Social Case Study

Social Case Study

example of social case study​

Daftar Isi

1. example of social case study​



Writing a case study

Writing a case studyThere are two different approaches to case studies. This guide focuses on the problem oriented method. Always check with your lecturer to confirm if this is the type required.

Writing a case studyThere are two different approaches to case studies. This guide focuses on the problem oriented method. Always check with your lecturer to confirm if this is the type required.A successful case study analyses a real life situation where existing problems need to be solved. It should relate the theory to a practical situation; for example, apply the ideas and knowledge discussed in the coursework to the practical situation at hand in the case study.

Writing a case studyThere are two different approaches to case studies. This guide focuses on the problem oriented method. Always check with your lecturer to confirm if this is the type required.A successful case study analyses a real life situation where existing problems need to be solved. It should relate the theory to a practical situation; for example, apply the ideas and knowledge discussed in the coursework to the practical situation at hand in the case study.Identify the problems.Select the major problems in the case.Suggest solutions to these major problems.Recommend the best solution to be implemented.Detail how this solution should be implemented.There are usually eight sections in a case study:1. Synopsis/Executive SummaryOutline the purpose of the case study.Describe the field of research.Outline the issues and findings of the case study without the specific details.Identify the theory that will be used.Note any assumptions made (you may not have all the information you'd like so some assumptions may be necessary e.g.: "It has been assumed that…", "Assuming that it takes half an hour to read one document…").2. FindingsIdentify the problems found in the case by:analysing the problem, supporting your findings with facts given in the case, the relevant theory and course concepts.searching for the underlying problemsThis section is often divided into sub sections.3. DiscussionSummarise the major problem/s.Identify alternative solutions to this/these major problem/s.Briefly outline each alternative solution and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages.There is no need to refer to theory or coursework here.4. ConclusionSum up the main points from the findings and discussion.5. RecommendationsChoose which of the alternative solutions should be adopted.Briefly justify your choice explaining how it will solve the major problem/s.This should be written in a forceful style as this section is intended to be persuasive.Here integration of theory and coursework is appropriate.6. ImplementationExplain what should be done, by whom and by when.If appropriate include a rough estimate of costs (both financial and time).7. ReferencesMake sure all references are cited correctly.8. Appendices (if any)Attach any original data that relates to the study but which would have interrupted the flow of the main body

2. Social case study report?​


ano meaning non


parang hindi ko pa yon nakita

•|| ANSWER ||•

—A Social Case Study Report (SCSR) is a description of socio-economic condition of the client that justifies his/her eligibility to avail assistance such as medical, financial, burial, transportation, and educational assistance from government, non-government, or civil society organizations like the Philippine Charity.

3. how make a social case study​



Writing a case study

There are two different approaches to case studies. This guide focuses on the problem oriented method. Always check with your lecturer to confirm if this is the type required.

A successful case study analyses a real life situation where existing problems need to be solved. It should relate the theory to a practical situation; for example, apply the ideas and knowledge discussed in the coursework to the practical situation at hand in the case study.

Identify the problems.Select the major problems in the case.Suggest solutions to these major problems.Recommend the best solution to be implemented.Detail how this solution should be implemented.There are usually eight sections in a case study:1. Synopsis/Executive SummaryOutline the purpose of the case study.Describe the field of research.Outline the issues and findings of the case study without the specific details.Identify the theory that will be used.Note any assumptions made (you may not have all the information you'd like so some assumptions may be necessary e.g.: "It has been assumed that…", "Assuming that it takes half an hour to read one document…").2. FindingsIdentify the problems found in the case by:analysing the problem, supporting your findings with facts given in the case, the relevant theory and course concepts.searching for the underlying problemsThis section is often divided into sub sections.3. DiscussionSummarise the major problem/s.Identify alternative solutions to this/these major problem/s.Briefly outline each alternative solution and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages.There is no need to refer to theory or coursework here.4. ConclusionSum up the main points from the findings and discussion.5. RecommendationsChoose which of the alternative solutions should be adopted.Briefly justify your choice explaining how it will solve the major problem/s.This should be written in a forceful style as this section is intended to be persuasive.Here integration of theory and coursework is appropriate.6. ImplementationExplain what should be done, by whom and by when.If appropriate include a rough estimate of costs (both financial and time).7. ReferencesMake sure all references are cited correctly.8. Appendices (if any)Attach any original data that relates to the study but which would have interrupted the flow of the main body

