Agriculture​

Daftar Isi

1. Briefly define the following: 1. Organic Agriculture 2. Conventional Agriculture 3. Halal Agriculture 4. Precision Agriculture 5. Integrated Farming 6. Hydroponic Agriculture 7. Biotechnology in Agriculture​

1. Organic Agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems, and people.
2. “Conventional farming” is generally associated with high-input modern agriculture which includes the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides.
3. Halal's main objective is to ensure that the process and ingredients are entirely clean, pure and comply with Islamic principles.
4. Precision agriculture (PA) is an approach to farm management that uses information technology (IT) to ensure that crops and soil receive exactly what they need for optimum health and productivity.
5. Integrated Farming combines the best of modern tools and technologies with traditional practices according to a given site and situation.
6. Hydroponics is a way to skip the soil, sub in a different material to support the roots of the plant, and grow crops directly in nutrient-rich water.
7. Biotechnology provides farmers with tools that can make production cheaper and more manageable.

Mark me brainliest answer, please. :>

2. sustainable agriculture vs organic agriculture​


Organic farming is a method of farming that avoids using synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). ... Sustainable farming describes agricultural methods and techniques aimed at minimizing the depletion of natural resources in the ground.


pa brainlest

3. as an agriculture student, how will to be interested in agriculture?​


we interested to the fresh vegetables

we interested to the view when you are in mountain, of course mountain is a part of a agriculture, and we interested to the tree because when the tree is none its get landslide

and if none vegetables farmers are died because that the work he or she have

4. tell someting about Agriculture what is agriculture​


agriculture is the practice of cultivating plants and livestock it was the key development in the rise of sendetary human civilization whereby domesticated animals produce foods




Agriculture has many attributes in our day-to-day living. In the farming site, it gives us grains, corn, and vegetables to eat. While in poultry site it gives us meat, chicken, and others. Also in fishery, it gives us fishes that are alternate of protein and other kinds of seafood we eat. At last, we must also include the forestry, because of it we are capable of producing furniture and other use of woods. But take note that we should limit our acts and think beforehand about the consequences of overusing our nature. That is how great our agriculture is.

5. what is the differenciate of agricultural mechanics and Agricultural mechanization? ​



Mechanised agriculture is the process of using agricultural machinery to mechanise the work of agriculture, greatly increasing farm worker productivity. In modern times, powered machinery has replaced many farm jobs formerly carried out by manual labour or by working animals such as oxen, horses and mules. while Bush clearing consists of the cutting and removal of all bushes and shrubs within the clearing width (i.e. road width plus .. metres on each side).The bushes have to be disposed of well outside the roadway or stocked in a cleared area for burning after the removal of trees and vegetation.


pa brainliest po

6. 1. Agricultural Implements2. Types of Agricultural Implements3. Irrigation Machinery4. Soil Cultivation Machineries5. Agricultural tools,​


Agricultural Implements

Agricultural implements are the machinery which are used on a farm to help with farming or to improve farming.

Following are the different types of agricultural implements used by the farmers to facilitate easy production of crops:

Irrigation Machinery. It includes central pivot irrigation systems and pump units. ... Soil Cultivation Implements. ... Planting Machines. ... Harvesting Implements. ... Other Agricultural Equipment


There are 5 types:

Irrigation Machinery. It includes central pivot irrigation systems and pump units. ... Irrigation Machinery. It includes central pivot irrigation systems and pump units. ... Soil Cultivation Implements. ... Irrigation Machinery. It includes central pivot irrigation systems and pump units. ... Soil Cultivation Implements. ... Planting Machines. ... Irrigation Machinery. It includes central pivot irrigation systems and pump units. ... Soil Cultivation Implements. ... Planting Machines. ... Harvesting Implements. ... Irrigation Machinery. It includes central pivot irrigation systems and pump units. ... Soil Cultivation Implements. ... Planting Machines. ... Harvesting Implements. ... Other Agricultural Equipment.

