He s Been Faithful Lyrics

He s Been Faithful Lyrics

create a sentence for each letter of the word faithfulness that express what faith means to you. The first one has been done for you. F ______________________________________ A ______________________________________ I ______________________________________ T ______________________________________ H ______________________________________ F ______________________________________ U ______________________________________ L_______________________________________ N ______________________________________ E ______________________________________ S ______________________________________ S ______________________________________ Subject:Bible

Daftar Isi

1. create a sentence for each letter of the word faithfulness that express what faith means to you. The first one has been done for you. F ______________________________________ A ______________________________________ I ______________________________________ T ______________________________________ H ______________________________________ F ______________________________________ U ______________________________________ L_______________________________________ N ______________________________________ E ______________________________________ S ______________________________________ S ______________________________________ Subject:Bible


dont know


2. How does the song's lyrics show our faith to God?​


have fait in god




My faith has been tested multiple times, this includes during our retreat we were told to tell our sins to the father and many of us hesitated including me but i did regardless of knowing i will tell someone else about them. Then while the process was starting it was getting closer to being my turn the priest went to us and said that we should have faith about the activities. So it was then my turn and to my surprise we didn't have to tell the father instead they told us to write it down on a piece of paper and the paper would be burned instead of telling the priest. Another time my faith was tested was with my friend and i who were playing a game in P.E class we were assigned to a game called the trust fall activity so since i was lighter she told me she would catch me instead so i faced back from her and purposely fell, but she was able to catch me. This two times helped me realized that having faith in everyday helps a lot not only with friends but with the lord also.


Sorry it so long but hope i was able to answer :)

4. Where is God? The COVID-19 pandemic has been a test of faith for believers


God is in our hearts and soul,, all we nees to do is to believe and be faithful God is in control goice keep safe

5. Have you been faithful to the 10 Commandments?​


yes, because those are rules that we have to follow in order to go the good life

6. Describe Job's faith when he was rich and when he was suffering. How can we say that the truly faithful person trust in God no matter what the situation?


Because every bad situation can be turn into a good lesson,Job is still faithful because when he face difficulties God is with him and he will never forsake.

7. Write at least three things you have been doing to show you patriotism and exercise of faith in the church as a Filipino youth where he/she belongs why? ​


In the United States, July 4th is a day to celebrate our nation’s independence. It’s been more than 200 years since our nation commenced this revolutionary experiment in government, and we’re still working to improve it.

July 4th is a day to wave the Stars and Stripes, pledge your allegiance, and honor the sacrifice of those who fought and died to make this nation great.

8. He was first a ____________________of Christians before he became a __________________ of faith

The first followers of Christianity were Jews or proselytes, commonly referred to as Jewish Christians and God-fearers. The Apostolic sees claim to have been founded by one or more of the apostles of Jesus, who are said to have dispersed from Jerusalem sometime after the crucifixion of Jesus

9. how the gift of faith has been entrusted to the church?​


Deposit of Faith is how God fully revealed himself through his son, Jesus. The two elements of the single Deposit of Faith are Scripture, or the holy Bible, and Tradition, or the practices of the Church.

I hope it help


10. what has been the role of foreign missionaries in preserving the faith in the philippines?​


Religion holds a central place in the life of most Filipinos, including Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Protestants, and animists Religious association are part of the system of kinship ties, patronclient bonds, and other linkages outside the nuclear family


Sana makatulong sa iyo

11. . How has your faithfulness been a witness to others??​


It becomes a witness to others if someone tempt you, but you stay on yourself. Faithfulness is being measured when everyone leaves you that you didn't notice but you still have their backs. Being faithful is being loyal to someone. So even if no one is around you, but you still avoid doing or engaging bad deeds you are faithful to your love ones or to yourself and even God can witnessed it.


It becomes a witness to others if someone tempt you,but you stay on yourself. Faithfulness is being measured when everyone leaves you but you still have your backs. Being faithful is being loyal to someone. So even no one is around you,but you still avoid or enganging bad deeds you are faithful to your loved ones or to yourself,comrades,or clan and even God can witnessed it.

12. what is t he synonym of faithfulness?​




basta lang


Some common synonyms of faithful are constant, loyal, resolute, staunch, and steadfast.



13. Abraham was considered as the“father of the faithful” (Romans4:11), when at times he showed lack of faith. How did he show his faithfulness?​


For Christians, Abraham is seen as the “father of the faith” and is honored for his obedience. The Apostle Paul expands the concept of being a descendent of Abraham when he writes in his letter to the Galatians: “So also Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteous- ness.


Why is faithfulness is important?

