Position Paper About Technology

Position Paper About Technology

Research paper about positive and negative effect of modern technology

Daftar Isi

1. Research paper about positive and negative effect of modern technology

The positive effect of modern technology is it allows us to do our works easily but then the negative effect is it makes people rely on technology and just do nothing, modern technology increases people's laziness

2. make a position paper about use of technologies in module activities​


Technologies are now very useful nowadays specially students,were no teacher able to guide and teach them. Some student's might find these idea helpful but some are not. Student's have the technology that other kids want,to be able to answer their modules but some of them are just taking advantage and not using it appropraitely in school purposes.

3. Position Paper about the topic: Is technology important in terms of education?​


name: ●>~Jonicksonjul2 genius <~}●

●{>hope learning <}●

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●{>~ NICKANZ ~<}●

The benefits of using educational technology also include the improvement of learners' mental and physical health. By using these tools, students are able to enhance their learning and their cognitive skills, which in turn helps them improve their academic performance as well as their physical health.

4. What's MoreActivity 1.2 Read Smarter. Read Smart Technology is Here by Francis J. Kongand answer the questions below. Use a separate sheet of paper.1. What is the opinion of the writer about technology?(State the wriier's position)2. Do you agree with the writer? Why? Why not?(Helpful Tip: Useful Expression in agreeing or disagreeing with the views ofothers.I agree with the writer's claim that... I don't agree with the authors ideas/thoughts...because...)3. State the first argument of the writer?The first argument of the writer is4. What is the conclusion of the writer?(Helpful Tip: Useful Expression in Drawing Conclusion Using the work ofOthers. Based on the writer, a connection can be made between...or As aconclusion...5.If you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology?(Helpful Tip: Useful Expression il presenting your own point of view... I stronglybelieve that... I think/contend that ...)​




1.  What is the opinion of the writer about technology?

(State the writer’s position)

Technology does now no longer handiest alternate things, it has converted the manner we lived and the charge of alternate is accelerating. Consider the adjustments which have occurred over the years.

2. Do you agree with the writer? Why? Why not?

(Helpful Tip: Useful Expression in agreeing or disagreeing with the views of

others.I agree with the writer's claim that... I don't agree with the authors ideas/

I agree with the writer that technology is not a fad but it is  a progressive phase of life. As years go by, it will develop like Fibonacci sequence.

3. State the first argument of the writer?

The first argument of the writer is he is positive it'll enhance many people’s lives, however the equal substances also can be used to develop evil and harm. Therefore, we want to be reminded that generation is moral-neutral. It continues to be the coronary heart of the man or woman the use of it that subjects. Use generation for what subjects maximum and this is for the good.

4. What is the conclusion of the writer?

(Helpful Tip: Useful Expression in Drawing Conclusion Using the work of

Others. Based on the writer, a connection can be made between...or As a


He concluded that technology is a power that can be used for good and bad, and as the most moral thing to do, people should choose to do good things.  

5.If you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology?

(Helpful Tip: Useful Expression il presenting your own point of view... I strongly

believe that... I think/contend that ...)

I contend that technology is intended for a good use but it should be accounted that it can go wary especially with Artificial Intelligence which mimics actual humans. As we enjoy the fruits of technology, we should not be idle.  



5. if you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology brainly


i think if you were to write a position paper i think that will be why

6. if you were to write a position paper what will your stance about technology​


Yes, without any hesitation. Technology being themes are quite interesting since it covers both numerous advantages and disadvantages that one can tackle in a position paper. If given the chance, I would stand for the positive impact of technology itself because technology has always been helpful to humankind. The way humans abuse technology flickers the positive side of it.

