Language May Be A Source Of Misunderstandings

Language May Be A Source Of Misunderstandings

language may be a source of misunderstanding​?

Daftar Isi

1. language may be a source of misunderstanding​?




Why? We came from different nation and country and as expected we do have our own language and for example there is a stranger whose gonna ask you but you don't understand his/her language would you expect you would understand of what were he/she saying? no right! thats what makes my answer a yes, language may be a cause of some misunderstandings.

2. Interpret this quote, “Language may be a source of misunderstandings.” ​


It means that language can be difficult to understand.


People may misinterpret some words from the different pronunciations and words.

3. "Language amay be a source of misunderstandings"By Marshall McLuhan, 1964" agree or disagree​


Though yes, language has become a vital concept in great communication, it can also leave some people misunderstood. I think this because not all forms of language are totally clear. We could use texting as en example; you don’t really see the true emotions of the person your talking with, and they can’t see yours either. Of course there is also the problem with language barriers- different languages from different countries.

4. Words are source of misunderstanding


yes and usually when texting or typing what you wanna say its because we cant hear the tone of the voice that may cause to misunderstood

5. Five sources of misunderstanding according to Kaur.​

Answer: Intercultural communication is perceived as being somewhat problematic, given the varied cultures that come into contact with one another. Misunderstanding and communication breakdown are said to mark many intercultural encounters as participants rely on the norms of their mother tongue and native culture to interpret meaning. This paper reports on the findings of a study conducted to identify and explain the sources and nature of misunderstanding in intercultural communication in English as a lingua franca. Fine-grained analyses of 15 hours of naturally occurring spoken interactions in ELF reveal that none of the misunderstandings occurring in this type of intercultural communication can be attributed to differences in the participants' cultural background. While a few misunderstandings are language-related, the source of many of the misunderstandings can be traced to ambiguity in the speaker's utterances. Other reasons for misunderstanding include mishearing and lack of world knowledge, namely, factors that also contribute to misunderstanding in intracultural communication. It is suggested that the diminished role of culture in such interactions stems from the lingua franca context of the interaction. Intent on arriving at mutual understanding in a language that is native to none of the participants, cultural differences are tolerated and often overlooked as the participants negotiate and co-construct understanding in the lingua franca.


6. Misunderstanding within the communication usually happens because of language.A. YesB. No​




7. according to Marshall McLuhan. is a source of misunderstanding​


Explanation:Sometimes what we mean does not always have the same meaning for others. People think differently and it can't be helped if one thing has different meaning for others. As a country with different dialects, multiple languages can be hard to use.

8. why do Language is the source of misunderstandings?​


Because not all of us speak the same language

answer: language is to know what are she/he saying and language is for explaining

9. in the movie the little prince what does this quote mean words are a source of misunderstanding​


Based on the lesson of symbolic-interactionist theory and the movie, The Little Prince, what does this quote mean: "Words are a source of misunderstanding". ... That is why words can become a source of misunderstanding that may result in conflicts.

10. the manner of saying the language may cause misunderstanding if​


We came from different nation and country and as expected we do have our own language and for example there is a stranger whose gonna ask you but you don't understand his/her language would you expect you would understand of what were he/she saying? no right! thats what makes my answer a yes, language may be a cause of some misunderstandings

11. fill in the blank Oral language _________ is the means to transfer your message to _______ person . If you both _______ same language, it is easier to _______ each other . However , when the language used is not common to both of you , then , there is a greater possibility for mis________ which may lead to misunderstanding. ​


ano po kasi yon kasi ganito kasi yan yung ano kasi ano kasi po yung ano kasi ang dami kasi yung ano

12. Why communication is the primary source of misunderstand in terms of family, love life, and work


Most of us assume that because we have spent a lot of time with a spouse, other family members, or close friends, our communication with them should be relatively easy and effortless. Our thinking probably goes something like this: "my spouse/parent/sibling/best friend knows me very well, so he or she should know what I am thinking and feeling, as well as what I mean." We are often surprised and annoyed when people who are close to us misunderstand what we are talking about. Although it’s tempting to blame the other person, the problem also begins with us.

Dr. Boaz Keysar, of the University of Chicago, has spent a career studying interpersonal communication, and has found that communicating with people we know very well is actually more difficult than communicating with people we hardly know at all. His research suggests that problems communicating with our loved ones and friends come from several different factors.

First, most people seriously overestimate their ability to communicate effectively. Keysar’s studies suggest that nearly 50% of the time when we think we are understood, we are actually wrong. Because we assume we are being understood, we don’t take the time to check whether our family and friends receive the correct message. Because we communicate with our friends and family frequently, there are multiple opportunities for being misunderstood.