Irrigation Machinery

Irrigation is the process of applying controlled amounts of water to plants at needed intervals. ... Irrigation systems are also used for cooling livestock, dust suppression, disposal of sewage, and in mining.

Soil cultivation machineries

Soil cultivation implements: used to plow the soil and prepare it for cultivation

Agricultural tools:

Agricultural machinery is machinery used in farming or other agriculture. There are many types of such equipment, from hand tools and power tools to tractors and the countless kinds of farm implements that they tow or operate. Diverse arrays of equipment are used in both organic and nonorganic farming.

7. 3. Differentiate conventional agriculture versus organic agriculture. In what extent organic agriculture is deemed important and in what extent conventional agriculture is deemed important. List don your answers and support it with explanation.​

3. Differentiate conventional agriculture versus organic agriculture. In what extent organic agriculture is deemed important and in what extent conventional agriculture is deemed important. List don your answers and support it with explanation.

Correct me if I'm wrong

8. Why do we need to study agriculture and the branches of agriculture

Why is agriculture important?

Agriculture is the key element to the discovery of the various means of collecting and storing foods during the early times. The concept behind the creation of food surpluses will not be developed without people’s understanding of agriculture. This led to the implementation of stratifications in societies.

In present times, finance managers think that its extremely accommodating in providing work chances to certain regions on the planet. Ranch proprietors recruit incredible number of laborers to do tasks like peaceful crowding of animals, plant development and plant reproducing. With sufficient information on this field of study, it will be simple for people to grow new advancements and frameworks that will be useful in improving food supplies on the planet.

Agribusiness is noteworthy to the creation of natural food, which began during the 1980s. With the resistance of certain agriculturists on the planet to the successive utilization of ordinary non-natural food strategies or methods, customers began to interest for the ceaseless creation of natural food. As a result of this monetary pattern, business visionaries discover incredible budgetary open doors in the growing natural food market. In the last part of the 1990s, more private organizations wandered in organizations that manage the putting away and selling of natural food.


Well, anyone of us has a desire to choose what will be our next standard of information and Agriculture is an example of which we can know and discover the different ways to handle and manage our knowledge inside the branches of agriculture system.With this study,we can determine the exact amount of the entire agriculture groups in the philippines not just in our nation but, the entire world can get this matter of creating a whole new world of education.

9. 1. This simple term means keeping track of the business.A. Agricultural inputC. Agricultural managementB. Agricultural inventoryD. Agricultural resources​






10. diffence between agriculture before and agriculture today ​


What are the difference between Agriculture Then and Now or i might say Before and Today? Agriculture has changed over the years. To be specific, it includes farming. Farming has changed in the modern day on its way how to be operated and what is it's size and it's due to tecnology. Agriculture before emphasizes localization, cultural appreciation and it involves an effort and hardwork while agriculture today invlves production, crop consistency and capital gain. Farming in modernization is a lot easier for the farmers because of technology production.

11. as an agriculture student how will you encourage to be interested in agriculture?​


As an agriculture student , I will be encourage to be interested in agriculture by gaining experience planting crops and harvesting, as well as learning to do so.



12. 2. Compare and contrast between modern agriculture and traditional agriculture


Modern agriculture is an ever-changing approach to agricultural innovations and farming practices that helps farmers increase efficiency and reduce the amount of natural resources needed to meet the world's food, fuel and fiber demands.Traditional agriculture is based on treating the soil and plants with products that are more likely than not noxious, and more likely than not synthetically produced in a laboratory. ... These products are used to prevent disease or pests from blighting the plant.


How does the modern agriculture differ from the traditional agriculture?

Modern agriculture uses advanced technology, it is less labor intensive than traditional agriculture, and the yield quantity is larger because there is a focus on maximizing production and maintaining a consistent quality. Modern agriculture uses advanced technology , such as plant breeding techniques and pesticides.