7. if you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology brainly


Here's the true answer


Hope it helps


8. DIRECTIONS. Choose the best answer to the following questions/statements below. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.1. According to Functionalism, each of the social institutions contributes important functions for society. Which of the following institution can offer a way to transmit a society’s skills, knowledge, and culture to its youth?A. Education B. Religion C. Family D. Economics2. Which of the following does NOT describe structural-functionalism?A. a perspective in sociology that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability.B. tells that society is made up of groups or institutions, which are cohesive, share common norms, and have a definitive culture.C. explains that the way society is organized is the most natural and efficient way for it to be organized.D. None of the above.3. It is the amount of socially necessary labor-time needed to produce an article under the normal conditions of production and with the average degree of skill and intensity of the time.A. Use value C. Exchange valueB. The labor theory of value D. Surplus value4. For groups to be cohesive in a social context, positive membership attitudes and behaviors have to be produced and maintained. It can be looked at on both an individual and group level at a group level is directly affected by the individual members. Which of the following concepts describes the bonds that bring people together in a society?A. Social Stability C. Social InequalityB. Social Cohesive D. Social Cohesion5. Robert Merton believes that 5 situations are facing an actor in Structural Functionalism. Which of the following is statement is/are true?A. Conformity occurs when an individual has the means and desire to achieve the cultural goals socialized into them.B. Innovation occurs when an individual strives to attain the accepted cultural goals but chooses to do so in a novel or unaccepted method.C. Ritualism occurs when an individual continues to do things as prescribed by society but forfeits the achievement of the goals.D. All of the above6. According to Symbolic Interactionists, human beings differ from animals .A. Because humans show greater affection than animalsB. Because human being can take the role of the otherC. Because humans are only proactive and not reactive like animalsD. All of the above7. Because on Mead’s discussion of generalized other, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Societal expectations have little impact on who we think we are.B. There is no “me” at birth, it is formed through continual symbolic interactionC. The “I” is more important than the “me” informing our sense of selfD. The generalized other is really who we are, we just don’t understand what Mead is saying8. Which one of the following is a reason why Marx cannot be rejected because of his ideological orientation?A. Marxism is the only sociological theory that is ideologically biased.B. Marx tried to hide his ideological orientations.C. Marx argued that a violent overthrow of capitalism is the only way to end exploitationD. Marx was essentially a humanist, not a bloodthirsty revolutionary9. What would be Marx’s argument that needs to happen to transform a society's culture?A. the mass media would need to be changedB. Marx was essentially a humanist, not a bloodthirsty revolutionaryC. the economic foundation would have to be changedD. new technologies would need to be introduced10. Which of the following is true about symbolic interactionism?A. It is a type of lens for looking at the worldB. It is focused on language and symbols in day to day lifeC. It includes the belief that reality is socially constructedD. All of the answers are correct ​




sorry po hindi ko na po na anserran yung iba

9. 2. Do you agree with the writer? Why? Why not? (Helpful Tip: Useful Expression in agreeing or disagreeing with the views of others. agree with the writer's claim that... I don't agree with the authors ideas/ thoughts...because...) 3. State the first argument of the writer? The first argument of the writer is... 4. What is the conclusion of the writer? (Helpful Tip: Useful Expression in Drawing Conclusion Using the work of Others Based on the writer, a connection can be made between... or as a conclusion...) C 5. If you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology? (Helpful Tip: Useful Expression in presenting your own point of view... / strongly believe that... I think/contend that...) About the effects of technology by orton taylor.Pa answer po...​



- 2. Do you agree with the writer? Why? Why not? (Helpful Tip: Useful Expression in agreeing or disagreeing with the views of others. agree with the writer's claim that... I don't agree with the authors ideas/ thoughts...because...)  

- Yes, I believe with the author’s claims that technology is taking away very crucial skills that children need in the future such as developing social skills.  

- 3. State the first argument of the writer?

The first argument of the writer is... that Technology is making people and children unlearn social skills and behaviors that we must have when interacting with other people.  


- 4. What is the conclusion of the writer? (Helpful Tip: Useful Expression in Drawing Conclusion Using the work of Others Based on the writer, a connection can be made between... or as a conclusion...)

The conclusion of the writer is that there will be consequences if the people will not control this behavior. Because of dependence on technology, we forget what is more important.  


-  5. If you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology? (Helpful Tip: Useful Expression in presenting your own point of view... / strongly believe that... I think/contend that...)

Everything can be used for good or bad, in my opinion. So in talking about technology, there may be ramifications as what the author said in the future of our world. Due to progressive inventions in our time, it may contribute to a society that forgets values and social skills. However, technology is needed for us to move forward but the impact must be con/tr0ll3d.