4. can you help me to explain this? I want long explainationWhy we use case study for Evaluating the virtual world: advantages and disadvantages of social media in human societyEvaluating the virtual world: advantages and disadvantages of social media in human society is our tittle for our qualitative research​


The internet and social media provide students with a range of academic benefits and opportunities to enhance their learning process. The main goal of this research is to examine the impact of using the social media on the academic performance.

5. Which is TRUE about secondary sources? * A. They are original records created by firsthand witnesses.B. They are information or details originally presented in another source C. They are empirical scholarly works such as research articles, case studies, and dissertations D. They are original records of the political, economic, artistic, scientific, social, and intellectual thoughts​


Secondary sources were created by someone who did not experience first-hand or participate in the events or conditions you're researching. For a historical research project, secondary sources are generally scholarly books and articles. ... Secondary sources may contain pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources.


D po

6. 3. Which of the following themes is the focus of Grounded Theory? A Cultural Experience B. Testing of assumptions on social behavior C. Business practices of a modern organization D. People who have experienced a phenomenon4. Which of the following themes is the focus of Case Studies? A Specific Case B Testing of assumptions on social behavior C. Business practices of a modern organization D. People who have experienced a phenomenon​


C and A thank me lator brr brr





hope it help

ask more don't forger to follow

7. 1. STRETCH YOUR BRAINCase AnalysisNancy Mae is a newcomer at the senior high school program of SantaMaria College. Being new to the school, she is noted to be quiet andavoids interaction in people often. After one semester, Nancy Mae'sbehaviour remains the same as she finds difficulty in buildingfriendship. She chose to eat, to read, to study, and to walk alone.Worried by the observation, her adviser Lea referred the case to theschool's social worker. If you are the social worker, how will youhandle the case? How will you administerthe circumstances? Write your answer below.​


Case Analysis


Nancy Mae is a newcomer at the senior high school program of Santa

Maria College. Being new to the school, she is noted to be quiet and

avoids interaction in people often. After one semester, Nancy Mae's

behavior remains the same as she finds difficulty in building

friendship. She chose to eat, to read, to study, and to walk alone.

Worried by the observation, her adviser Lea referred the case to the

school's social worker. If you are the social worker, how will you

handle the case? How will you administer

the circumstances?

Write your answer below.

Someone who is socially isolated can be socially engaged with the help of motivation and encouragement. In the given case, we can organize special social activities and can motivate Nancy to participate in those activities. But considering some factors like being introverted, the social activities can start by partnering with two or three people so she would not be startled by the arrangement. The social worker should also suggest the adviser to encourage the other students to interact with one another.  


8. 3. What is the most commonly used method in social science research? a. case study b. experiment c. interview d. survey​




As a research method, a survey collects data from subjects who respond to a series of questions about behaviors and opinions, often in the form of a questionnaire. The survey is one of the most widely used scientific research methods.