Faithfulness sets the right example for your children to follow.  Being faithful has a positive effect on your character. That way, you are able to live out your greatness with confidence. Integrity is important, and it starts by how you live your private life, it gives moral authority.

What Bible says about Abraham?

"As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. No longer will you be called Abram ; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you.


#PaBrainliest naman po

14. Search and read the life of San Lorenzo Ruiz. Describe how he live out his faith during the time of torture. How he discover his faith in God? Why he reamin faihful and trusting to God in all times of his life? Describe your faith and trust in God. ​


Explanation:Fearing for his life and safety

Lorenzo Ruiz was steadfast in his faith because throughout his life he was attached to the Church, to God and to the Blessed Mother

He was able to give his life for the Church because he was always at the service of the Church,


15. The Church has been faithful to Christ is called.​




yan yung opinion ko bahala na kayo kung tutularan byo

16. 3. Tell any experience wherein your faith in God has been activated.


Faith becomes active and effective when it is built on a strong foundation of accurate answers (truth), when you believe in the integrity of that truth, when you trust in that truth, and when you are hearing that truth on a continual basis. If you do these things, your F.A.I.T.H. will be activated.


pa brain leis pls

17. how does the song lyric show our faith in Godname of the song:Andrea bocelli Celine Dion-the prayer​


wheres the table il answer it but wheres the table

18. how was your faithfulness been a witness to others ​


— “The Lord is calling His people to be faithful witnesses with great ... Enter into the joy of your lord'” (Matthew 25:21).

I dont know :(
They bad :(

19. explained this."Your Faith has been your Salavation.Go in Peace​


It is your faith that saved you.


Luke 7:50, Jesus will do miracles, and you must have faith so you will heal.

20. he is the light of faith​


Lumen Fidei


(The light of faith) is the first encyclical of Pope Francis.

21. What does this saying means? “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much; he that is deceitful in small things is also deceitful in much. ”


Is this too much to ask for?

It means you must limit the things that you wanna do, use time management

22. that girl is a faithful man he is above suspicion​


ano po-?


d ko po naiintindihan

The girl is not a man she is a girl

23. How has the Sacrament of Anointing been renewed in Filipino context of faith?​


1771. Vatican II presents the purpose of the Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation in the life of the Church as follows:

Those who approach the sacrament of Penance obtain pardon from God’s mercy for offenses committed against Him, and are, at the same time, reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by their sins and which by charity, example and prayer, labors for their conversion (LG 11; cf. CCC 1422).

1772. This text and the subsequent new approved rites stress three basic realities that were often lost in typical routine confessions:

• God who in His infinite mercy grants forgiveness and reconciles us to Himself and to one another in this sacrament celebrated in the context of His Word in Scripture;

• the Church, the Christian community, as continuing Christ’s ministry of forgiveness and reconciliation; and

• continued personal conversion and heartfelt repentance for sins against God and neighbor, supported by the charity, good example and prayers of the whole community.

Each of these three essential dimensions of the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be briefly developed in what follows.


Pa brainliest po




Before you sleep just gently lay. Every trouble thought away, Drop your burdens and your care. In quiet arms of Prayer! Rest with peace!


Come to me, all you who are troubled and weighted down with care, and I will give you rest.

~Matthew 11:28~

I pray that God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will give peace and love with faith to all the brothers and sisters.

~Ephesians 6:23~

At kung magkagayo'y lalakad kang matiwasay, sa landas mo'y hindi ka matatalisod. Sa lahat ng iyong lakad wala kang aalalahanin, at lahat ng pagtulog mo ay masarap at mahimbing.

~Mga Kawikaan 3:23‭-‬24~


Give time to talk with God(PRAY)

Don't forget your devotion

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25. Your faith has been your salvation. EXPLAIN (2-3sentences)


For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. It is not from yourself or anything you’ve done, but the gift of God.Salvation, therefore, is a free gift of grace from God.

26. whose faith has been a source of inspiration for me? pa help


Jesus identified only two people in His earthly ministry who He said had great faith; a Roman centurion (Matthew 8:5–13)and a Canaanite woman (Matthew 15:21–28).

Explanation: brainliest

27. explain the passage It had been saved by miracle a miracle of faith and love​


if you believe in faith and love ,it can be a miracle that could save you


28. He already -----(forsake) his faith


%_% OP 1235783972ty8s lop0

Merry Christmas and happy New Year

29. How have you been faithful to your prayer moments?




I pray with all my heart saying that I believe in God thanking God for his blessing he gave

30. have there been moments that tasted your faith? what were those challenges and how did they impact your faith?​

kayo lamang po ang tanging makakasagot kung ano yung mga pinagdaan niyo sa buhay na nakapabigay or sumubok sa inyong pananampalataya o pagtitiwala sa diyos.

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