10. If you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology


The answer is on the picture, I hope it helps.




11. Writing a position paper about the internet revolution and digital future technology​




they're a human-like robots

Hyper automation, the distributed cloud, practical blockchain and human augmentation are just a few of the biggest These technology trends next year that have potential to power both transformation and optimization initiatives.

12. if you were to write a position paper what will be your view about technology


The goal will be to provide convincing evidence to the reader that your position is the correct stance to take on an issue. I can write a great position paper by choosing my position carefully, developing my argument, drafting my paper, and revising and editing my work,without any hesitation. Technology being themes are quite interesting since it covers both numerous advantages and disadvantages that one can tackle in a position paper. If given the chance, I would stand for the positive impact of technology itself because technology has always been helpful to humankind. The way humans abuse technology flickers the positive side of it.

13. Activity 1: FIT AND RIGHTDirections: Read the paragraph below that shows positive and negative ideas abouttechnology. Complete the statements in the paragraph by supplying thecorrect transitional devices used when comparing and contrasting.Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.Technology has provided us a comfortable life. Since its existence, our works andother tasks became easier. (1)it has made our lives bearable.Technology has been with us in almost what we do that made us become accustomedto getting everything done in a snap. Truly, it has brought countless of wonders tohumanity. (2)just like any other things, technology too is like adouble-edged sword. It can greatly help us (3)if we do not know howto use it properly, this can turn us into slaves. (4)to itsadvantages, technology can also harm us especially when we let it become our master(5)it's good that we have technologies that can assist us, it would stillbe best if we learn how to manipulate it and not let them take over us.Choose your answers here:whilebutalsocontraryhoweveras well as​







14. (2. It is a document or letter publicly declaring the position or program, a set ofideas, opinions, or views and can also lay out a plan of action and is oftenpolitical in nature.a. Research Paperc. Abstract​)ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL PURPOSESWhat I know:1.B 4.A2.D 5.B3.C 6.AWhat’s New:obesity, poverty, climate change, drugs, bullyingWhat’s More:1.The issue is about how technology has changed people’s lives, behavior and moral outlook.The writer’s stand: He is not against technological developments in fact it improves man’s way of living, but he also reminds us that same technology will advance evil and harm. Therefore, use technology wisely for the common good.2. At the comfort of technological products man has found his comfort zone to dwell and slowly forgetting the value of real human interactions that eventually changes man’s mind, culture and outlook in life.3. Personal experienceReal-life scenario happening around4. The author reiterates his stand about the issue and leave a strong statement for a call to action.What I have Learned: I thought that figures of speech are tools that writers use to create images, or paint pictures, in the mind.I learned that I need to study hard in my module and I was surprised that I need to answer it directly and properly, thanks all of the teachers to give this lesson.What I can do: ( no answers )Lesson 2What’s More: (no answers)What I have Learned:POSITION PAPERCHOSEN ISSUE» Has the covid19 pandemic changed the world for its best or for its worst?TITLE» The Devastating Effects of COVID 19 Pandemic «ANSWERPosition: The Covid19 pandemic changed the world for its worstThe world these past 7 months, is experiencing one of the darkest times of its dense history because of the abrupt existence of a very detrimental COVID19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) that originated in Wuhan, China, due to human negligence and lack of sanitation.This virus is very much contagious, that is why it became a global epidemic (occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people) in just 3 months! The Philippine government didn’t impose travel bans and stringent safety protocols fast enough to prevent the virus from entering the country, the slacking and inattentiveness of the government caused some massive consequences to the entire nation.Since the Philippines is only a developing country or a so-called third-world country, the government could not very much contain the effects of the deadly pandemic, imposing lockdowns and keeping people to go out of their houses and huddling together were not enough to prevent more than 8,500 people to perish within 8 months and a worldwide death or 2.1 million people.Note: Please do expound this position paper, I already provided the most important parts, you just have to add more to strengthen your position regarding the issue.Assesment:1.TRUE2.TRUE 3.TRUE4.TRUE5.FALSE6.TRUE7.FALSE8.TRUE9.TRUE10.TRUEII.1.a position paper presents one side of an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is valid and defensible. Ideas that you are considering need to be carefully examined in choosing a topic, developing your argument, and organizing your paper.2. Consider the situation. ...Clarify your thinking. ...Construct a claim. ...Collect evidence. ...Consider key objections. ...Craft your argument. ...Confirm your main point.