13. "language may be a source of misunderstanding by marshall McLuhan,1964"A.Do you agree with the statement above and why?​


mag aral ka para malaman mo di yang sakin mo pa tinatanong

14. Explain how the body language can cause misunderstanding if you are having intercultural communication

"Act as if" and your body language (and mood) will eventually follow suit.

If you see someone frowning, head bowed, shoulders slumped, it’s a fair bet they’re feeling low in confidence. But which came first: the slumped shoulders or the bad mood?
Your body language doesn’t merely reflect your emotions, it’s often the cause. By learning some of the principal ways that your own posture, gestures, facial expression and even tone of voice affect your mind, you will be more aware of the factors influencing your mood, and give yourself an edge in presentations and negotiations.

1. Know the “Power Posture”

Opening up your body and filling more space – known as a “power posture” – has been shown in studies to have a range of confidence-boosting effects. An example for the ambitious would be clenching your hands behind your head and putting your feet up on the desk; or, a subtler example, standing feet astride with hands on hips. Basically, the more space you take up, the more “powerful” the posture.  

In a study published last year, Amy Cuddy and her colleagues at Harvard Business School showed that students gave more impressive speeches for a job interview if, beforehand, they’d spent two minutes in two power poses – one sitting, one standing. Other research has shown that spending time in a power pose increases testosterone, risk taking, pain tolerance, and belief in one’s own leadership abilities. Additionally, power poses open up your breathing, calming any nerves.

The next time you’re faced with an interview or public presentation, don’t pace nervously. Instead, try spending a few minutes beforehand standing or sitting in a power pose. The most effective pose of all is the “star-shape” with arms and legs spread out wide, but you may want to save that one for when you have some privacy. Similarly, legs on the desk or hands on hips during a speech might not give the right impression, but mid-talk you can still tweak your posture to boost your confidence by standing straight and using expansive gestures (more on that below).

2. Avoid handheld devices 

Even the size of computer you’re working on can change your posture, and thus, your behavior. In research published this year, Maarten Bos and Amy Cuddy found that people were more likely to be assertive after spending time in a more open posture using a laptop or desktop computer compared with in a constricted posture using a tablet or a phone-sized device. Meaning, the size of your preferred device matters, and it can have unintended effects on your mood and confidence.

Before an important phone call or meeting, make sure you spend some time away from the phone or tablet. Not only will the lack of distractions help you focus and organize your thoughts, avoiding cramping over a touchscreen will also leave you more confident.   

3. Be mindful of your facial expression

It’s not just the position of our bodies that can affect our emotions, the expression on our faces can too. For instance, for some people, spending time deliberately smiling can help them to feel more positive and increase the accessibility of positive memories. It’s a similar story with tone of voice. Research shows that when people speak with a lower pitch they feel more powerful. British psychologist Richard Wiseman calls this the “as if” principle – behave as if you feel happy and confident and it’s likely you will actually start to feel more happy and confident.

As with postures, it also pays to be mindful of times that your facial expression is affected incidentally by your circumstances. When your mom warned that your funny face would get stuck, she was on to something. If you spend hours frowning in concentration at a computer screen, it’s likely that prolonged negative facial expression will have an effect on your mood and the perceptions others have of you. Indeed, earlier this year researchers in Italy found that people felt angrier and more aggressive after they’d spent time frowning in direct sunlight, as compared with others who wore shades or had the sun behind them. If you’ve been squinting at a screen for hours or frowning during your commute to the office, give yourself a break before an important meeting or phone call, or find a mirror and “reset” your expression. You don’t want your frowning “screen face” to interfere with your emotions in a meeting

15. "Language may be a source of misunderstanding" by MarshallMcLuchan, 1964.1. Does the receiver's/audience's personal background or experience affect theinterpretation of the message?​


Yes because they listen in Marshall mcluchan

16. Do you agree with the message ? Why or Why not?.. of " LANGUAGE MAY BE A SOURCE OF MISUNDERSTANDINGS"​


I agree.


Though language is how we communicate and understand each other, it also may cause us to misunderstand each other.

17. conclusion for language is a source of misunderstanding​


Everyone has had a personal experience in misunderstanding language. It causes little problems throughout day to day life, and tiny annoyances that require time reexplaining to fix. These things happen with such complex languages as there are today. There is slang and accents, language changes depending on where you live and who you parents were. So much affects the way we talk. Misunderstanding is the cause of much bigger problems, education is affected as well as politics. With all these different languages throughout the world, big problems can arise from little language differences. To understand how to fix the language misunderstanding, it must be understood first.