9. The effects of age on social media platforms choice ?A. ExperimentalB. DescriptiveC. Ex post factoD. Quasi experimentalE. CorrelationalF. Case study​


A.Experimental Researh

10. Rachel is a newcomer at Trece Martires City Senior High School. Being new to the school, she is observed to be silent and avoid interaction in groups very often. Three months after, the situation remains the same as she still finds difficulty building relationships. She prefers to eat, study, and walk alone. Bothered by the situation of Ann Maria, her adviser in class referred the case to the school’s social worker. Guide Questions: If you are the social worloker, how will you handle the case? What core values and principles of social work are you going to apply? How will you manage the situation?​


i dont know


ty for points

11. ofhis module.1.What is the most commonly used method in social science research?a case study b experiment c interviewd. survey​




im not sure but i think its b

12. Directions: Read and understand the statements very carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is incorrect. 1. Natural science is the study of society and the manner in which people behave and influence the world around us. 2. Social science is the study of how natural phenomena around us work which includes biology, botany and zoology etc. 3. Geography studies the allocation of scarce resources and how individuals interact with social structure to address questions about production. 4. Counseling is a field of Applied Social Science. 5. Demography studies the analysis of statistics of birth, human movement, morbidity, and mortality. 6. Applied Social Science is focused on the use and application of the different theories of social science disciplines to understand society and solve social problems. 7. Political Science is a main discipline of applied social science. 8. Counseling is a field that focuses on providing guidance, help and support to individuals by applying some psychological methods which involve processes such as case history data, personal interviews and aptitude tests. 9. Social work is a field of Applied Social Science where practitioners help families, groups and communities enhance people's skills and ability to help themselves in resolving their own social and community problems. 10. Engineering is a discipline of Social Science.













1. True

2. True

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. True

7. False

8. True

9. True

10. True

13. Create a case study about the inequality. One social inequality


Inequalities are a real break for development nowadays. Even if in a certain way some inequalities cannot be perceived as unfair and by that I mean that they create advantages for some individuals to the detriment of others, the real issue is when one inequality by a snow ball effect creates and an inequality in another domain. Here we are going the study the impacts of income inequality on other types of inequality. For instance earning more or less money than other people is not an inequality in itself. What makes it unfair is the impact it has by creating other inequalities. We also will observe why revenue inequalities a really impacting countries and prevent the lowest population to get a better life quality. First as we can obviously suppose, income inequalities creates economical and social inequalities

14. 31. What is the most commonly used method in social science research?A. Case studyB. experimentC. interviewD. survey​




15. Which of the following are the most often used in Evaluating Social Programs?A. True Experiments in the FieldB. True Experimental in the labC. Quasi- ExperimentsD. One - Shot Case Study​




true experiments in the field

16. what is a study that examines social phenomena through quantiflable evidence, and often relies on statistical analysis of many cases to create valid and reliable general claims?​


Social research methodologies can be classified as quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative designs approach social phenomena through quantifiable evidence, and often rely on statistical analysis of many cases (or across intentionally designed treatments in an experiment) to create valid and reliable general claims.

17. This research is an in-depth investigation focused on one social unit or individual.Select one:a. Case Studyb. Individual Experiencesc. Content Analysisd. Perspective​


c.content analysis


sure na tama to

18. it is an organized attept to analyze , interpret and report the present status of a social institution , group or areaA. case study B. documentary C. experiment D. research survey​





19. What is a study that examines social phenomena through quantifiable evidence, and often relies onstatistical analysis of many cases to create valid and reliable general claims?a. Social Researchb. Qualitative Researchc. Quasi-Experimental Researchd. Quantitative Research​




Social research methodologies can be classified as quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative designs approach social.Hopes it's help

20. The effects of age on social media platforms choice.. Are experimental, descriptive Ex post factor Quasi experimental Crrelational Case Study


Correlational Research


a researcher measures two variables, understands and assesses the statistical relationship between them with no influence from any extraneous variable


Expiremental is a type of research method in which you manipulate one or more independent variables and measure their effect on one or more dependent variables. One of the main strengths of experimental research is that it can often determine a cause and effect relationship between two variables which is age and social media

21. 4.The methods use in Social Sciences includes the following except;observationa.observationb.measurementc. case studiesd. surveys and interviews​