Planting abaca can also minimize erosion and sedimentation problems in coastal areas which are important breeding places for sea fishes. The water holding capacity of the soil will be improved and floods and landslides will also be prevented. Abaca waste materials are used as organic fertilizer.Planting abaca can also minimize erosion and sedimentation problems in coastal areas which are important breeding places for sea fishes. The water holding capacity of the soil will be improved and floods and landslides will also be prevented. Abaca waste materials are used as organic fertilizer.Planting abaca can also minimize erosion and sedimentation problems in coastal areas which are important breeding places for sea fishes. The water holding capacity of the soil will be improved and floods and landslides will also be prevented. Abaca waste materials are used as organic fertilizer.Planting abaca can also minimize erosion and sedimentation problems in coastal areas which are important breeding places for sea fishes. The water holding capacity of the soil will be improved and floods and landslides will also be prevented. Abaca waste materials are used as organic fertilizer.Planting abaca can also minimize erosion and sedimentation problems in coastal areas which are important breeding places for sea fishes. The water holding capacity of the soil will be improved and floods and landslides will also be prevented. Abaca waste materials are used as organic fertilizer.Planting abaca can also minimize erosion and sedimentation problems in coastal areas which are important breeding places for sea fishes. The water holding capacity of the soil will be improved and floods and landslides will also be prevented. Abaca waste materials are used as organic fertilizer.


15. 15. They are usually made vertical and oblique lines. A. triangle of celluloid or B. T-square C.Triangular scole plastic and come in various C.Triangular scale D. French curve size used for drawing D. French curve 16. Which of the following statement is NOT a step in positioning a drawing paper on A. Position the 1-square against the working edge and press firmly the body. B. Use masking tape to fasten at least two opposite comers or four corners to make the drawing table? drawing paper stable. C. Place the edge of the drawing paper parallel or aligned on the edge of the working blade and of the T-square. D. Gradually side the head of the T-square against the working edge of the drawing table. 17. How do you properly clean and keep a T-square after using it? A. Remove the head. Soak the head of the T-square to a warm and soapy water. B. Using wet tissue clean the inner space of the T-square. C. Use rug to clean the body of the T-square, brush with 1/2-inch paintbrush the inner space where the head and the body of the T-square is connected. D. Soak the T-square in a warm soapy water. Hang it until it dries. 18. this department is in-charge of unloading, unpacking of incoming materials, checks. Identify goods, received with descriptions on the purchase order. A. Accounting department B. Receiving department C. Sales department D. Budget department 19. This form shows proof or receipt of goods and services. A. Delivery receipt form B. Inventory form C. Purchase order form D. Requisition slip form 20. This form contains specified quantities of described goods at agreed terms and at a designated time and place. A. Delivery receipt form) 8. Inventory form C. Purchase order form D. Requisition slip form 21. This form is a printed document on which a request is made. A. Delivery receipt form B. Inventory form C. Purchase order form D. Requisition slip form 22. This form contains information about the name, purchase information and cost of goods and displays on a balance sheet. A. Delivery receipt form C. Purchase order form D. Requisition slip form B. Inventory form 23. Which of the following is NOT true about measurement? A. Measurement is vital for all parts of manufacturing and production technology. B. Measurement must be consistent so that people have a common understanding. C. Measurement must be based on guidelines set by the industry.. D. Measurement requires advance skills. 24. What is the basic unit of measurement in the Systems International measurement? A. Centimeter B. Decimeter C. Meter 25. What tool is best used to measure the length of a notebook? a. foot ruleB. Triangle c. meter stuch D. Kilometer the efons: Using the que D. T - square​