13. agricultural tenancy reform act and the agricultural leasehold act​


Agricultural tenancy reform act - It is the purpose of this Act to establish agricultural tenancy relations between landholders and tenants upon the principle of school justice; to afford adequate protection to the rights of both tenants and landholders; to insure an equitable division of the produce and income derived from the land.

Agricultural leasehold act​

The Agricultural Land Reform Code (RA 3844) was an advancement of land reform in the Philippines and was enacted in 1963 under President Diosdado Macapagal. It abolished tenancy and established a leasehold system in which farmers paid fixed rentals to landlords, rather than a percentage of harvest.



14. as an agriculture student what will be your contribution for a better agricultural communityneed lng po nowsa agriculture po yan​





15. Compare and contrast organic agriculture and conventional agriculture


“Conventional farming” is generally associated with high-input modern agriculture which includes the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides. ... Organic agriculture relies on healthy living systems, taking advantage of biodiversity and recycling (Council of the European Union 2007).

16. how does the organic agriculture production To you as an agriculture student? ​


"Organic agriculture is a holistic production management system which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. It emphasises the use of management practices in preference to the use of off-farm inputs, taking into account that regional conditions require locally adapted systems.

17. As agriculture student, during this pandemic, what is your insight about technological progress in agriculture that enables the development of sustainable environment friendly agriculture?​


Yes, as a student that is a part of a sustainable ecological agriculture, the technology of agricultural mechanization based on electromobility and the construction of power plants generating electricity based on renewable energy sources is being developed. These types of power plants based on solar, wind, geothermal and water energy are built on farms engaged in ecological farming and / or pro-environmental agritourism farms. Solar-powered agricultural machinery is already being produced as part of the agricultural sustainability goals. I am glad that you are developing this kind of pro-ecological solutions and that you have been successful in this matter.


Sana makatulong,,

18. Using a table, differentiate between industrialized agriculture and organic agriculture.​


Industrialized agriculture is highly concentrated and mechanized, relying on chemical inputs like fertilizers, pesticides and non-therapeutic antibiotics. However, sustainable agriculture, which uses methods that protect the environment, public health, human communities and animal welfare, is gaining traction.


Industrialised animal farming allows the use of antibiotics and hormones, residues of which end up being consumed by humans. Industrialised farming also allows factory farming and practices that compromise animal welfare (see Eating Animals section).

          Organic animal farming uses organic feed for the animals and does not allow the use of antibiotics or hormones. Organic certification also includes strict animal welfare regulations.


hope it's help po:)

19. Why agricultural economics an important discipline in the agricultural science study​


Agricultural Economics studies the link between Agriculture and the Economy. Agriculture can't be ruled out in any economy ( be it, input, farm or processing level). In developing countries, majority of the population engage in subsistence farming for a living.

20. 4. How important is the maintenance and repair of agricultural vehicles in agriculture?​


it is so very important because maybe it can make us in danger if you didn't have maintenance or we didn't prepare our vehicle on agriculture it can make us in r risk or in danger.

21. relationship between modern agriculture and sustainable agriculture​


Industries are greatly based on agriculture. If there is no agriculture production, then maybe there will be no industrial production. Agricultural provides raw materials to the industries and Industries to make good utilization of raw materials.



22. what is importance of agricultural extension or agricultural technician in the society​

isaba taka nga nag salig kag brainly ha isaba tika sa inyong maestra

23. A Department of AgricultureC. Agricultural InstitutionD. Commercial Nursery4. Responsible for any agricultural activities in terms of vegetables and fruitsA Commercial NurseryB. Bureau of Plant IndustryC. Agricultural InstitutionD. Department of Agriculturefruite in Mindanao​


C.Agricultural Institution


C Agricultural Instition

24. Describe the role of Agricultural Engineering in water resources and agricultural development​


Agrigenomic solutions designed to deliver accurate and actionable data when you need it most

Thermo Fisher Scientific is committed to providing instruments, reagents, and solutions for plant and animal genotyping applications: simple, scalable, and affordable next-generation solutions that will help drive remarkable agricultural innovations. These solutions enable producers to develop healthier, more efficient crops and livestock to help nourish the world's growing population.


hope is help po.

