Informal Discourse Does Not Entail Tedious Preparation

Informal Discourse Does Not Entail Tedious Preparation

12. Informal discourse does not entail tedious preparation.A. lectureB. debatec. argumentD. discussion​

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1. 12. Informal discourse does not entail tedious preparation.A. lectureB. debatec. argumentD. discussion​




argument could be informal as it uses slang words

2. does effective speech require long and tedious preparation? why​

Speeches can be categorized into four broad areas depending on the amount of preparation that is undertaken and depending upon the nature of the occasion.


Speeches can be categorized into four broad areas depending on the amount of preparation that is undertaken and depending upon the nature of the occasion. The four types of speeches are manuscript, memorized, extemporaneous, and impromptu. Our aim is to acquaint you with these four different modes of delivery, to provide suggestions for when you are asked to make impromptu remarks, and then to focus most your time on the preparation, practice, and presentation of extemporaneous speeches.


Manuscript Speech

When you listen to the President deliver a State of the Union message, you listen to a well-crafted speech being read from a teleprompter. The speech has been polished by a staff of speechwriters and has been practiced many times. The President will know how to anticipate the reaction of the audience and will know when to pause for applause and when to expect laughter. This form of speaking is used when the exact words matter and when much time and energy is expended on getting everything just right.

3. How does the Discourse Analysis Perspective help understand information literacy?

The Association of College & Research Libraries defines information literacy as a "set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning".


4. what does it entails is it need positive or negative​


Do you have a Positive Attitude and a Negative Attitude? ... It means the individual is encouraged to do die the same thing in the future.

5. What does each essential element of covenant entail in marriage?​


A valid Catholic marriage results from four elements: (1) the spouses are free to marry; (2) they freely exchange their consent; (3) in consenting to marry, they have the intention to marry for life, to be faithful to one another and be open to children; and (4) their consent is given in the canonical form

Covenant marriage is a legally distinct kind of marriage in three states (Arizona, Arkansas, and Louisiana) of the United States, in which the marrying spouses agree to obtain pre-marital counseling and accept more limited grounds for later seeking divorce (the least strict of which being that the couple lives apart ...


6. What does solidarity entail​


Solidarity is an awareness of shared interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies creating a psychological sense of unity of groups or classes. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people together as one.

7. It entails providing the users with information. It may be saved or stored for future retrieval.


Memory is the term given to the structures and processes involved in the storage and subsequent retrieval of information.

A computer's memory is where information is temporarily stored while it is being accessed or worked on.

8. how does a text can become a connected discourse

Discourse - an extended expression of thoughts or ideas - utterance, talk, ... Examples - are specific details in a text that are used to clarify the ...

9. What does it entail if you exist being a “me?”​


promets folom hamba golom kolom,hambo wombo pom,gratis ploconto


Dolmo nakim gelok yedo ks

asdo plen leng

10. What does global citizenship entail?​

global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world – and their place in it. They take an active role in their community and work with others to make our planet more peaceful, sustainable and fairer. ... Global citizenship helps young people to: Build their own understanding of world events.


Pa brainlist nalang po tnx☺️

11. When a photo or video becomes viral what does these entail?


Social media is now an important part of our lives-every day we swipe, click, scroll, like and share posts with friends and family. It's this impulse to share it with followers and those we meet that create content that could increase in popularity and be labeled ' viral. '


'Viral image/videos' are images or videos posted on a social networking site which many people share and repost.

Given this lack of evidence and reality, people repeatedly repost the picture and many take it at face value and assume it to be the honest truth, never trying to do a 30 second internet search that would show the message to be completely untrue.

In many cases, viral images are used as propaganda with a clear bias against one side of a cause or point of view (mostly political in nature).

Still, some are just a funny picture with a silly caption.

A further example of viral content is the #10yearchallenge. Celebrities recently began posting pictures of themselves from 10 years ago, showing how they evolved in a decade. It didn't take long for their fans to follow in their footsteps and now on almost every Instagram account you can see #10yearchallenge photos.

' Going viral ' is not a matter of luck but is the result of developing strategic marketing and communication campaigns that create powerful emotional experiences for content consumers.

12. is a procces of system matic inquiry that entails collection of data documentation of critical information




Hope it help

13. Discourse is a verbal interchange of ideas and information.True of False?​


Discourse refers to a verbal exchange of ideas and information, whether it is in the form of conversation, debate, or discussion. It involves the use of language to communicate and construct meaning and can take place in different contexts such as face-to-face, written, or digital interactions. It is the way people use language to convey their thoughts, beliefs and ideas, express opinions and negotiate meaning in different social settings.