1. C. t-square

2. C. masking tape

3. D. triangular scales

4. B. triangle

5. C. ruler

6. A. 30 x 60 and 40 degrees triangles

7. B. measuring tools

8. C. protractor

9. A. hard pencils

10. A. compass

11. C. soft pencils

12. D. All of the above

13. A. pen/pencil case

14. B. Use measuring tools in cutting paper.

15. C. Lend or borrow drafting tools and materials.

16. C. Receiving Department

17. D. Requisition slips

18. B. Purchase Requisition

19. A. Borrower's Slip form

20. A. Parallel lines

21. A. Acute Angle

22. C. L x W

23. B. Cube

24. D. radius

25. D.  

26. B. Square

27. C. Tape Ruler

Explanation:pa brainliest pls

16. 1. What is the opinion of the writer about technology?2.Do you agree with the writer? Why? Why not?3. State the first argument of the writer?The first argument of the writer is4. What is the conclusion of the writer?5.If you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology?pa ans.. po plsss​


1.)As we live in technological world,we need technology in every single matter of our life.2.)Yes,because they're description of writer are relevant and it help nother country to know who writer really are.And based on their description is based on reality.3.)I think it's who is the saviour or who is the killer or who is the poor one.4.)It's important to write a good introduction.5.)Yes,without any hesitation.Technology being themes are quite interesting since it covers both numerous advantages and disadvantages that one can tackle in a position paper.I HOPE IT HELPS PA BRAINLIESTT PO


17. if you were to write a position paper what will be your stand about technology













Yan Lang po kasi vise ako Sana tama ito

19. Technologies for Social Change" and accomplish the table below toOutline the concept paper for your project.Example: Create a campaign ad about the positive impacts of the ICTthough the use of social media platforms.​


Technologies for Social Change" and accomplish the table below to

Outline the concept paper for your project.

Example: Create a campaign ad about the positive impacts of the ICT

though the use of social media platforms

20. if you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology? ​


hope this helps

#pa brainliest

#carry on learning


Nasa pic po yung sagot


#Carry on learning

hope it helps

pa brainliest

21. If you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology


Yes,without any hesitation.Technology being themes are quite interesting since it covers both numerous advantages and disadvantages that one can tackle in a position paper.If given the chance,I would stand for the positive impact of technology itself because technology has always been helpful to humankinds.The way humans abuse technology flickers the positive side of it. #BrainlyEveryDay#BrainliestBunch

22. ASSESSMENT Arrange the following steps chronologically. Use number 1 to 10. 1.Arrange everything in a composition that makes you happy. 2.Pretend it has a gloco door on it and everyone is going to see what's inside from now on. 3. Take a step back after one shelf is done. 4.Think about what you reach for the most often and make sure it gets a position that's easy to reach. 5. Remove everything and scrub the shelves with some soapy water. 6. Perhaps take a cabinet full of glasses and line them up by color, 7. Make someone else come look at what you've done, 8.Take a look at the photos for inspiration. 9. Take anything you don't use anymore. 10. If you're a contact-paper type of person, rip out the olad and replace it with new.pakisagot po plsss technology & livelihood education 7​



23. 1. Which method of predicting how variables in the environment will alter the future of business? a. PEST c. Benchmarking b. SWOT d. Business Prediction 2. It includes the size and growth of population, life expectancy of the people, technological skills and educational a. Demographic c. Economic b. Sociocultural d. Politico-legal 3. Who provides reasonably priced inputs and materials needed for manufacturing goods and delivering services? a. Stakeholders c. investors or owners b. Suppliers d. pressure groups 4. Who provides capital to the company and in exchange influence organizational management? a. Stakeholders c. investors or owners b. Suppliers d. pressure groups 5. Which allows businesses to reach new economic markets and outsource business functions to other businesses in the national and international business environment? a. Economic c. Technological b. Politico-legal d. none of the above 6. Which characteristic of decision making is based on the concept of constancy? a. Purposive c. Evaluation b. Positive d. Commitment 7. The term is used to describe how desirable a society or a region is, possibly with regards to what it can become. a. development as action c. economic development b. development as vision d. development as historical process 8. A book authored by Walt Whitman Rostow in 1960 about economic modernization. a. The Stages of Economic Growth c. The Phases of Growth b. The Stages of Economy d. The Growing Society 9. Which characteristic is NOT a part of the Drive to Maturity stage of economic growth? a. diversification c. industrialization b. specialization d. innovation 10. These are usually the first "take-off" industry, as happened in Great Britain's classic "Industrial Revolution". a. herbs and spices c. iron and steel b. cottons and papers d. textiles and apparel 11. The following are considered planning techniques except a. Benchmarking c. Feasibility study b. Contingency planning d. Forecasting 12. Which factor or element pertains to an effect in a business organization? a. Changing option c. Business prediction b. Business Environment d. Inflation 13. Which is also known as contingency factor? a. explained points c. planning points b. hidden points d. trigger points 14. Which example does not belong to the top/ corporate level? a. CEO c. Vice-President b. President d. Supervisor ​