25. 1. what is agriculture?2. what are the importance of Agriculture3. what are the negative effects of agriculture?​

1. Agriculture is the cultivation of plants and animals for food, fuel, and other products. It involves the use of various techniques such as plowing, planting, harvesting, and raising livestock.

2. Agriculture is important as it provides food and other products for human consumption, generates income for farmers and rural communities, and plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance.

3. Negative effects of agriculture include soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, water pollution, and pesticide contamination. Additionally, intensive farming practices can lead to overuse of resources and contribute to climate change.

1. Agriculture is the cultivation of plants, animals, and other life forms for food, fuel, and other products. It includes farming, forestry, and fishing.

2. Agriculture is important for providing food and other products for human consumption and use. It also plays a role in economic development, as it can provide jobs and income for rural communities.

Agriculture can also play a role in preserving natural ecosystems, as many farmers use sustainable practices to protect soil and water resources.

3. Some negative effects of agriculture include:

Soil degradation and erosion from overuse and poor farming practices

Pesticide and fertilizer pollution of water and air

Habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity due to land conversion for agriculture

Increased greenhouse gas emissions due to land use changes and intensive livestock farming

Depletion of water resources due to irrigation

Monoculture crops which makes the land less resilient to pests or diseases and can lead to a lower yield.

- Servion

26. Compare and contrast the agricultural practices during theTraditional and Modern Agriculture.​


Modern agriculture uses advanced technology , such as plant breeding techniques and pesticides. Seeds that are hybrids may be used and other gene editing techniques applied. Modern agriculture is less labor intensive than traditional agriculture because there is a greater reliance on machinery .



27. How agricultural marketing important in agriculture? ​

Agricultural marketing plays an important role not only in stimulating production and consumption, but in accelerating the pace of economic development. ... Agriculture supplies raw materials to various industries and therefore, marketing of such commercial crops like cotton, sugarcane, oilseeds etc.

28. why do we need to study the agriculture and the branches of agriculture?​

Why is agriculture important?

Agriculture is the key element to the discovery of the various means of collecting and storing foods during the early times. The concept behind the creation of food surpluses will not be developed without people’s understanding of agriculture. This led to the implementation of stratifications in societies.

In present times, finance managers think that its extremely accommodating in providing work chances to certain regions on the planet. Ranch proprietors recruit incredible number of laborers to do tasks like peaceful crowding of animals, plant development and plant reproducing. With sufficient information on this field of study, it will be simple for people to grow new advancements and frameworks that will be useful in improving food supplies on the planet.


29. TLE: 1.give the meaning of agriculture? 2. What are the branches of agriculture? 3. how did agriculture help our country?​


1. Agriculture is one of the most important aspects of everyone's life.

• It is something that is necessary for the survival of each and every human being. • Along with being a necessity, it also

helps in the economy of the country.

Agriculture has been derived from two different Latin words, 'ager' and 'cultura' where ager means 'field' and cultura means 'growing or cultivation'.

So the literal meaning of agriculture is the 'cultivation of fields'.

Agriculture is the process of practicing farming including cultivation of the soil for growing crops, rearing animals, and producing other products such as wool, oil, etc.

• The most important aspect of agriculture for human beings is to provide food for people.

2. Agriculture Engineering

Agriculture Economics



3. One of the central goals of every developing country is to reach high-income status. Agriculture plays a critical role in transforming economies to reach the goal, along with achieving other essential development goals like ensuring food security and improving nutrition


Hope its help

Carry on learning

30. what is agricultural engineering and its importance to the agriculture​


With regard to LIDA's specific field of work, Agricultural Engineers ensure crop production is sufficient, of good quality and that it complies with protocols. In other words, they work to guarantee food security.

#CarryOnLearning :)

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