Explain How The Oracle Given To King Acrisius Is Fulfilled

Explain How The Oracle Given To King Acrisius Is Fulfilled

explain how the oracle given to king acrisius is fulfilled​

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1. explain how the oracle given to king acrisius is fulfilled​


The oracle that was given to King Acrisius was fulfilled when Perseus unknowingly hit him with a discus and killed him as a result. ... When Zeus still impregnated Danae in a form of a golden shower, King Acrisius locked Danae and an infant Perseus into a wooden chest and cast it into the sea.

2. explain how the oracle given to king acrisius was fulfilled

The oracle given to King Acrisius will be fulfilled by his grandson, the son of his daughter Danae who is destined to kill him King Acrisius someday. Perseus is the grandson of King Acrisius and the son of Zeus that naturally makes him a very powerful and strong young man.

3. explain how the oracle given to king acrisius is fulfilled.

Acrisius the kingnof argos. being warned by an oracle that the son his daughter Danae should slay him. shut her up in a brazen tower built for that end beside the sea. There no man come near her she neverthless bore a son to Jove and she and her new-born set adrift on the sea came to the island Seriphos. Thence her son grown to manhood set out to win the Gordons Head and accomplished that end by the help of Minerva. and afterwards rescued Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus, from a terrible doom, and wedded her. Coming back to Seripho he took his mother thence, and made for Argos, but by stress of weather came to Thessaly, and there, at Larissa, accomplished the prophecy, by unwittingly slaying Acrisius. In the end he founded the city of Mycenae, and died there.

4. how the oracle given to king acrisius was fulfilled

it was said that the king will be killed by his grandson and unfortunately it was true the king died by his grandson which is only a discus throw game that makes king death...

5. explain how the oracle given to king acrisius fulfilled

At the end of the story, it was said that Perseus entered a competition about discus throwing. Unfortunately, it was accidentally thrown towards an old man, thus causing the old man to die. That old man was King Acrisius.

6. explain how the oracle given to king acrisius was fulfilled


How was the Oracle’s prophecy given to king Acrisius fulfilled?

The Oracle's prophecy was fulfilled when Acrisius in his old age was struck by a discus that was innocently thrown by Perseus in a game.


Certain facts about Acrisius in relation to this story:

In Greek Mythology, Acrisius is the ruler of the Kingdom of Argos. He has a daughter named Danae. He was the mortal Grandfather of the hero Perseus.

While acting as the ruler of Argos, Acrisius went to the Oracle of Delphi where he received a somewhat frightening prophecy. The oracle told him that his grandson will end his life and it does not matter where he goes to hide, that will be his fate. Fearing for his life and determined to prevent the prophecy from ever happening, the king imprisoned his only daughter Danae in an almost completely seal cell to prevent all man seeing her, thereby taking away any chance of her having a son.  

Although this move kept her away from all men, the god Zeus saw everything and did not approve of it. Zeus during this time had already fallen in love with Danae, turn himself into golden rain and entered through the gaps in her cell. The rain landed on Danae’s lap which caused her to become pregnant with a son. After the infant Perseus was born, Acrisius had her daughter and grandson thrown into the sea while locked inside a wooden chest, hoping for nature to end their lives. King Acrisius’s reasoning behind this is so that the gods could not blame him for their deaths since it was the due of the strong waves and the water itself who would smash the crate on the rocks and drown the mother and child. Zeus, however, intervened by asking Poseidon to guide the floating chest to the island of Seriphos. And this is where Perseus grew into a fine young man.  

Important events that happened from this point:

Perseus went on his quest to bring back the head of Medusa. He encountered the three blind sisters who told him about the dangers of facing the gorgon. Perseus was able to slay Medusa without being turned into stone. He used the severed head of Medusa to kill the sea monster (The Kraken) to save the princess Andromeda after her mother offended the gods. Perseus married Andromeda.  

