Activity Proposal

Activity Proposal

ACTIVITY 2 PROPOSE create a sample proposal based on the given sample. include all the part of the proposal.​

Daftar Isi

1. ACTIVITY 2 PROPOSE create a sample proposal based on the given sample. include all the part of the proposal.​


當冒名頂替者是 當冒名頂替者是 sus 永遠不會放棄你永遠不會讓你失望永遠不會跑來跑去傷害你

2. ACTIVITY 2 PROPOSE create a sample proposal based on the given sample. include all the part of the proposal.​



Your always welcome


Hope its help

3. ACTIVITY 2 PROPOSE create a sample proposal based on the given sample. include all the part of the proposal.​


first you need to be gentleman or women.second you gonna bring a ring.third you gonna use the ring to sher wife.


kung brainliest

4. Propose a solution in decreasing the active cases of covid 19 or in maintaining the low


Stay at home.

Always wear mask if you have a walk.

1 meter Social distancing.

Wash always your hands.

Don't always touch your face, eyes, and nose.

Take medicine if you have a cough or if you have a symptoms of Covid 19

And the very important is always pray for the front liners, the Covid 19 positives, and I hope that this Covid 19 virus will not spread, because we all know that


5. Propose activities to promotes effect and reduce negative ​



Theory and literature suggests that the reason religiously-involved people tend to have good health outcomes is because they have healthy lifestyles and behaviors in accord with religious beliefs. Other literature suggests that religious involvement may play a negative role in health outcomes due to beliefs about illness originating as punishment for sins. These ideas were tested as part of a theoretical model of the religion-health connection, in a national sample of African Americans. Outcomes included a variety of health-related behaviors. Study participants (N=2,370) randomly selected from a US national call list completed a telephone survey assessing religious involvement, health behaviors, and demographic characteristics. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze study data. Findings indicate that perceived religious influence on health behavior mediated the relationship between religious beliefs and behaviors and higher fruit consumption, and lower alcohol use and smoking. Belief that illness is the result of punishment for sin mediated the relationship between 1) religious beliefs and higher vegetable consumption and lower binge drinking; and 2) religious behaviors and lower vegetable consumption and higher binge drinking. These findings could be applied to health education activities conducted in African American faith-based organizations such as health ministries, in the effort to eliminate health disparities.


Most studies have also found a positive association between religiosity and other factors associated with well-being such as optimism and hope (12 out of 14 studies), self-esteem (16 out of 29 studies, but only one with a negative association), sense of meaning and purpose in life (15 out of 16 studies), internal locus

6. Activity 2. Directions: This activity is a continuation of what you have done in Lesson 1 of this learning activity sheet. You are to construct a good research title for each of the quantitative research questions made. Follow the format below: Research question 1 Proposed title A Proposed title B: Proposed title C Research question 2 Proposed title A Proposed title B Proposed title C​



7. activity that cause Learning Task No. 3. Choose one environmental problem iustrate human this problem two paragraph for your proposed solution to this problem. Do this activity on a separate sheet of paper Environmental Problem: Illustration of Causes/Human Activity that cause this problem: Proposed solutions:​

Anwer: Overview

The Northeast is home to historic cities and large rural areas that serve as important natural habitats and agricultural lands. Climate varies widely across the region and tends to be coldest in the north, at high elevations, and away from the coast.  

The Northeastern climate is experiencing noticeable changes that are expected to increase in the future. Between 1895 and 2011, temperatures rose by almost 2°F and projections indicate warming of 4.5°F to 10°F by the 2080s.[1] The frequency, intensity, and length of heat waves is also expected to increase. The total amount of precipitation and the frequency of heavy precipitation events has also risen in the region.[1] Between 1958 and 2012, the Northeast saw more than a 70% increase in the amount of rainfall measured during heavy precipitation events, more than in any other region in the United States.[2] Projections indicate continuing increases in precipitation, especially in winter and spring and in northern parts of the region. However, the timing of winter and spring precipitation could lead to drought conditions in summer as warmer temperatures increase evaporation and accelerate snow melt.  

The average number of days with a max temperature of at least 90°F historically ranges from 0-10 to 20-40, depending on the location. Even in a lower emissions scenario, these numbers are projected to rise, but not as much as in a higher emission scenario

The annual number of days above 90°F is projected to increase, especially for southern portions of the Northeast region. This figure shows the average number of days with a maximum temperature of at least 90°F historically (1971-2000) and under two potential future scenarios (one with reduced greenhouse gas emissions [B1], and one with increases in emissions [A2]). Source: USGCRP (2014)[1]

Impacts on Human Health

Higher temperatures in the Northeast are likely to increase heat-related deaths and decrease air quality, especially in urban areas.[1] People at greatest risk include young children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions like asthma. Those who live alone or in low income communities are also at increased risk, particularly if individuals do not have access to air conditioning or are in poor health.[1] Increased strains on cooling infrastructure and greater energy demand could also affect access to air conditioning during heatwaves. Residents in urban areas may experience even warmer temperatures because of the heat island effect, in which metropolitan areas are significantly warmer due to dense populations and human activity. Residents in rural areas are also at high risk because of more buildings and homes without air conditioning.[1]

Studies indicate that climate change is lengthening the pollen season of common allergens such as ragweed, particularly for northern portions of the U.S.[1] Warmer and wetter conditions may increase seasonal activity and the extent of suitable habitat for ticks and mosquitoes, elevating risks of human exposure to vector-borne diseases like Lyme disease and West Nile Virus.[1] More frequent extreme precipitation events and flooding could increase the risk of injury or death, exposure to waterborne illnesses, and reduced access to clean water.[1][3]  

For more information about the impacts of climate change on human health, please visit the Health page.