18. words are a source of misunderstanding. justify your answer.​


That's true!why?because each word(s) that we say to someone might hurt them,because they misinterpret the word that you said to

Hindi tayo pare-pareho ng mindset,that's why we need to think many times before we said something,especially to sensitive peoples

19. Activity 4: My Thoughts! Explain in 2-3 sentences whether you agree or disagree with the statement below. Make sure to defend your answer by citing some examples. "Language may be a source of misunderstandings" By Marshall McLuhan, 1964"


Hope it helps to you


Pa brainlest PO thank you

20. Give an example of Local context as sources of misunderstanding?​


8 Causes of Miscommunication and Misunderstanding

Ever since our ancestors uttered their first grunts, miscommunication has been a part of our daily lives.

A customer misreads a policy; a colleague misinterprets a to-do; a couple clashes over a misunderstanding of who was supposed to pick up the kid.

One would have thought that miscommunication would drop with the advancement of technology. Alas, this hasn't been the case. We're more connected than ever, yet we seem to stray only further from mutual understanding.

The first step is to understand where things are going wrong. Here are eight common causes of miscommunication and misunderstanding.

21. quote"language may be a source of misunderstanding"by marshall mcluhan 19641. after reading the quote, analyze it and share your insights about it.2. does the users/audience background or experience affect the interpretation or messages? how?3. is it possible that a different individual derives a different meaning from the message? explain.​


it depends on the language of a person using and how the ways his using it


i dont think so

22. " language may be a source of misunderstanding by marshall mcluhan 1964 " share your thoughts on the quotes above:​


Language may be a source of misunderstanding” by Marshall McLuhan(1964). Language pertains to the technical and symbolic ingridients or codes and conventions that media and information professionals may select and use in an effort to communicate ideas, information and knowledge.

23. explain for language is a source of misunderstanding by Marshall mcluhan​


“LANGUAGE IS A SOURCE OF MISUNDERSTANDING” – McLuhan, 1964 People think differently and it can't be helped if one thing has different meaning for others. As a country with different dialects, multiple languages can be hard to use.


hope this help you..

24. True or false 1.Every type of media has its own language.2. Language May be a source of misunderstanding.3. Codes refers to the accepted ways of doing something in media.4. we may decode information differently because of how they are presented.5.the style, font or typeface in written materials does not affect the context.​​















Hehe pa correct nalang po if mali

25. Words are source of misunderstanding​



Step-by-step explanation:

hindi ko rin alam kung Bakit yes Basta Yes

26. Construct a script that caused communication breakdown based on the sources of misunderstanding discussed in the book. ​.


According to House, there are two main types of misunderstandings, and three main ways in which these misunderstandings are triggered.


pa brainiest po please

27. What does this quote mean: "Words are a source of misunderstanding?​


Sometimes the words are not representative of our thoughts, that is why often when we discuss and do not understand what someone wants to express it is necessary to ask them to explain their thoughts by making sentences and describing how their feelings express the situation.


28. Reflect on the following quote by antoine de saint - exupery language is the source of misunderstanding in three to five sentences express your agreement to disagreement and further explain your answer by illustrating example.​


Language is the source of misunderstanding. I do agree with that statement. People think differently and has their own way of interpreting the message they've heard. If you want your message to be decoded in a way that it should be, you have to be careful in choosing your words.

29. 10. It is important to prevent misunderstandings and inconsistencies between you and the audience. Good command of the language helps listeners understand you is important to prevent misunderstanding and inconsistencies between you and the audience good command of the language helps listeners understand you quickly ​




30. What do you mean by "Language is the source of misunderstanding" by Antoine de Saint- Exupéry?​

The passage "language is the source of misunderstanding" simply means confusion when two or more people are communicating in a different language. We can learn from the Bible about the story of the construction of the Tower of Babel. God made them speak different languages from one another so that they won't understand each other. The people stopped building the tower as a result and dispersed to the ends of the earth to find their territory. Having said that, language plays a vital role in our daily communications.

Importance of Language

Language is important in our daily lives. Listed below are some of the aspects of life that show the importance of language.

1. Communication - through language we were able to communicate our thoughts and ideas.

2. Knowledge - language and knowledge comes hand in hand. Knowledge of other languages becomes vital.

3. Culture - foreign language gives you a chance to experience an entirely different culture. One culture is deeply integrated with its language.

Ways of studying language

Languages are extremely complicated structures that need time and deep understanding. Here are some ways of studying language:

• Phonetics deal with the study of pronunciation follow by phonology that covers the study of speech sounds

• Grammar can be defined as the underlying structure of a language that follows a set of rules.

• Semantics is the study of meaning in natural and artificial languages.

Kindly read the following links related to language:

Importance of Filipino Language  -

Importance of English Language  -

Why English is the universal language  -


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