Mapping The Periodic Table

Mapping The Periodic Table

mapping the periodic table​

Daftar Isi

1. mapping the periodic table​


The periodic table is a graphical representation of the chemical elements organized by their atomic structure. Each element is represented by a unique symbol and is placed in a specific location on the table based on its atomic number, electron configuration, and chemical properties. The elements are arranged in rows (called periods) and columns (called groups or families) to show their similarities and differences. The elements in the same group have similar chemical properties and reactivity, while the elements in the same period have similar electron configurations. The periodic table is an important tool for chemists and scientists as it helps in predicting the properties and behavior of elements and their compounds. It also helps in understanding the trends in chemical reactivity and in the discovery of new elements.



need picture

︎Assassination classroom

2. conclusion of mapping periodic table

To know the different elements in our world ..

3. Activity 1: Mapping the periodic table!​


Where's the periodic table?

I'm willing to help


4. What I Have Learned Concept Mapping! Instruction:Make a concept Map showing/illustrating what you have learned in this module starting from the word PERIODIC TABLE ​


common factors gcf ok tama Yan ang sagot

5. What I Have Learned Summarize what you have learned in this module using the concept map below. Draw iton a separate sheet of paper. You can improve the concept map by adding text boxes or you can also make your own concept map. Trends in the Periodic Table atomic radius ionization energy electron affinity electronegativity metallic property Trends in the Periodic Table Atomic radius Ionization energy Electron affinity Electronegativity Metallic property ​


pag mali kau na lang mag sagot salamat

6. A. periodic table mapping Directions: Complete the charts using the knowledge of atoms. Please refer to the modern periodic table of elements.pls help​


Lithium - Li , 3, 1, tends to lose one electron, 1

Calcium - Ca, 20, 2, Lose 2, +1

Sulfur - S, 16, 6, Gain 2, -2

Boron - B, 5, 3, Lose 3, +3

Silicon - Si, 14, 4, Gain or lose 4, +1

Phosphorus - P, 15, 5, Gain 3, 3-


7. Conclusion about the Mapping the Periodic Table Activity

the modern periodic table was mapped according to their increasing atomic number. 

8. What I Can DoActivity IA. Create a concept map on how the periodic table and the nature of the elements are used to predict and synthesize new elements in the help nmn po plss​


eto po



9. in the concept map below,fill each circle with a word or phrase that describes a periodic table​


1. Organized arrangement of an element

2.Elements are arranged in increasing atomic number

3.Elements heave different properties,lonization Energy,Electronegativity and Electron Afinity

4.Elements has a varied atomic radius

5.Elements are group into metals,not metal and mettaloid

6.Elements are arranged according to its similarity in property



10. Create a concept map on how the periodic table and the nature of the elements are used to predict and synthesize new elements in the laboratory.​


the periodic table can predict the properties of new elements because its organizes the elements according to their atomic numbers .they hope that two nuclei at the centre of these atomis will fase and form heavier nucleus


im not sure

11. Activity 1: Mapping the Periodic Table and answer the Guide QuestionsWhich number will give you an idea on the of the valence electrons

Which number will give you an idea on the number of valence electrons?
ans: The representative elements or main group elements are found in the s-block and p-block of the periodic table. The group number of the s-block (Groups 1 and 2) elements tells us the number of valence electrons. For example, all elements belonging to Group 2 have two (2) valence electrons. An exception is helium in Group 18. For the p-block elements (Groups 13 to 18), the number of valence electrons is the group number minus 10. This pattern does not include the transition elements.

12. II. Read the questions carefully and circle the correct answer. NII. 1. Which of the following is not a linear text? A. tables B. Speeches C. Letters News Articles 2. What do you call the framework or skeleton of a written text? A. table B. concept map C. outline D. brainstormimg 3. Which of the following is a linear text? A. Histogram B. personal essay C. bar graph D. spider concept map 4. What graphic organizer is used to present similarities and differences of ideas? A. table B. venn diagram C. bar graph D. spider concept map 5. A graphic organizer that shows that continuously changes over a period of time. The line or inas represent movements and may ascend or descend depending on the trends they show. A. line graph B. pie graph c. bar graph D. concept map​








Texts can either be linear or nonlinear. A linear text is the most common type of text. It needs to be read from start to end. In linear texts, grammar and style are being focused. Meanwhile in nonlinear texts, having an orderly sequence is not required. Nonlinear texts use visuals to assist the reader to capture their meaning.