Top of Page

Impacts on Precipitation and Sea Level Rise

The image shows 0 to 1 foot sea level rise from NY to Maine, with a 1 to 2 foot sea level rise in NJ, Delaware, and Maryland. It also shows a steady increase in sea level in Philadelphia, from 6 inches below mean in 1900 to 10 inches over mean in 2008.

Observed trends indicate an rise in sea level along Northeastern shorelines. (Figure source: NOAA). In Philadelphia, PA, sea level rose 1.2 feet between 1901 and 2012. Source: USGCRP (2014)[1]

8. were you interested by the proposal (active or passive)​




no explanation





9. her employees presented their proposal active voice or passive voice​


active voice


The subject (her employees) is placed after the verb (presented), which is a sign of active voice.

10. Learning Task 1. My Project Proposal in Macramé/Basketry Products Directions: Make a rationale with the use of your proposed title(s) from the previous activity. MY PROJECT PROPOSAL IN MACRAMÉIBASKETRY PRODUCTS 1. Title: II. Rationale:​


where is your proposed title(s) from the previous activity po


you cant answer without that

11. Activity 1: what is a project proposal


Look at the picture.


Hope it helps





12. Directions: This activity is a continuation of what you have done in Lesson 1 of this module. You are to construct a good research title for each of the quantitative research questions made on page 6. Follow the format below: Research question 1 Proposed title A: Proposed title B: Proposed title C Research question 2: Proposed title A: Proposed title B: Proposed title C:help please​


1 proposed title : descriptive research

2 proposed title :expermental research

3 proposed title:correlation research


C research question :

13. Activity # 3: CREATE IT Propose an innovative food product using the traditional technique, Present it through video presentation or through a paper by writing the proposal.​

Thx me later : )


Yan nayon wala ng iba Ha!

14. LEARNING TASK 4: PROPOSAL (PERFORMANCE TASK. 15 pts.Directions: Make a written proposal to a Brgy. Official conducting a fitnessexercise activity composing of at least 5 routine exercises while observing socialdistancing, the proposal should consist explaining the benefits in relation to thecurrent health issues and trends, kindly use the suggested parts to complete theproposal accurately.1. Title of the proposal2. Explain what the proposal is all about3. Reasons why this activity should be approved by the Brgy. Officials4. Suggested list of exercises to perform for this activity and explain how itwill be done with complete instructions per exercise and its health benefits​


The evidence is clear—physical activity can make you feel better, function better, and sleep better. Even one session of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity reduces anxiety, and even short bouts of physical activity are beneficial. Being physically active also fosters normal growth and development, improves overall health, can reduce the risk of various chronic diseases.

While it may be difficult to remain physically active while social distancing, it is possible and important


sorry late na ata hehe...

15. choose one environment problem. illustrate human activity that cause this problem. write two-paragraph for your proposed solutions to this problem. do this activity on a separate sheet of paper. environment problem: illustrate of causes/ human activity that cause this problem: proposed solutions:​

Human Activities That Cause Deforestation:

The direct causes of deforestation are agricultural expansion, wood extraction (e.g., logging wood harvest for domestic fuel or charcoal), and infrastructure expansion such as road buildings and urbanization.

My proposed solution:

Forests are far more important than some people realize. We need them to breathe even; to recycle carbon back into oxygen. It is such a shame that some don't appreciate them enough. The world's forest land is under threat from people cutting down trees, and this is why we need to fight against deforestation.

I suggest we start by changing our habits. For example, we can start recycling at home. All those old and unused paper can be used again to make something new, you can even make a diy paper. We can try planting a tree whenever we can, or if not, we can donate even just a little money to organizations that devoted themselves to saving these forests. Let's raise awareness, and teach our friends, family, and community about the bad effect that can happen if the forests are destroyed. Support those companies that are environmentally and forest friendly businesses that are helping to stop deforestation. Let's encourage their efforts by patronizing their products.