sorry yan lng alam ko ಠ◡ಠ

24. if you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology​


the goal will be to provide convincing evidence to the reader that your position is the correct stance to take on an issue. I can write a great position paper by choosing my position carefully, developing my argument, drafting my paper, and revising and editing my work.

25. Genetic Engineering Techniques Express your idea, whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about the current technology in genetic engineering. Please have the three main parts in your position paper: introduction, body, and conclusion.1. Monkeys have been Cloned, Paving the way for Human Cloning. 2. Two genetic regions (variants in both ABO blood group locus and cluster of genes in chromosome 3) Linked with Severe Covid-19.​


Current Technology in Genetic Engineering

Human cloning

Cloning has become a mainstream issue when Dolly, the first cloned sheep, was unveiled to the public. Since then, many people have been wondering if the same can be done to humans. As for me, I don’t agree with cloning humans because it is unethical. I am hoping that human cloning would not be pursued by scientists.

Two Genetic Regions

I don’t agree with using genetic engineering in changing the human chromosome.

Genetic Engineering for Solving COVID-19

COVID-19 resulted to the collapse of the economy and the health industry. Using genetic engineering in solving the pandemic can be a great way to search for solutions. I agree in using the locusts to find new cures.

For more information about genetic engineering, please click the link below:



26. it for 1 Czanna read from their school paper about me Science Investigatory Project of the grade four class which won in the discon level competition for having contributed to the improvement in the organic gardening practices of the school What form of journalistic writing do you think did Czannaread? b. sports c editonal d science and technology a news 2. "The schoolmay have disposed of the garbage in the campus but the question remains of the disposal follows the waste segregation ordinance of the barangay. The school community is enjoined to be active participants of positive change for the good of the environmentThis sentence may have come from a. sports d. science and technology c editonal d feature 3. "The ups anddowns of SPG leadership This title may have come from a science and technology b. feature C sports d. nens 4. The school publication will report about the awards earned by the school's baseball team after competing the district-wide competition. The form of journalistic wnting that will be written from this is a spons b. news c. editorial d. science and technology in 5. The news editor of the school publication eyes to write about the issues between the school administration and the General PTA officials. She plans on interviewing the school principal and the GPTAPresident to hear both of their sides What quality of news will be evident in the writer's output if she hears both sides of the issue? a balance b. timely C. Concise d. visual plss answer it true answer or report true subject is journalism pls 1,2,3 only po​








sana maka tulong po

















28. True or False1. An explanatory thesis statement enables a writer to take a position about the subject of his/her academic essay or article. *2.A thesis statement is placed at the end of an essay's introduction but sometimes it is not directly stated. 3.Thesis Statement is the first sentence at the beginning of each paragraph. 4.The type of paper essay determines the type of the topic sentence. 5.One of the strategies in writing a thesis statement is to write a thesis statement in five to eight sentences. 6.A thesis statement should reflect the main idea of an essay.7."Technology has lessened our level of social connectedness to other people because it enables us to disconnect from others in our society and it does not show socialization skills necessary for us to maintain our good relationships with others." It is an example of an analytical thesis statement.8."The government needs to implement stronger court sentences", is an example of a weak thesis statement.9.The Yankee Doodle Restaurant is a great place to eat, because the staff is friendly, the food is delicious, and the atmosphere is relaxing is an example of blue printed thesis statement.10.People can agree or disagree with the assertion or opinion11.An argumentative thesis statement analyzes, or elaborate an issue or idea into its different parts.​

























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