B. Measurement measurement

22. 1.Todraalai arisin human rishnathe wordberved writies and differences inpeople through time and across space5. Explains that the perspective of sociologoenables us to meenal patterns in particular10. The study of production and trade2. Deals with the study of society and socialinteractions taking place3. Isa social science discipline that deals with thestudy of the state and4. Strongly believed that the me method andto could be applied in meringcare and suman behavior whole conductingsearch6. Explains that the perspective of coloenables us to weeral patters inparticular events7. Studies factors that case social organisationand social disorganisation like calamityand drug abuse8. Studies both the ancient and recent post ofhumans through the material remainsach as artifacts, fossils and bone fragments9. Focuses on the study of human nature and itsemphasis on social processes as theyfret individual or response​


saan po yung tanong mo po jaan?

23. Example of social case study report?​


A social case study report typically contains background information, objective data, analysis and recommendations. Typically, the report details the situation of an individual or group of people within a given context, such as a family, school or organization. It outlines the intervention strategy used to improve the social situation, as well as the outcomes of that strategy. The report also provides conclusions and recommendations for further action.

24. Modified True or False. Write True if the statement is correct. If you answer False write a statement that willprove it correct. Write your answers at the back of this page.1. To be able to attain the best of social functioning and to capacitate individuals and groups, trainings andseminars on personal and community development are conducted by the social worker2. The applied social sciences allow us to understand the details of the different structural problems and how itchanges through time3. Disaster risks cannot be prevented and mitigated through the use of applied social science4. Social workers play vital roles in peace negotiations and resolution of political tensions and violence throughthe application of peace-building processes and conflict management mechanisms5. Examples of behavioral focus on self-development are improving the grooming skills and personal hygiene6. Community social workers will serve as agents of information by offering latest updates that can help themmake important attitude and value changes7. Applied social scientist cannot communicate to the people the impact of these social and environmentalphenomena8. Philippines is at risk of climate-related calamities due to its geographical location9. Disaster capacity building, and reduction of population exposure and vulnerability measures were taken forgranted10. In order to solicit the active participation of the people in the community, it is important that they understandthe basic concepts of hazard, risk, and vulnerability11. Case studies are systematic and critical investigation of a situation that poses a problem and necessitatessuggested solutions, recommendations, and pathway to avoid related problems in future12. A case study analysis does not require you to investigate a problem, examine the alternative solutions13. Case studies are used by teachers to see how learners can apply received knowledge in daily situations14. The structure of a good case study can be fitted into a single universal outline or copied directly from asample case.your analysis is part of an introduction15. Summarizing the outcome​


















Sana po makatulong♪(┌・。・)┌ Carry on learning


















Sana po makatulong♪(┌・。・)┌ Carry on learning

25. 1. These show the importance of a piece of research.A. Case StudyB. ReportsC. Dissertations and ThesesD. Articles2. These describe changes or developments, e.g. within a company or social group.A. Case Study B. Reports C. Dissertations and ThesesD. Articles3. These could be 80,000 words long for PhD students.A. Case study B. Reports C. Dissertations and theses D. Articles4. These are written for readers who have expert knowledge of a topic.A. ReportsB. Case Study C. TextbooksD. Articles5. This is a good place to start your research.A. ReportsB. Case studyC. TextbooksD. Articles​