16. Activity 5: OUST COVID 19 Objectives: To propose a recreational activity for the community to participate To create and observe precautionary or health measures during of the activity. * Project Proposal Name of Project: Objective/s: Target Clientele: Proposed Recreational Activities: Duration of the Activity: (no. of days and no. of hours in a day) Implementing guidelines: Working Committees:​





17. Write T if the statement is true and F if false. _________1. Project proposal is argumentative in nature. _________2. Project proposal aims to address a particular problem or issue. _________3. Title page must be concise and informative. _________4. In crafting proposals, you need allot sufficient time for planning. _________5. Abstract of a project proposal must be written before the project completed. _________6. A project proposal is mainly informational. _________7. Opinion adds credibility to the proposal. _________8. Outline is useful on presenting the time frame of the proposal. _________9. Context of proposals describe the information in which the proposal is situated. _________10. Activity plan specifies the schedule of activities in the proposal. ko​


1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.F 10.F


ano pa hinihintay mo kupyahin mona

18. prepare a proposal about a tree planting activity ​


tha Answer is A


hope it's help :)

study well

19. propose activities to promote positive effects and reduce negative effects of religion​

AnswerActivities that Promote Positive Effects of ReligionSeminars about handling social issues like bullying and mental illnesses.Charity programs like feeding the poor, donation of old but useful clothes, community pantry, and other programs that reaches out those in need.Here are the Positive and Negative Effects of Religion

Positive Effects

Promotes Social HarmonyProvides Moral ValuesProvides Social ChangeGives Positive Goal in LifeExplain the UnknownGive People a Sense of Belonging

Negative Effects

Affirms Social HierarchyCauses DiscriminationTriggers Conflicts and FightsServes as an Economic Tool for  c o n t r o l l i n g  the MassesImpedes Scientific Success and DevelopmentObstruct the Use of Reason

A Book That Many Hates -


20. propose 5 activities that will strengthen your familial reponsibility and behavior ​​


preparing breakfast - help your mother preparing dishes and lead the prayer

have a birthday party of your brother - help cookin,arrange decorations and entertain visitors

Activities that will strengthen your family responsibility and behavior

1. Make time for your family.

Examine everyone's schedule to determine if any blocks of time may be set aside for family time. Choose a regular night, perhaps once a week, when the entire family gathers for a pleasant activity. Everyone will understand the importance of keeping this night free for family time if it is kept on a regular schedule.

2. Make simple vacation plans with your family.

Plan frequent day excursions with your family as another method to include family time into your calendar. If this seems like something your family would like, try to arrange your trip at least one month ahead of time. Make a note of it on the family calendar and make sure everyone is aware of it.

3. Make new routines and traditions and stick to them.

You may also utilize this time to start new family traditions, such as carving pumpkins for Halloween or selecting the first strawberries of the season. Some families like going to the same local event year after year or participating in a 5K walk or run.

4. Meals Should Be Shared

Choose a few nights during the week when everyone is expected to be at the dinner table. Phones and other electrical devices are not permitted. Simply sit down and have a meal and a discussion.

5. Do chores together as a family.

Make cleaning your house or caring for your yard a family obligation. Make a task list and have everyone sign up for it. Then, throughout the week or on the weekend, schedule a time when everyone may work on their responsibilities at the same time.

5 ways to strengthen your relationship with your family


21. sample activity proposal that corresponds to civic walfare activity​


The following activities were successfully conducted:

Table Skirting.Handicraft Making (Doormat, Basket and Flower Making using Indigenous materials)Literacy Program for Adults (Health Awareness and Medicine)Literacy Program for the Children (Basic Education)Feeding for children.

22. What I Can DoDirections: This activity is a continuation of what you have done in Lesson 1 of this moduleYou are to construct a good research title for each of the quantitative researchquestions made on page 6. Follow the format below:Research question 1:Proposed title AProposed title B:Proposed title CResearch question 2:Proposed title A:Proposed title BProposed titleri​


ito po


boom boom boom







23. 9. Her proposals - Active employees presentend their pls help​


Can't Answer This Question


Error 404

Account Owner Not Yet Fixed


The subject (her employees) is placed after the verb (presented),

24. Directions: This activity is a continuation of what you have done in Lesson 1 of this module.You are to construct a good research title for each of the quantitative researchquestions made on page 6. Follow the format below:Research question 1:Proposed title A:Proposed title B:Proposed title C:Research question 2:Proposed title A:Proposed title B:Proposed title CResearch question 3:Proposed title A:Proposed title B:Proposed title C:​






hope it helps






sana makatulong

25. Sample activity proposal format for lac session


During the LAC Session

The priorities set out in the LAC Plan are implemented through a variety of activities, which can include stimulus (e.g. lectures, practicum, orientation, coaching, workshops, development and utilization of instructional materials, etc.)



26. A written document that outlines the future activity for an existing or proposed business venture? ​


Business Plan

Hope it helps :)


27. ACTIVITY:Give possible PRIMARY SOURCES of your proposed study.Proposed Study:Possible Primary Source/s:Possible Secondary Source/s:Page​





28. Her imployes presented their proposals active or passive​


that's active


29. Why is it important to write a research proposal before undertaking research activities?

Answer: For us to be guided and step by step process

Step-by-step explanation:

30. 1. To propose a recreational activity for the community to participate.2.To create and observe precautionary or health measures during the conduct of the activity. Project Proposal Name of project: Objective/s:Target clientele: Proposed Recreational Activities: Duration of the activity: (no.of the days and no. hours in a day)Implementing guidelines:Working Committees:​


Nsa pic



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