Types of Texts

There are two types or classifications of texts. These are:

Linear Texts

Nonlinear texts

More details about these texts are indicated below.

Linear Texts

Linear texts are the most common ones.

Reading them from start to end is necessary.

Moreover, having correct grammar and style are needed to be focused on.

Some examples of linear texts are short stories, poems, educational texts, and novels.    

Nonlinear Texts

Nonlinear texts do not require reading from beginning to end.

To assist the reader, they use visuals such as pictures and graphs.

Some examples of nonlinear texts are charts and graphs.

Those are the definitions of linear text and nonlinear text. If you want to read more about this, you may click on the following links below:

What are the differences of linear and nonlinear texts?

What are nonlinear texts? and                                        


13. A guide questions Identification: Identify what is being asked in the following sentences. What do we call the tools that come in different forms and their main objective is to help readers have a clearer meaning of the text? B. reader's interpretations C. textual aids D. textual explanations e if the sensory images help readers understand literary texts such as poems and short stories, then which type of texts do textual aids help readers understand? A journalistic texts B. nonfiction texts C. scientific texts D. foreign texts 10. Why do writers include graphs, maps, charts, images and tables? A to serve as a guide for the readers' eyes in reading the text B. to provide an interpretation of the text c. to help readers understand the text D. to fill the spaces of the paper 11. Which is the main use of a table as a textual aid? A for comparison of characteristics C. show relationships of data B. for interpreting numerical data D. show trends or patterns 12. What type of textual aid is used if data is presented through dots, lines and curves? A chari B. diagram С. graph D. table 13. What type of graph is used to track changes over short and long periods of time? A bar graph Bline graph C. pictograph D. ple graph 14. If the text has the following lines: "From the Gabaldon building, head north, slight right onto the Grade 8 building... what kind of textual aid will be best fitted to match the text? A. map B. graph C. chart D. diagram 15. How can maps function as textual aids? A Maps can give a clearer picture of where the boundaries of each town, city, province and country lies. B. Maps can provide an image of the place being discussed C. Maps can show landmarks that may be in a place. D. Maps show specific directions to a destination​









14. in the concept map below,fill each circle with word or phrase that describes a periodic table(pt).use answer sheet for your answer​


1. Organized arrangement of an element

2.Elements are arranged in increasing atomic number

3.Elements heave different properties,lonization Energy,Electronegativity and Electron Afinity

4.Elements has a varied atomic radius

5.Elements are group into metals,not metal and mettaloid

6.Elements are arranged according to its similarity in property


Goodluck guys keepsafe!

15. EXPLORING GEOHAZARD MAPS Directions: 1. Search on the internet for Landslide Map. 2. Examine the map. Identify where the basic parts are. 3. What are the different colors used to distinguish different areas in the map? What does each color mean regarding the susceptibility of an area for a specific hazard? For each hazard and level of susceptibility, what actions should someone in a particular area take during periods of intense rain? 4. Organize your answers using the following table. MAP COLORS IMPLICATIONS Rain-induced Landslides


Geohazard maps are specialized maps that indicate the hazard susceptibility of areas. These maps are useful for disaster preparedness and management. The geohazard maps developed by MGB contain information on areas susceptible to rain-induced landslides and flooding.

Explaination: シ︎シ︎

16. Learning Task 1: Complete the concept map of performance settings below by writing the things you learned about musicians/composers, setting, audience, performers, and themes of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Period.Learning Task 2: Fill in the table with Performance Practices of the Eras according to the category. (Secular or Sacred).Learning Task 3: Name each composer from the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Period. Identify from what period/era they belong. Write your answers on space provided


plss po neeed answer pooo

17. . 1. How many type/s of atom does an element have? A. 1 B. 2 C.3 D. 4 2. Which of the following is a compound? A. H2O (water) B. NaCl (salt) C. NaOH (sodium hydroxide) D. Ca (calcium) 3. A tool that we use to find the complete names, symbols and other information about an element. A. Almana B. Periodic table C. Dictionary D. World map ​




A. 1

A. H2O (water)

B. Periodic table

18. 8. The following are examples of heterogenous mixtures exceptA Halo-haloB. AdoboC. CoffeeD. Mais con yelo9 Which of the following is not a pure substance?A Carbon dioxideB. AcetoneD. Salt solutionC. Alcohol10. This serves as a quick guide and a useful reference for the specific properties of elementsA Periodic tableB. Map C. Table of contentsD. Dictionary11. Which of the following elements has a chemical symbol Fe?A FluorineB. IronC. TungstenD. Titanium​