14. What does Asian political thought entail​


This course is a short introduction into the vast body of political thought originating in East, South and

Southeast Asia. Defined in this way, Asian political thought has tapped the rich traditions associated

with Confucian, Taoist, Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim worldviews. However, it has also been an arena for

debating and interpreting ideologies originating outside the region, such as nationalism, Marxism or

liberalism. At the same time, Asian political thought itself has provided a rich source of inspiration to

authors, thinkers and practitioners worldwide, especially those of the Age of Enlightenment and


This course is not confined to the ancient political theories before the times of intense exchanges.

Neither is it confined to the study of ideas isolated from their interaction with political realities. In fact,

the study of Asian political thought illuminates regional political realities. The backdrop of ideas popular

at the time helps to more adequately understand the processes of state formation, regional power

dynamics, nationalism, Communism and postcolonialism.

The course depicts Asian political thought in conversation with political theories popular in the West and

tackling the universally relevant questions of self, society, power, politics, nation-state and modernity.

The course is organized around these questions, addressed through several dimensions wherever

possible: arguments and commentary, original sources to contemporary interpretations as well as

theory and practice.

The course consists of two parts. The first part is focused on the pre-colonial political thought. The

introductory lecture deliberates the suitable lens for studying Asian political thought, the premises

under which it can be considered ‘philosophy’ and its relationship to the European-original political

thought. The course then proceeds with the building block of political theories and the source of

difference from Western political thinking – the perception of self. Going up the ladder of abstraction,


15. what does noticeable defect and severe damage entail?​


when you noticed about the defect and severe damage entail the answer is A And B

16. what does knowing Jesus entail?​

To know Jesus means being committed to following him, being his disciple. ... This means that we need to be familiar with his teaching, his way of life, the meaning of his life and death and resurrection.


He in creators in this world

17. it is a type of oral or written discourse used to explain describe or give information




hope it helps~❤

18. Does a rich biodiversity entail a healthy society?


By securing the life-sustaining goods and services which biodiversity provides to us, the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity can provide significant benefits to our health. ... Without a global environment that is healthy and capable of supporting a diversity of life, no human population can exist.

19. Why is Jesus commandment of love new? what does it entail?​

To him, Jesus said, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy spirit, all thy soul, and all thy mind." The first and most important commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. The second is identical to the first: Love thy neighbor as thyself. Much of the law and prophets hang on these two commandments.


God commands us to love him because we have to choose to do it. All of God's commands are a choice, which is why he tells us to do them. If God's commands were not a choice, like the command to love God. then God would say nothing about them and simply force us to do them without our knowledge.

20. does freedom of expression entails limits ? when and why ? ​


English ka lodi


yon lang

21. explain language acquisition does not require axtensive use of conscious grammatical rules,and does not require tedious drill​


Language acquisition does not require extensive use of conscious grammatical rules, and does not require tedious drill. It does not occur overnight, however. Real language acquisition develops slowly, and speaking skills emerge significantly later than listening skills, even when conditions are perfected.

22. What does global citizenship entail

At The Global Citizens’ Initiative we say that a “global citizen is someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this community’s values and practices.”


23. how does sociology entails freedom??​


Value Freedom in Social Research refers to the ability of the researcher to keep his or her own values (personal, political and religious) from interfering with the research process.

24. Which of these fields of study does not entail the use of the term "intersubjectivity?"

I don't get it how am I supposed to answer that

25. What does entering through the narrow gate entail?​


Jesus said to “enter by the narrow gate” if we’re seeking life. Why did He seemingly discourage people from becoming Christians? What makes the gate so narrow?

Jesus came to seek and save the lost, but unfortunately, not all of the lost want to be found. The unfortunate reality of the narrow and wide gates Jesus spoke of is not all of us will choose correctly. Many will follow the mainstream and miss out on eternal life in heaven. The brief narrative on the Narrow and Wide Gate is the first of four warnings Jesus gave in regard to applying the Sermon on the Mount. The first being “a caution to the lost about where they are headed.” (Moody) God is patient, not wanting any of us to perish. All are welcome to walk with Jesus. For narrow is the gate.


Hope its helps

26. what does EIM entails​

Answer: Engineering Information manegement


27. What does following Christ entail for the typical teenager?


Jesus fills the chasm that separates us from God (He provides a way back to God). He recovers our souls when we chose to obey Him.

28. it is a mode of reproduction that does not entail the union of sex cells or gametes​


I have no load busettttt

29. what does following christ entail for the typical teenager?​

Jesus fills the chasm that separates us from God (He provides a way back to God). He recovers our souls when we chose to obey Him. When we enter God's universe, we gain a whole new outlook on life. Most significantly, when we choose to obey Jesus, we are given a “new” life (we are reborn).

Hope it helps


30. what does global citizenship entail?​


A global citizen is someone who sees themselves as part of an emerging sustainable world community, and whose actions support the values and practices of that community. ... Being a global citizen just means that you have another layer of identity (with the planet as a whole) added on to who you are.


global citizens are those who see themselves as part of a new sustainable global community and whose actions support the values and practices of that community.

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