As an old man, Acrisius stayed in the city of Larissa where incidentally unknown to him, Perseus attended and participated in the games that were being held there at the time. While competing in the disc throwing event, Perseus mistakenly hurled his disc towards the direction of the old Acrisius and hit him on the head which killed him. So although it wasn't as intentional as Acrisius had expected like an angry Perseus armed with a sword, a knife or a spear walking towards him, his grandson as good, heroic and humble as he was, did cause the death of his grandfather. And this is how the Oracle of Delphi's prophecy was fulfilled.  

Click on the link for more information:

The Gorgons head, including a photo essay. https://brainly.ph/question/1662700

Zeus, who is he? https://brainly.ph/question/239705

How powerful in Medusa? https://brainly.ph/question/751077

7. how the oracle given to king acrisius is fulfilled

the oracle was say king acricius he was died into the hands of his grandson from his daughter danae to the oracle is a king acrisius is ton the medusa

8. The oracle given to King Acrisius is fulfilled when

The oracle was fulfilled when Persius was born, and to be the one who will take the oracle into reality. The end was a bit tragic and that resulted to the death of king Acrisius.

9. Explain how the oracle give to king acrisius is fulfilled


The oracle given to King Acrisius was strangely fulfilled when he was away from home. Games were being held in Larissa and Perseus decided to join. When Perseus threw the discus, he threw it so it swerved to one side. ... It was King Acrisius who had gone through such cruel lengths just to avoid the fate the gods ordained.

10. explain how the oracle given to king Acrisius is fulfilled.

At the end of the story, it was said that Perseus entered a competition about discus throwing. Unfortunately, it was accidentally thrown towards an old man, thus causing the old man to die. That old man was King Acrisius.

11. How the oracle given to King Acrisius fulfilled?

Answer:When King Acrisius was away from home and games were being held on “Larissa” and Perseus go there and take apart. When Perseus turn to throw and swered it to one side, it landed and killed the old man (King Acrisius)


12. explain how the oracle given to king acrisius was fulfilled

When Perseus finally got home, he joined the game discus. When Perseus turn to throw the discus he hit a old man, the old man got killed. And the old man was king Acrisius.

13. 4. Explain how the oracle given to King Acrisius is fulfilled​


What is the oracle of King Acrisius?

- The oracle that was delivered to King Acrisius is that he will be killed by his daughter's son.

How the oracle fulfilled?

- The dreadful oracle was strangely fulfilled when Perseus, King Acrisius grand-son, unknowingly hit him with a discus in the games held on Larrisa and killed him as a result. Even he try to manipulate his fate, he still die.


14. Explain how oracle given to king acrisius is fulfilled?

It is fullfilled because when Perseus goes to Argos to find King Acrisius, there's a game. Perseus throw the discus, he threw it so that it swerved to one side. It landed among the spectators and killed the old man. And that old man is King acrisius.

15. How did the oracle given to king acrisius is fulfilled


16. how the oracle given to king acrisius is fulfilled?

At the end of the story, it was said that Perseus entered a competition about discus throwing. Unfortunately, it was accidentally thrown towards an old man, thus causing the old man to die. That old man was King Acrisius.

17. explain how the oracle given to king acrisius was fulfilled. brainly


hope helps :>



18. Explain how the oracle given to acrisius is fulfilled


The oracle that was given to King Acrisius was fulfilled when Perseus unknowingly hit him with a discus and killed him as a result. Funeral games were being held in Larissa at the time and King Acrisius was one of the spectators while Perseus was one of the attendees of the games.


Hope it helps

19. explain how the oracle given to king acrisius s fulfilled

"No son shall be born to you the priestest had told him. But you shall have a grandson and by his hand you shall die."When Perseus together with Danae and Andromeda went back to Argos to reconcile with King Acrisius, he was not home. Perseus went to Larissa as he heard that games were being held there. When it was his turn to throw the discus, he threw it so hard that it swerved to one side and killed an old man. That old man was King Acrisius.