8. C

9. D

10. A

11. B

Not sure...:)



9.salt solution

10.table of contents


thanks me later

19. A. Create a concept map on how the periodic table and the nature of the elements are used to predict and synthesize new elements in the laboratory.​


Periodic Table can predict the properties of new elements, because it organizes the elements according to their atomic numbers. Creating new elements is not a simple process. Scientists use a particle accelerator to smash light atoms into a thin metallic foil that contains heavier atoms.



carry on learning

20. Create a concept map on how the periodic table and the nature of the elements are used to predict and synthesize new elements in the laboratory.pasagot plsss physical science ​


yan po


concept map.


21. in the concept map below ,fell each circle with a word or phrase a periodic table​


needed ko po NUNG pic nung map


thank you po

22. Activity 1: Mapping the Periodic Table and answer the Guide Questions

There are a lot ways on how you may navigate or map the Periodic Table of Elements. One best way is to memorize the elements by their group such as: Noble Gas, Alkali Metals, Halogens, Non Metal etc.

Another may be to associate the elements to a phrase or image on your mind in order to help you remember each element and their location on the table. 

23. Can Do A Create a concept map on how the periodic table and the nature of the elements are used to predict and synthesize new elements in the laboratory.​


Can Do A Create a concept map on how the periodic table and the nature of the elements are used to predict and synthesize new elements in the laboratory

24. A. Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided,1. What graphical representation shows data or information in rows and columns?A. TablesB. GraphsC. PicturesD. Informative Maps2. What type of graph is commonly used when you want to represent changes of dataover a period?A. Pie graphB. Bar graph C. Pictograph D. Line graph3. What type of graph is mostly helpful when you want to show relationships between​


1. A (Table)

2. A (Bar graph)

3. (Pie graph)

#Hope it's help

Follow me please

25. Activity 1: Mapping the Periodic Table and answer the Guide Questions where can you find metals,non metals and noble gases

In the periodic table you can find the metals at the left corner starting from the group 1 ( the alkali metals), 2 (Alkaline Earth Metals), 3-12 (Transition metals)

If you were going to locate the Nonmetals, look at the colored line that lined diagonally from the upper left to the lower right through groups 13-16 which divides the group into metals ( below the line) and nonmetals (above the line).

The noble gases were the last group which is the group 18.

Other questions that are related to this:




26. In the concept map below,fill each circle with a word or phrase that describes a periodic table



~Elements are arranged according to its similarity in property.

~Elements are group into metals, non-metal, and metalloid.

~Elements has a varied atomic radius.

~Elements heave different properties, ionization energy, electronegativity, and electron afinity.

~Elements are arranged in increasing atomic number.

~Organized arrangement of an element,


27. create a concept map on how the periodic table and the nature of the elements


Here's a concept map... lakihan nalang din ung pic


Pa brainliest po salamat!

28. PART A: Concept MapProcedure1. In the concept map below, fill each circle with a word or phrase that describesa Periodic Table (PT). Use answer sheet for your answers, .Periodic Table​



~Elements are arranged according to its similarity in property.  

~Elements are group into metals, non-metal, and metalloid.  

~Elements has a varied atomic radius.  

~Elements heave different properties, ionization energy, electronegativity, and electron afinity.

~Elements are arranged in increasing atomic number.  

~Organized arrangement of an element,


29. What I Have Learned Summarize what you have learned in this module using the concept map below. Draw it on a separate sheet of paper. You can improve the concept map by adding text boxes or you can also make your own concept map.Trends in the Periodic Tableatomic radiusionization energyelectron affinityelectronegativitymetallic property​


yan po ay base lamang sa aking sagot kung mali po Huwag nyo na Lang kopyahin.

30. Activity 1: Mapping the Periodic Table and answer the Guide QuestionsWhich number will give you an idea on the of the valence electrons

the representative elements or main group elements are found in the s-block and p-block of the periodic table. the group number of the s-block (groups 1 and 2) elemnets tells us the number of valence electrons. for example, all elements belonging to Group 2 have two valence electrons.ban exception is heliumin group 18. for the p-block elements (groups 13 to 18), the number of valence electrons is the group number minus 10. this pattern does not include the transition elements.

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