26. GUYS HELP ASAP! 1. What approach that generates and modifies a theory in a qualitative research? A. Case study C. Ethnography B. Phenomenology D. Grounded Theory 2. What qualitative research design that includes stories that reflect on people‘s experience that are useful in gaining access to feelings, thoughts and experiences? A. Narrative Inquiry C. Ethnography B. Phenomenology D. Grounded Theory 3. What qualitative research design that gives direct description of a group, culture or community? A. Case study C. Ethnography B. Phenomenology D. Grounded Theory 4. What design in a qualitative research that is a bounded system, a single entity, a unit around which there are boundaries. It has definite quality (time, space and/or components comprising the case)? A. Case study C. Ethnography B. Phenomenology D. Grounded Theory 5. It focuses on the subjective experience of the individual and seeks to understand the essence or structure of a phenomenon from the perspective of those who have experienced it. What do you call this qualitative research design? A. Case study C. Ethnography B. Phenomenology D. Grounded Theory 6. What do you call the study that is said to be an empirical enquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident? A. Case study C. Ethnography B. Phenomenology D. Grounded Theory 7. These are tales of experience or imagination and come naturally to human beings, rarely simple or linear, and they often consist of many different stories rather than of a clearly defined tale. What qualitative research design is being described? A. Ethnography C. Case Study B. Phenomenology D. Narrative Inquiry 8. What qualitative research design where writers developed different conceptual formulations, (very broadly) descriptive (Husserl), interpretive (Heidegger) and ontological-existential (Sartre) which have been adapted as methods of inquiry by researchers? A. Case study C. Ethnography B. Phenomenology D. Grounded Theory 9. What design of a qualitative research that consist of a dialogue with the literature when discussing categories? Throughout the analytic process, constant comparison and theoretical sampling takes place. A. Grounded theory C. Ethnography B. Phenomenology D. Narrative Inquiry 10.What qualitative research design that adopts the original meaning of the term, as a method within the social anthropological tradition? A. Case study C. Ethnography B. Narrative Inquiry D. Grounded Theory 11.Given the this title of research “Entrepreneurial University: A Case Study of De La Salle . What type of qualitative research design is this? A. Ethnography C. Phenomenology B. Case Study D. Grounded Theory 12. What type of qualitative research design in the given research title? “ A Story of High School Inclusion: An Ethnographic Case Study Grounded Theory” A. Grounded Theory C. Case Study B. Phenomenology D. Ethnography 13. “Social Futures of Global Climate Change: A Structural Phenomenology” is what type of qualitative research design? A. Case Study C. Phenomenology B. Ethnography D. Grounded Theory 14. Becoming Selfless: The Grounded Theory of Commitment to Service is an example of what qualitative research title? A. Grounded Theory C. Case Study B. Ethnography D. Phenomenology 15.What do you call this qualitative research title that talks about the “Social Responsibility: A Phenomenology of Perceived Successful Student Leadership Experience A. Phenomenology C. Ethnography B. Case Study D. Grounded Theory


1. D

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. C

7. D


Hope it helps.

27. 1. Which research method studies the beliefs, social interactions, and behaviors of smallsocieties or an entire group that shares a common culture, involving participation andobservation over a long period and interpretation of this data?A. Case studyCu Historical researchB. Grounded theoryD. Phenomenological researchWALAUNorhati​




hope it helps


28. Independent Activity 1Identify each example of writing as Academic (AW) and Non-Academic(NAW. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.1. Social Letters6. E-mail messages2. Essays7. Articles3. Poetry8. Social Media Content4. Reports9. Newspaper5. Personal Opinion10. Case Study​













Hope it helps

29. TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect.1.Political Science is a main discipline of applied social science.2.Applied Social Science is focused on the use and application of the different theories of social science disciplines to understand society and solve social problems.3.Social work is a field of Applied Social Science where practitioners help families, groups and communities enhance people’s skills and ability to help themselves in resolving their own social and community problems.4.Counselling is a field that focuses on providing guidance, help and support to individuals by applying some psychological methods which involve processes such as case history data, personal interviews and aptitude tests.5.Engineering is a discipline of Social Science.6.Geography studies the allocation of scarce resources and how individuals interact with social structure to address questions about production 7.Natural sciences is the study of society and the manner in which people behave and influence the world around us.8.Social science is the study of how natural phenomena around us work which includes biology, botany and zoology, etc.9.Demography studies the analysis of statistics of birth, human movement, morbidity, and mortality.10.Counselling is a field of Applied Social Science.​





30. 3. Your social studies teacher gets into the fray. He cites case studies about schoolsthat have tried a longer day without seeing a rise in test scores. He is against theextension.EthicalEmotionalLogical​




I hope its help

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