20. Explain how the oracle given to king acrisius was fulfilled

At the end of the story, it was said that Perseus entered a competition in which he will throw a discus. Unfortunately, the discus was thrown towards an old man, and that old man was King Acrisius, thus causing him to die.

21. how the oracle given to king acrisius is fulfilled

At the end of the story, it was said that Perseus entered a competition about discus throwing. Unfortunately, it was accidentally thrown towards an old man, thus causing the old man to die. That old man was King Acrisius.

22. how the oracle given to king acrisius is fulfilled

Because In The End Of The Story King Acrisius Died Beacause Of His Grandson.

23. explain how the oracle given to king acrisius wad fulfilled.

The oracle given to King Acrisius will be fulfilled by his grandson, the son of his daughter Danae who is destined to kill him King Acrisius someday. Perseus is the grandson of King Acrisius and the son of Zeus that naturally makes him a very powerful and strong young man.

24. explain how the oracle given to king Acrisius is fulfilled

The oracle given to King acrisius is fulfilled when oracle Said that his own grandson will kill him.... and by that King adrift Danae Upon the sea... when perseus join in the discus throw the arrow straightly landed to King acrisius to that he died... If we base on the oracle, King Acrisius will be having a grandson Which name Perseus.
The prophecy for King Acrisius that his grandson will kill him someday..

The oracle given to king Acrisius is fullfilled,because Perseus speared him through javelling throw contest☺

I hope makatulong to sayo

25. How the oracle given to king acrisius was fulfilled

`The oracle given to King Acrisius will be fulfilled by his grandson, the son of his daughter Danae who is destined to kill him King Acrisius someday. Perseus is the grandson of King Acrisius and the son of Zeus that naturally makes him a very powerful and strong young man.-Ryan Joseph

26. explain how the oracle given to king acrisius is fulfilled.

It was fulfilled when Perseus go back to his homeland and play a game for a celebration, and when its Perseus turn to throw the discus,he threw it so that it swerved to one side.It landed along the spectators and killed an old man, and that old man was King Acrisius....

27. explain how the oracle givin to king acrisius is fulfilled.

there was a game held in larissa where perseus killed an old man named acrisius

28. expain how the oracle given to king acrisius is fulfilled

Since King Acrisius found out that the oracle has prophesied that he will eventually be killed by his grandson, he quickly put his daughter, Danae, in a locked tower. But the gods intervened when a disguised Zeus entered the tower and freed Danae, resulting to the birth of Perseus, the slayer of monsters. The oracle was fulfilled when Perseus participate in playing funeral games. He threw a stone which hit an old man, who turned out to be his grandfather, King Acrisius. This fulfills the prophecy of the oracle.....

29. explain how the oracle given to king acrisius is fulfilled

The oracle that was given to King Acrisius was fulfilled when Perseus unknowingly hit him with a discus and killed him as a result. Funeral games were being held in Larissa at the time and King Acrisius was one of the spectators while Perseus was one of the attendees of the games. Although King Acrisius did his best to avoid the oracle being fulfilled, fate was still not on his side.

The Oracle to King AcrisiusKing Acrisius sought the help of the oracle to find out whether he will have a male heir as he only had a daughter. However, the oracle that was delivered to King Acrisius stated that he will be killed by his own grandson.

Learn more about the dreadful oracle that was delivered to King Acrisius by clicking this link https://brainly.ph/question/144165

King Acrisius in Trying to Avoid the Oracle:He locked her daughter, Danae, in a high tower for her to remain unmarried and childless.When Zeus still impregnated Danae in a form of a golden shower, King Acrisius locked Danae and an infant Perseus into a wooden chest and cast it into the sea.

You can find more information about Zeus and Danae in this link brainly.ph/question/844056

If you want to know how King Acrisius showed his fear to the Gods more than his love for his daughter, please click this link https://brainly.ph/question/192976

30. how the oracle given to king acrisius was fulfilled

he was warned by an oracle that he would be killed in time by a son born to his daughter danae

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